Mr and Mrs Kohl Rabi go to vote in style

Published: May 26, 2014 at 1:12am

Luciano Busuttil

This is what Luciano Busuttil posted on Facebook earlier today. Never mind that he thinks this is stylish (that’s his wife). Imagine being in his position and posting a message and picture like that – even if she really were stylish, let alone when she is hopelessly not.

Into such hands have the cult converts committed Malta.

There are so many things wrong with this, I don’t know where to begin. But it serves as a reminder that people vote for people they identify with. Hence Labour’s success.

Pajjiz tal-hamalli li jaghmlu ghal flus. Who are they most likely to identify with – Luciano and Dorothy Busuttil and Joseph and Michelle Muscat, or Simon Busuttil, Mario and Sharon (invisible) Demarco and Beppe and Ann (invisible) Fenech Adami?

54 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    How much does he pay her?

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    And what’s this Maltese obsession with highly-sexed/tarty photos?

    • sors immanis et inanis says:

      I find nothing sexy or even tarty in this photo, or is my testosterone level so diminished that I fail to respond to what passes for female charm on this minuscule rock? The older I get, the choosier I become.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Democracy has never looked so gd, hun.

  4. Fran says:

    You are 100% correct in your comments.

  5. pirellu says:

    Qisa qahba mill-mandragg tal-Hamrun…u qisa kelma zejda.

  6. milton says:

    Handcuffs and whip pls!!

  7. The Phoenix says:

    Every dog has its day, and for these dogs well, it’s their day. Don’t worry, in around 30 years, the electorate will come to its senses.

  8. Ghalhekk mohhu dejjem ghal-frisk.

  9. I'm Impressed says:

    It’s cool to be dumb. That’s why it’s cool to be Lejber! And that’s why the PN will stay in opposition for quite some time, unfortunately! Hija semplici kwistjoni ta’ meta c-cwiec u l-imbecilli jiehdu over!

  10. Mandy says:

    Spot on, Daph! U l-aqwa l-gel nails, kolla mpingutin kuluri differenti.

  11. Mark Mallia says:

    Shame on you for posting such articles; just who do you think you are??!!

    Ridiculous…no wonder PN lost again.

    [Daphne – The Nationalist Party ‘lost again’, Mr Mallia, because people who can’t think outnumber those who can in every society on earth, the difference being that in Malta they are very interested in voting and motivated to vote. The number of registered electors has, since the first EP election in Malta in 2004, grown by around 40,000. These are not all citizens of other EU member states who qualify to vote in these elections. In which demographic segments is the number of births the highest? What do you think accounts for the disproportionately heavy presence of all those working-class and under-class teenagers and people in their early 20s at Labour meetings? Meanwhile, not only do brighter people from other social backgrounds have fewer children, but those children are also more likely to move away from Malta for much better prospects elsewhere.]

    • Neo says:

      In short, Daphne, it’s a lost cause.

    • Pontius says:

      Mark Mallia,

      The simple reason why PN lost again, after 25 years of repeated successes and victories, is because of idiots like you in the first place.

      Democracy on someone like you is wasted, because you are probably one of those who are led by their noses by Joseph and Co.

      You are a bunch of programmed robots, who dare not think, but let big brother do the thinking for them.

      I come from a very middle class background, but I wouldn’t reduce my wife to such tackiness, as to post her on Facebook, looking like a tart.

      You know the difference between us PN followers and you PL morons? Our intelligence is appreciated and encouraged, whereas your lot are reduced to a flock of sheep, who are not allowed to think or decide.

      And by the way, my wife was better dressed than Luciano Busuttil’s when we went to cast our vote, because I can guarantee she is classier by a hundred miles. I wouldn’t touch someone like Mrs Busuttil with a barge pole.

    • silvio says:

      So according to your reasoning, when the P.N. won the elections 1996 etc. that meant that there were more Nats who “Can’t think .


      [Daphne – The Nationalist Party lost the 1996 general election, Mr Loporto. The Malta Labour Party under Sant won that. And yes, he won it not just because of ‘this is your last chance to remove VAT’, but mainly with the switcher vote. Fascinatingly, some of them were the exact same individuals who switched back to Labour again last year. These are just the ones I know about because they made a point of telling me. I imagine they reflect a much larger sample.

      And incidentally, if you read me closely, you will observe that I never use the word ‘Nationalists’ except when referring to politicians of that party. This is because I have an instinctive understanding of the fact that there is no such thing: the Nationalist vote has over the years evolved away from the sort of tribalism that still affects Labour and into one of conviction about policies, personalities and attitudes, and that is exactly why it has become so fluid. This is very different to your mindset, which remains resolutely tribal and completely unconcerned with policy issues, and is the reason why you felt so comfortable shifting your vote to Labour. I could never do that, because my political opinions – about all three political parties – grew over time out of thought, (intelligent) observation and conviction and are as far removed from the ‘football club supporter’ mentality as it is possible to get.]

      • Jozef says:

        X’int pinnur, Loporto.

        Kont ergajt lura fuq il-passaporti u issa rega’ bdielek. Ma’ min jirbah, insomma.

        Ara vera vincere u vinceremo.

    • Steve says:

      Daphne, you could not have said it better,

      Shortsighted people are only interested in freebies, and are not interested in working hard to achieve something. They just want a government that dishes out freebies and they do not care about doing something themselves to further enhance their station in life.

    • La Redoute says:


      The point about that photograph is not Mrs Luciano Busuttil’s choice of attire itself, but her husband’s decision to publish the picture.

      I don’t know about you, but I prefer to feel that grown ups are running the country, rather than besotted teenagers with atrophied minds and extremely bad taste.

  12. Sister Ray says:

    Streetwalker chic.

  13. bernie says:

    He almost wept saying his children are suffering from the cancer factory outside his doorstep. Would have expected her to be wearing also at least a protective mask.

  14. Bella Patria says:

    Mrs Busuttil Is an attractive woman yet for some of us she does not enhance this fact.

    She is very happy with this look which to a minority of us it is an insult.

    May we please promote the style of the PN Ladies? We have “imbarazzo della scelta” and not “la scelta del imbarazzo”

    Please remember “Signor si nasce e’ non si diventa” and “L’abito non fa il monaco”.

  15. Malta Hafna Ahjar says:

    Oh dear you are a genius. You solved the problem of our party. Maybe it should be the wives who are visible and the husband who should hide in shame for this massive defeat!! Goog day in HELL!!

  16. Gorg Callus says:

    Mario and Sharon (invisible) Demarco, Beppe and Ann (invisible) Fenech Adami.
    Simon and wife ( what happened here?) wife – intelligent. Who the hell is going to stay with this person. Mr No all the time.
    Keep them coming Daphne. You are doing a great job. With this rate we’ll surpass 50,000 coming next election. Pajjiz tal-hamalli u l-ghorrief jikrepaw. What a beauty.

    • La Redoute says:

      Isn’t it interesting how halfwits believe that numbers and applause alone prove they’re right?

      When the Bundestag was bombed, Hitler’s supporters applauded and all opposition was silenced. In what way was Hitler right?

    • Pawlu says:

      Gorg issa d-daqqa taghkom imma ma tantx iddumu ghax il poplu fil futur jinduna minn verament intom – hammalli, arroganti, giddiebin, faccolli, disumani u injoranti. Ser iggibu l-pajjiz daru mal-hajt mimli b’korruzzjoni.

      Gawdu sa kemm ghad ikollkom ic-cans.

      Ahna ser noqghodu gallarija narawkom tfarrku dan il pajjiz tant sabih.

    • Rumplestiltskin says:

      Being a ‘hamallu’ might not be one’s fault – he could have been brought up that way. He could even be pitied. But knowing it and flaunting it is another thing altogether.

    • J. Borg says:

      50,000 at the next general election? Not likely. Labour lost over 30,000 voters in this election (as did the PN mind, but for different reasons) and the gap has narrowed by 4000. And this even though Labour put far more effort and resources into mobilising their supporters.

    • michael seychell says:

      Waiting for your bun, George, or you have received one already?

  17. Gee Dee says:

    Which husband with an ounce of dignity would post something like this on FB regarding his wife.

    Not talking about intelligence or responsibility to his profession or to the goernment posts he has been appointed to or even to his seat in parliament, because obviously he does not possess such noble attributes. A real kohlrabi as you aptly describe him.

  18. Gee Dee says:

    @ Gorg Callus ifrah bahnan ghax thossok komdu mal-hamalli.

  19. PWG says:

    The ruling class. The trend-setters. No longer hip to pretend you are a Nationalist in an attempt to climb the social ladder and rub shoulders with the Gasans etc. It is now cool to be Labour.

  20. A Montebello says:

    “Sexy lady nice”. I would be horrified (and offended) if someone fawned over my wife in that way.

  21. keith says:

    Prosit. Well said.

  22. Murakami says:

    On the 17th May, Gymstars Tarxien organised a show by the 3-5 years old who practice gymnastics.

    Dr. and Mrs Busuttil were there because they have children who attend this club and Dr. Busuttil was invited as Chairperson of the Kunsill Malti Ghall-Isports.

    Mrs. Busuttil was wearing that same dress. All the other parents were very casual. The Busuttil family sat by one of the tables where food was displayed and literally did not stop eating.

  23. Katrin says:

    It’s Kohlrabi, unless you refer to something else, in which case I don’t get it…

    [Daphne – Mr and Mrs Kohl Rabi. As in Mr and Mrs Luciano Busuttil. I wish I didn’t have to explain certain things…Obviously I know it’s kohlrabi; I edit a food magazine in real life.]

  24. Kevin says:

    Does the man have any respect for his wife? Or is she solely an object of (his) desire to parade for all to see?

    Is the man only proud of Mrs Busuttil’s body? Sadly, Mrs Busuttil is probably flattered that her husband defines her only in meat market terms.

  25. Nokkla says:

    Maaaa x’ hamallagni. Possibbli Luciano Busuttil m’ghandu xejn iktar x’ jaghmel? And PLEASE, “in style”? In pure hamalla style, more like it.

  26. Xejn sew says:

    Going to vote in style. Hooker style, that is.

  27. Jeanette Mif says:

    Most of the times, I agree with you. I love how unceremonious and blunt you are.

    Yes, that is one silly photo, stupid outfit, horrible shoes etc… I truly hate them peeps seeking approval on a daily basis.

    What i cannot understand is why you generalise so much. I mean, honestly, do you think that there are no PN hamalli? Or that people vote those who they identify with?

    [Daphne – Of course there are PN hamalli, but they tend in the main not to be married to members of parliament or be members of parliament themselves. The day you find a PN politician decorating his Facebook page with pictures of his wife wearing a streetwalker’s outfit and posing like a cheap slag going off to vote, let me know. And yes, most definitely people vote for those with whom they identify. That’s the secret of all political marketing.]

  28. Marc Vassallo says:

    Hi Daphne.

    I commented here because your blog lacks a way to contact you personally. I would like to bring up something through email or some other method.

    Could you provide a way for me to contact you either by message or email.

    [Daphne – My blog does not lack a way to contact me personally. On the contrary, any comment anyone posts here is direct personal contact with me, as I am the only one who sees them for moderation before upload. All anyone has to do if they wish to send me a personal message that they don’t wish to have published is to write at the start ‘Not for publication’.

    However, if you still prefer to email, it’s [email protected]]

  29. The Three Monkeys says:

    Do you think Mark Mallia understood what you wrote? What a waste of time on these kind of people.

  30. gaetano pace says:

    Oh dear. Thanks for pointing out who the Mrs is. I honestly thought it was Lilly the Pink who invented the medicinal compound.

  31. Nauseabundo says:

    Dieci piani di morbidezza

  32. A Montebello says:

    It’s time for Joseph Muscat to use his mandate to change the country’s name to Hammalata.

  33. Bora Bora says:

    You summed it up very nicely, Daphne. It’s all so wrong that, as you say, you don’t know where to begin.

    It has become so tiring really. I admire your resilience.

    A French friend who has travelled the world recently told me that nowhere has he ever seen such a high concentration of badly-dressed people. As you say, they vote for people they identify with, and the sad thing is that people here pick up and copy the most vulgar/unclassy trend of whatever is called fashionable.

  34. TinaB says:

    Il-ahwa how stylish! Il-mara ta’ membru parlamentari tmur tivvota biz-zokra tidher.

    Luciano Busuttil il-vera jifhem fl-istil.

  35. Ahaaaa says:

    Luciano, nista nara xi ritratt tieghek u tal-mara fliemkien libsin malja ta l-ghawm please?

  36. Timon of Athens says:

    L-aqwa l-handbag u z-zarbun jimmacjaw – very stylish indeed. I wouldn’t be seen dead wearing a dress like that, and I’m a size 8.

    Incidentally Daphne, I adore your earrings; they’re beautiful. You’re lucky to have a son with such good taste.

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