Why is Manuel Mallia ‘reinstating’ old and overweight policemen and women instead of recruiting younger ones?

Published: May 16, 2014 at 7:53am


This report in Times of Malta yesterday speaks about the number of former officers who Manuel Mallia and his friend the Police Commissioner have ‘reinstated’ into the police force. Yesterday alone, there were 22.

Most of them look truly incapable of chasing a thief, and I can’t quite make out whether the one on the far right has grey curls that go past his shoulders like an old waster picked up from some beach.

Are all these people being put on the state payroll as favours to tal-qalba? What exactly is going on?

20 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Most of them are truly incapable of chasing a thief. But most of them have been chasing Manuel Mallia.

  2. Mike says:

    Because the good ones are all leaving.

    The new ones have no experience and proper training, and to revert to the golden years you have to call in the old guard.

  3. lolol says:

    The one with the grey curls is a woman or else a man who is carrying a shoulder bag. She is one of the ‘Former Officers’. Are these working the 8 in 8 out like the other police officers? Or are they privileged ghax tal-qalba?

    • Redneck says:

      Are you sure about curly? I think it’s a man and what you think is a shoulder bag is just the side of his jacket.

  4. Tom Double Thumb says:

    I wait with bated breath to learn the names of the re-instated officers.

    When the golden years ended in 1987, some police officers were tried in court and found guilty, some were even sent to prison.

    A number of these were subsequently employed by the Labour Party.

    Is the government following the new trend of putting party employees on the state payroll?

    Does the list of new police officers include any of those referred to above?

    I am not surprised the “Muviment” has so much spare cash to splash on the EP elections.

    Indeed, the new Golden Era is on us with a bang, a truly primordial bang.

  5. v says:

    Maybe they need more waiters for the catering department.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Of course they are capable of chasing thieves.

    Set a thief to catch a thief, innit?

  7. White coat says:

    I know one who must be over 70 years of age. Another one who spent his life sitting behind a desk at a village police station and now he’s back to his old job doing absolutely nothing.

  8. soss says:

    Ara dak li qieghed far right x’qata xaghar ghandu.

    Kollha waiters dawn?

  9. Dave says:

    Reinstated after leaving or being booted out?

    Either way this stinks (x’kien…)

  10. The Observer says:

    And why re-instate old and unfit officers instead of young constables, forsi ma tafx kif tonqos ir-rata tal-qaghad?

  11. Betty says:

    I had heard of this recruitment a couple of months ago from a driver of an Arriva bus who was encouraging another “suldat tal-azzar” to apply.

    So the idea is to fill up the Police Farce with these reinstated ex members loyal to the PL to oversee the security for the Castille cretins and their cohorts. They are hell bent on destroying all that has been achieved.

  12. Wayne Hewitt says:

    They are all Labour voters. All the Nationalist Party supporters that I know who applied were systematically excluded with banal excuses like ‘ghandek il-cholesterol gholi’ etc., when most are thinner than a stick and you can see the size of those chosen.

    This blatant abuse must stop. This goes beyond the ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’ gimmick. This is a dangerous game hitting social stability at its core.

  13. Joe Fenech says:

    So were these retired policemen or corps members who have been sacked? The army and the police force are like sports – one’s expiry date is very short. All this make absolutely no bloody sense!

  14. bob-a-job says:

    What’s that on the extreme right. Is it a guy with long blond locks or what?

    These guys presumably all receive a pension, what happens now? Does it stop or will they pick up a salary too and a second pension when they end their term?

  15. verita says:

    This week before the EU election is characterised by new appointments, calls and letters from the health department to give us long awaited appointments, reinstatements and messages from PL to ask if we need anything. PL is working really hard to maintain its majority.

  16. winwood says:

    They won’t be running after thieves.Most likely they would perform dishwashing duties with PP Zammit Caterers

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