The prime minister goes to ‘open day’ at San Anton School this morning with six bodyguards

Published: May 9, 2014 at 1:52pm

PM bodyguards 1

PM bodyguards 2

PM bodyguards 3

PM bodyguards 4

PM bodyguards 5

The prime minister visited San Anton School, where his daughters are pupils, this morning for the annual ‘open day’, in which the classrooms of the younger children are en fete with projects which they display to visiting parents.

He was accompanied by six bodyguards. Two of them went into the school with him, while the other four waited outside in a group, where two visiting parents photographed them and sent in the pictures shown here.

Another parent emailed to say that Mrs Muscat did not accompany the prime minister. He was, instead, with his best friend the tourism minister, Edward Zammit Lewis (who can be seen in one of the pictures, talking to the bodyguards). Mrs Zammit Lewis was not there either.

The tourism minister’s daughter is at school with the prime minister’s daughters.

30 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    If only he could add another three and bring them up to 9, than he could justify one more unemployed person. Getting there, getting there…

  2. etil says:

    Why does the PM have to take six bodyguards to school visits? Very odd indeed.

    Soon he will be taking a ‘thermos’ with tea/coffee made by Michelle in case someone thinks of poisoning him. His mentor Mintoff used to carry around a ‘thermos’ with lemonade or gulepp – never trusted any one.

  3. C. Calleja says:

    E io pago!

  4. H. Prynne says:

    Six bodyguards and four traffic police in tow to come to a funeral at Zejtun this afternoon too.

  5. Caroline says:

    What kind of mother parades her children in front of cameras, public events, visits to the Pope to get the “oohh xi hlew” reaction but then couldn’t be arsed to attend their school’s open day?

  6. In-Nemusa says:

    Isn’t it plain obvious that he needs as many “body guards” as he can get not to protect himself from bodily injury but to protect himself in case he gets cornered by the media with some very difficult questions to wriggle out from.

    In fact, time and time again, you notice that when the PM does actually stop to take questions and when one of his thugs thinks the PM has had enough grilling, the thug just barges through the press to help the PM walk out of the room

  7. denpi says:

    So this means that anyone can just go in the school? I would have thought that only parents should go in as I for one would not mind my children to be observed at school by other parents but certainly not by people not invited for the event.

  8. Montalbano says:

    Nhar l-Erbgha filghodu l-Prim Ministru kien qed jaghmel workout fil-gym tal-Melita. Mieghu kellu 7 bodyguards.

  9. Parent says:

    I send my children to that school. I do not appreciate having armed personnel hanging around the school premises.

    Totally uncalled for, I think the school should have a policy of arms on school premises.

  10. Spock says:

    Do you think Muscat feels the nation’s rising hostility against him , and feels the need for bodyguards ?

  11. Ivan says:

    I guess after the Europe Day video, he’s afraid to face children alone.

  12. fm says:

    Not a very good advert for San Anton School.

  13. intrigued says:

    Maybe being escorted by so many bodyguards makes him feel important

    • Gaetano Pace says:

      He finds his comfort in the company of his kind whilst Michelle is having a well deserved break.

  14. TinaB says:

    Oh, leave Jo alone miskin! He’s having fun imagining that he’s Barak Obama.

  15. J Agius says:

    Mrs. Muscat left Malta this morning for a private trip.

    She was seen at the airport this morning. Apparently she made a scene becuase airport security found liquids in her hand luggage and asked her to either put them in transparent bags or throw them away.

    • Timon of Athens says:

      So much for a dedicated mother.

      • Min Jaf says:

        The whole thing is all about her, not about Joseph. Joseph is Michelle’s foot-stool. Michelle is calling all the shots and is running the government by proxy.

  16. CC says:

    Opposition leader Eddie Fenech Adami used to queue with other parents on parents’ day at his children’s schools.

  17. Wilson says:

    Headlines for today:’ Putin visits Crimea, four boys on his back; Muscat visits local school, six guys covering front garden.’

  18. White coat says:

    Knowing how irked and angry many lejber grassroots are for having been side-lined from the promised jobs and promotions, I’d dare to guess the reason for the multiple bodyguards. It’s to protect him from his own.

    The first case of a lejber voter attacking a lejber Parliamentary secretary occurred just a few weeks after the elections when one man who was promised, by this same parly sec, that he would be given back his government job after having been fired for very serious reasons under the PN’s watch, but the promise was broken. That man could not be re employed due to the very serious reason he was sacked for.

    The violent case was settled out of court.

    The parly sec was the one who has gone into hiding ever since the onset of the Spring Hunting bird massacre, aka the Parliamentary Secretary for the protection of Animals (birds not included)

  19. Joseph Caruana says:

    “The boys in the Bortex suits.”

  20. White coat says:

    Australian suffered one liar as their Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, who had promised not to introduce one tax, carbon tax, then, when elected reneged on that promise to accommodate an independent MP and thus be able to get a majority of one in parliament.

    Joseph lied more than Julia Gillard. He is afraid of being confronted by the people for his lies, lots of them. He is afraid of this happening to him:

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