The chairman of the Malta Tourism Authority urges people to go out and vote Labour in a Facebook post this morning

Published: May 25, 2014 at 12:16am

And there I was once, thinking that Gavin Gulia is the more reasonable and correct face of Labour. It is not just that he never be doing or saying anything like this in his position as chairman of the Malta Tourism Authority. It is also the sickening client-politics he espouses and promotes, telling his readers ‘If others have got what they wanted before you have, this means that you too will get what you want – do don’t bite the hand that feeds you. Vote Labour.’

gavin gulia

30 Comments Comment

  1. edgar says:

    Hanzir taqtalu dembu hanzir jibqa

  2. Rover says:

    Disgraceful. There is not a single decent person among them.

  3. Edward says:

    Don’t bite the hand that feeds you? Well, that sums up Labour’s idea of politics perfectly.

  4. janni says:

    Il-pirati ghandom code of ethics ahjar minn tal-Labour.

  5. Spock says:

    This must be the first time that a PL politician has publicly admitted that his party is actually promoting client politics – and he does so proudly and brazenly.

    In one short FB post he has verified and justified all the PN arguments during this past year regarding the unbelievable greed and avarice of the PL who fell on Malta like a pack of hungry wolves, not quite believing their luck in such a massive electoral victory.

  6. Another John says:

    ‘Tigdimx l-id li trid tiekol minna’. Ma titwemminx. Pozittivizmu fl-aqwa tieghu.

  7. Gee Dee says:

    All of the same hue. Dishonest, greedy, very capable of spending other people’s money.

  8. observer says:

    Does the Electoral Law contemplate prosecution in instances like this?

    [Daphne – That’s hardly the point, is it. It’s not that this was posted on the eve of polling day, but that this is the MTA chairman saying what he said.]

  9. M. Cassar says:

    “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” How utterly disgusting and shameless.

  10. chully1 says:

    Is this the new way to govern, by subtle threats of missing your turn for an iced bun if you do not toe the line?

  11. watchful eye says:

    Sur Gavin Gulia, taf tisthi?

    Int trid izzomm id-dixxiplina fuq ta’ tahtek.


  12. catharsis says:

    How much lower can he stoop?

  13. winston psaila says:

    Socialist ideology seems to still be entrenched in the feudal system when the lord and master could lay claim to any virgin’s maidenhead in his fiefdom.

    Well Gavin Gulia, the world has moved on. The hand that feeds us, including you and your ilk, is the one that carries the vote.

    It is that hand which makes it possible to glean massive weekly salaries instead of harvesting rice in the paddy fields of China; were it not for that hand, one would most likely still be drawing water from the public fountains at St James’ Square.

    I am totally befuddled, bewildered and gobsmacked that people, irrespective of how brain-cell challenged they are, do not even seem to be slightly insulted by being told that our existence depends entirely on their benevolence.

  14. Plutarch says:

    The magic word is “tinqeda”, which so evidently and unashamedly sums up the Labour mindset.

    For the typical PL voter it is, and has long been, what politics is all about. And if you are not PL, tista’ tmur “tinhexa” as far as they are concerned.

  15. canon says:

    We are not seeing any justice being done under Labour government. On the contrary the government is creating more injustices. A time will have to come when people will wake up and say enough is enough.

  16. watchful eye says:

    Dan jista jiksru is-silenzju. Fejn hi il-gustizzja?

    X’dekor ta’ chairman fik.

    Il-veru li f’dan il-pajjiz sirna ‘xejn mhu xejn’.

    Li kontu ghadkhom u tibqaw.

  17. Betty says:

    Who do you think you are, you arrogant idiot. You are a public SERVANT and not giving alms, you fool.

    I spit on those hands that decide who to “feed”. The Malta Tourism Authority is not yours and nor are the government and its institutions, and you are a disgrace with your mentality.

  18. anthony says:

    This is the MLP for you in three short sentences.


    Enough to put you in a permanent cringe.

  19. La Redoute says:

    Isn’t it impressive? Their one policy is to feed at Labour’s trough and they don’t even bother to hide it anymore.

    What was it Ramona Frendo said? Ah, yes. Meritokrazija zero.

    • curious says:

      Din ohra ma tafx tisthi. She was on TVM this morning. She was talking unashamedly about the switchers, the hardcore and those who voted without expecting anything.

      I immediately switched channels. To be honest, there was also ex-Minister Michael Falzon as well and I really cannot stand him.

  20. pablo says:

    Baciamo le mani……where’s my handout?

  21. says:

    Make no mistake – Gavin Gulia is typical Labour trash and no different to any of them. Face it, if he were, then he wouldn’t have stuck it out as part and parcel of the Labour Party.

    He is rude, arrogant and not bright. And he performed dismally in the last general election.

  22. Rumplestiltskin says:

    What a disgraceful lot. Just not fit for purpose irrespective of all the votes that PL get. Says a lot about the average Maltese voter.

  23. michael seychell says:

    I am not surprised at all with Kevin’s comment on Facebook, since the morality of this political party has been thrown to the cesspits by their own Leader and Prime Minister.

    Muscat not only believes that Cyrus Engerer did nothing really wrong, not only did he hug him publicly, but he also stated that he has the same values as his new Suldat ta’ l-Azzar.

    What surprises me is the fact that the Chamber of Advocates did not issue a statement when Joe Muscat criticised an Appeals Court judgement when he imputed collusion with the Nationalist Party.

    It is becoming apparent that we are going back to Mintoff’s time when most of the people, NGOs, and everyone else, had decided to remain silent lest they offend the Great Politician.

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