UPDATE: ‘Gvern tat-tonn taz-zejt’

Published: May 9, 2014 at 10:04am

tinned tuna

The billboards which the government used to promote its Brian May concert and other matters are now emblazoned with tins of tuna. And no, they are not amusing Nationalist Party billboards, but an actual advertisement for the brand.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Manuel says:

    It seems that Labour gets into blunders all over the EU. This article from The Telegraph is interesting


    • albona says:

      Sorry, but as a Labour man myself please do not confuse the Malta Labour Party with Labour parties around the world. Although, I must admit that the UK Labour Party has diverged very far from Labourite ideology.

      The PL is about as far from being a Labour party as I can possibly imagine. In Malta the PN is the Labour party in fact. Just what the PL is, is anyone’s guess.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    ‘Elite’…that’s so hilarious.

  3. Calculator says:

    The satire practically writes itself.

  4. Norman Vella says:

    Gvern tal-ELITE, bil-Malti “tal-QALBA”.

    • Ivan says:

      Look Joseph! There’s also Low Fat Tuna! You should start eating that and feed your Faberge Minister along with you.

  5. TROY says:

    Rohos it-ton taz-zejt?

    Viva l-Labour, viva l-Labour.

  6. Min Jaf says:

    Quite appropriate really, laned tat-ton taz-zejt displayed on the illegal PL billboards.

    After 25 years of rising prosperity and betterment in our quality of life under PN administration, we are now back to being given, ultimately at our expense of course, government-sponsored goodies like 2c off a litre of petrol, just as used to be done in the Golden ‘ahleb Guz’ Years with Minister of Finance Wistin Abela knocking off the odd 2 or 3 mils off bulk-bought or bartered cans of mackerel that not even our cat would eat.

  7. anthony says:

    I prefer Hikless Tuna.

  8. Wilson says:

    Are you not being elitist?

  9. Ivan says:

    I always knew that there was something fishy in most of the political appointments.

  10. Tabatha White says:

    Ah. So this is what the statement by David Curmi / Chamber of Commerce was hinting at?

    I smell something not quite right there.

  11. Gaetano Pace says:

    Next bill board on the eve of the 24th May will portray the Minister of Finance that those tins of tuna are coming cheaper by 2cents.

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