Not a single EU flag during the celebrations outside Labour HQ today

Published: May 26, 2014 at 1:10am

And somebody who’s badly off-message even brought out a very prominent old Torca flag.

Do they even know what this election was all about? That’s right, Muscat told them it’s a competition between him and Simon Busuttil.

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24 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    What EU? What Brussels? Most Labour supporters wouldn’t be able to locate Belgium on a map not even if it grabbed them by the balls and hollered ‘I AM BELGIUM’. Such is their insularity and crassness.

    • Jeff says:

      Lool tkellem in navigator! Dan huwn msg lil poplu ghandu fiducja fil hidma ta moviment. You keep discriminating between labour and pn supports while pl keeps on getting votes….. smell the coffee navigator ;)

  2. Pippa says:

    We’ve come to the point where one can truly say that Malta must be the only member country in the EU to have a lot of ignoramuses with a degree. In Italian it would be “ignoranti patentati”.

  3. Edward borg says:

    Daph, jekk tara sewwa filmati fuq tv kien hemm. Lejn il hajt fin nofs:)

  4. R Camilleri says:

    To be fair I saw 2 EU flags while watching the event on TV!

  5. Mandy says:

    There were several ‘torca’ flags in the carcades, and – so used to them was I during the Golden Years – I did not even notice them until one of my children pointed them out.

    What did stick out, however, were the complete absence of EU flags, and, worse still, ‘Partnership, l-Ahjar Ghazla’ being played full blast.

  6. Calculator says:

    I was in Valletta in the early afternoon and actually saw a couple of families passing by to get to their cars to go to the meeting, flags and all (one even had the ‘torċa’ flag; could be the same one). They never once mentioned Europe in their loud, ħamallu-style discussion; all they did was boast that “Fejn qal li sejjer Busuttil?! Ġol-ħajt!”

    Pretty much summed up the feelings and perspectives of most Labour voters, I think.

  7. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Why do these pictures remind me of Orwell’s Animal Farm?

  8. Mark Mallia says:

    Neither would PN supporters my love. Ignorance is bliss. XXX Labour :)

    • Mics says:

      That’s not true! My EU flag is neatly folded in my chest of drawers…itching for the opportunity to take it out, would you like to borrow it?

  9. C C says:

    There was just one and I wondered if they had bought it from PN headquarters after all.

  10. Gorg Callus says:

    You show off with the flag of your favourite party when there is a contest in an election. Jekk ma tkunx kburi bil-partit tieghek u pajjizek ixxejjer il-bandiera ta’ haddiehor. Jekk tkun thobb tghid biss yes sir lil barrani allura xxejjer il-bandiera tieghu. Dan huwa l-ideal tal-partit fallut u tellief tal-PN.

    • Calculator says:

      Aħna parti mill-UE, allura l-bandiera tal-UE hija tagħna wkoll. L-elezzjoni kienet għall-Parlament Ewropew (tal-UE), li għandu rwol fil-liġijiet u proċessi li jaffetwaw lil Maltin u lill-Ewropej kollha. L-istituzzjonijiet kollha tal-UE fihom il-Maltin jaħdmu fihom ukoll, bħal mal-bqija tal-Ewropa għandha ċittadini jaħdmu fihom.

      Issa jekk lanqas taf tapprezza dawn il-fatti bażiċi u tibqa’ taħseb f’Malta kontra il-‘barrani’, jiddispjaċini ninfurmak li l-ideat tiegħek falluti. La għandek idea kif taħdem id-dinja u lanqas x’inhuma l-aħjar metodi biex Malta tipparteċipa sew fiha.

  11. Mario Tabone says:

    Daphne, the old ‘torca’ flag was and will remain the emblem of PL. The ‘torca’ has burned Simone’s bump and he has already started to run as promised. Viva l-labour, down with EU

  12. manum says:

    Dear Daphne, I admire you and look upon you as the only real blogger and reporter who has the brains and knows how to do this very delicate work. You are the only one who gives the real picture about this very sick country.

    I bestow upon you a responsibility which is very serious. You have been given a rare gift and talent, which in my opinion you are failing to exploit.

    You possess an incredible command of the English language. It is true that the way you use it is incomparable and has the power to hit where it really hurts, but you are failing miserably to reach the ones that need to be reached. You are not healing the sick. You are only reaching the healthy ones.

    You are using a language they do not understand. Very few understand you – those who really understand you don’t need to; they don’t need to be directed to move in the right direction, they are already there.

    I remind you of a great person I admire, Martin Luther – I do not need to teach to you, but he used plain German to reach the lowest of the low in the late 15th century, and he managed to change his world. He won a harder battle than this silly election.

    If you manage to use your excellent wit you are the only person to topple Joseph Muscat from his high horse with the same language he uses. You are seen as a snob for using perfect English. Yet I notice you are by no means illiterate in Maltese. You probably command it better than most of us. USE IT!

    Change your tactics and go for it. You have one of the finest brains in this country. Your message in English is not arriving where it should. Great people communicated with the small and the humble with simple language. Christ affected the crowds with simple language, Gandi did as well. Avoid high and mighty English, it will only distance you away from those who need to listen to you most.

    I thank you for the valuable information you supply. I admit our days would be so meaningless without your blog. The Nationalist Party owes a lot to you and most of all Malta, which is crying out loud for your work. Please avoid certain calling of names, it only diminishes reputation. Let them do the stooping. Never in the history of politics was a lady like you in Malta, who knew what to say.

    Thank you.

    [Daphne – I am afraid that you are confused as to my role and purpose. I am neither a politician nor a religious reader. I do not write or spread messages, and I am not here to convert people. On the contrary, I write for people like myself, and the secret of my success is precisely that I use their language, even if not their vocabulary. This country is full of people who write for hamalli, for the sort of people who never read anything anyway, or for some idea they have in their head of people who don’t actually exist. The gap in the market was for something else entirely. Twenty-four years ago, I realised that there was nothing in the Maltese newspapers that I wanted to read. So I wrote it. It’s as simple as that.]

  13. Joe Borg says:

    Lanqas wahda tan-Nazzjonalisti ma rajt!!!!

  14. sarah says:

    How sad.

  15. mister says:


  16. Kae says:

    Have you seen the front page of the times or not??

    [Daphne – Yes, one EU flag lost in a sea of Labour flags, side by side with an old MLP emblem. They call this the exception that proves the rule, or rather, the swallow that did not make a summer.]

  17. Floater says:

    Technically speaking, the Socialists lost, overall. So they were only celebrating ‘locally’.

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