“Mort incognito ghax ir-ragel tieghi l-prim ministru ta’ Malta.” “Ir-ragel tieghi bhalissa vera busy.”

Published: May 15, 2014 at 10:45pm

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If you are in a position to do so, please so straight to the Labour Party’s television station because by now you’ve already missed the best of it.

Michelle Muscat has talked non-stop like somebody let out of solitary confinement. She even managed to bore the pants off her hostesses on Ilsien In-Nisa. Their eyes were glazing over and they’re going, “Ehe, mmmm, okay, mhux hekk.”

Now they’ve broken the stiff atmosphere with a birthday cake, because tomorrow Mrs Muscat turns 40.

Oh dear, and she’s off again.

When I tuned in, Mrs Muscat was droning on and on and on and on about her veils, and which one she chose to wear when meeting the Pope, the one her mother made.

And then it was full on about her foundation, which Bank of Valletta helped her set up (wasn’t it meant to be the other way round), and then her visits to Mount Carmel Psychiatric Hospital for her foundation, and maaaaa, how stressful, meta ikollna meetink hemmhekk nghid l-assistenta tieghi biex il-meetink ta’ wara naghmluh go café l-Belt, ha nohorgu ftit niehdu r-ruh.

She has that neurotic way of speaking, anecdotal and self-obsessed, going into all the irrelevant details in the belief that her audience finds her fascinating, oblivious to the fact that they are going rigid with tedium. Her hands are flapping around constantly in front of her face, and I am left with the impression of a highly stressed woman who talks and talks and talks and talks at people without listening.

Ghax ha nghidlek mort ezempju ta ghax ezempju biex naghmel hekk ezempju – ghax intom tal-figure – u imbaghad din il-persuna ghidtila ha nkun straight u t-tfal dawk they are my life – il-Hadd fil-ghaxija noqghodu d-dar b’hadd ma’ saqajna – tigi l-kunjata tghin bit-tfal, ikun hemm is-segretarja tieghi bla bla bla bla

What a boring, self-obsessed woman. How totally lacking in charm and good manners.

“Ir-ragel tieghi l-prim ministru ta’ Malta” – unbelievable – “allura mort incognito” (how, when everyone knows what she looks like – was she wearing a moustache, wig and dark glasses?).

“Ir-ragel tieghi bhalissa vera busy.”

35 Comments Comment

  1. Anon says:

    Imma taf kemm qed taghmel gid Michelle ħi! U kemm qed tgħin nies madoff!

    Biss biss hi ghandha l-guts biex lin-nies li jmorru jkellmuha tghidilhom f’wicchom fuq in-nuqqasiet taghhom – haga li ftit kapaci jaghmluha – biex tara kemm hi kurragguza hi. God bless.

    • r farrugia says:

      Qalet li mar xi hadd ghandha ghal xi post ta’ xoghol u qaltilha li mhix prezentabbli ghal quddiem in-nies.

  2. manum says:

    Zero IQ

  3. Anon says:

    “ha naghlaq 40 imma ma nhossnix ta’ 40, forsi minhabba li ghad m’ghandix abjad (ghax-xaghar). Imma ghada ha mmur ghand il-hairdress ghax ghandi l-iswed qed jidher”.

    • dru says:

      Please tell me you made that up.

      [Daphne – No, Anon didn’t make that up. I was watching. And while she said that, she actually put both hands up to her hair and lifted up the strands and waggled them.]

      • ciccio says:

        That was the best moment of the show.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Mara li QATT mhu se ssir sofistikata. QATT. Hu go fik, Mrs Muscat.

        You’re forty, and no amount of money and celebrity will ever make you posh.

        Pajjiz tal-washerwomen u l-insufferable snobs.

  4. Jozef says:

    Straight out of Almodovar.

    • Paddling Duck says:

      12 points. She reminds me of Agrado in Todo Sobre Mi Madre explaining to everybody why she’s called that and what it means and why she chose it over and over again.

  5. kev says:

    I hope you all watched the “Eurovision Debate” – a Pollyanna Fest that stood for an EU ‘presidential’ debate.

    We had Schulz and Juncker, the big europhile guns from the big europhile battleships representing Left and Right – as opposed to True and Sane.

    We had old Scallywag himself, Guy Verhofstadt, representing the no-man’s land alliance, which is a gang of liberal statists and warmongering democrats acting as if they weren’t social pariahs. Incidentally, Guy is the man Nigel Farage once called “the rudest, vilest man in European politics” : http://youtu.be/DgZ8NiqK1p4?t=3m33s (timed)

    What a distinguished charade, really. They talked about everything but the politics of truth.

    Not Tsipras, the far-left (mild) eurosceptic. No, with him it was all Greek, literally.

    And last, but least nonetheless, we had Miss Ska, a very, very Green politician, literally.

    They also had a number of ‘jokers’ which they could use for 30 second interventions. At one point Scallywag joked that “it will be the citizens that will use their joker.”

    Yes, he did mean ‘will vote for the joker’.

    Concheatah was nowhere to be seen. Or perhaps he shaved his head and visited a tuxedo rental. That would be rich. And shocking.


  6. anthony says:

    Sinjura, kieku forsi zzieghel aktar bir-ragel il-prim ministru ta’ Malta, kieku forsi jahasra tiddedika aktar hin ghalih ikun ahjar ghal Malta.

    Ghax bhalissa vera busy hafna: “fucking Malta”.

    Jekk forsi tigbru aktar mieghek u f’dan il-kas tiehu post Malta, ghal-gid nazzjonali, jkun ahjar ghal kulhadd.

    U f’gieh Alla, is-segretarja u l-kunjata ghidilhom joqoghdu d-dar inkella bihom fin-nofs zgur ser jibqa jisfoga f’art twelidu.

  7. ciccio says:

    I watched parts of the interview, because I was also watching parts of Net’s political program where Zaren il-King (Jason must be furious) was giving a lesson in European politics to Imperium Europa’s Letty Baldacchino and to Eurosceptic Anthony Calleja.

    Your description is spot on. Exactly what I thought. The obsession with details. The neurotic speech. The uncoordinated flapping of the hands. The way she ignored any attempt by the other ladies to turn her monologue into a discussion.

    At one point she made reference to “kocc nies.” How very elegant.

    And tomorrow she is having lunch with “him” at a secret place.

    “He” must be really looking forward to that.

  8. U Le! says:

    Incognito? Is that why she waved to people from her car when leaving the canonization ceremony?

  9. Nokkla says:

    Oh dear! Mrs. Muscat on Ilsien in-Nisa again? Have they run out of guests or ideas?

    She must have invited herself onto the show to ‘bring out the vote’.

    Imma otherwise hi kif ha nkunu nafu what she’s been up to while going incognito to mental homes. Veru qed taghmel gid miskina b’dak il-velu li ghanda.

  10. Joe Fenech says:

    She reminds me of many Maltese women 50 years ago – neurotic, bored stiff and nothing else to do other than gossiping, talking rubbish, and picking the occasional fight.

  11. Wot the Hack says:

    I could feel the “energija pozittiva” radiating from the TV screen as she spoke. It felt like blades slashing my eyes.

  12. canon says:

    It would be very interesting to know whether Mrs Muscat ever caught her husband lying like he did to us this week during a tv debate.

  13. edgar says:

    I watched 2 minutes and had to switch off. And there you were watching her on our behalf killing yourself with laughter (or were you crying) just to make it your duty to report to us. We owe you so much for your perserverance

  14. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Thank God I missed it. It could have cost me a new TV.

  15. ben says:

    Bla bla bla how tedious – she talked and talked with the other four just staring and nodding like fools.

    She only stopped for a second because she talked so much li xerqet and she needed a drink like a speaker at a conference.

  16. Ivan says:

    She went incognito? Did she happen to wear a Conchita Wurst beard so that no one would recognise her?

  17. gigi says:

    L-aqwa li marret taghmel zjara lill-players tt-tim Malti tal-under 17 u TVM irraporta fl-ahbarijiet li l-players hadu sorpriza kbira meta raw lill-mara tal-PM. Mur giba xi Dessie Mitcheson.

  18. C.Portelli says:

    Now compare and contrast with Mrs Lawrence Gonzi.

  19. Joanna B. says:

    LOL you made my day!

  20. Paddling Duck says:

    I didn’t watch it, but I hope at least she didn’t say “U ruhi!” like that time she was discussing her sex life on that same show.

  21. Andrew says:

    Can anyone post a link to the show?

  22. Marie M says:

    Sewwa nghid jien….vera jrid ikollok IQ baxx biex tivvota lil tal-Labour.

    • Red Socialist says:

      Marie M, mela kemm irid ikollok IQ baxx, biex tivvota lil PN! Dan huwa insult lil dawk kollha laburisti genwini! X’tahseb li int? Fuq kollox, nispera li int mhux xi wahda li ghandek IQ baxx u tisthi tghid!

  23. Enough is Enough says:

    When John Cassar White was appointed Chairman of Bank of Valletta, he was instructed to set up a Foundation so that Mrs Muscat can be its chairperson. This undoubtedly stemmed from the fact that Mrs Gonzi at the time was chairperson of the HSBC Foundation – a role she has embraced for what it truly represents and not for self-gain or propaganda.

    The founder of the Marigold Foundation is Bank of Valletta and not Mrs Muscat – legally speaking, the foundation is owned by the founders and not the chairperson. However the latter owes duties to the founders.

    The role of the chairperson together with that of the board of administrators, is just an administrative role, and not a starring role. The persons occupying that role (who can be changed anytime in terms of the deed of foundation or in terms of law), have no ownership rights.

    It is indeed offensive that whenever the Marigold Foundation is mentioned, Bank of Valletta does not feature anywhere. However Mr Cassar White seems to be in agreement with this given that he did not even ensure that the bank’s name features prominently in the registered name of the foundation and has permitted Mrs Muscat to treat it as if it was her personal thing: “My foundation this and my foundation that…”.

    The Marigold Foundation was launched at Bank of Valletta’s House of the Four Winds, but no bank representatives were present, no directors, no CEO, and no staff members – only a crowd of people who they might have picked up from the Labour headquarters the night before (I recognised a few faces), the board of administrators, the Chairman and his PA.

  24. Mrs M says:

    These photos depict a thousand words. I haven’t watched the programme but she looks like she thought she rocked it.

    Mrs Muscat should surround herself with people who can give her advice on how she should speak and behave in public.

  25. katrin G says:

    I only watched it for 10 minutes and had to change channel, because I couldn’t stand all the flapping of hands.

  26. vittorio says:

    Mara ordinarja. L-ilbies qatt ma ghamlu nies.

  27. Ġames says:

    Daphne, can you kindly set up a system whereby we can subscribe to sms alerts from you so that we get to know of these ‘eventful’ happenings and we won’t miss them. I was already drowning in my misery yesterday without anythink wert it to watch – you would have helped me out of the misery – and thrown me into something more miserable but miserably entertaining.

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