A ‘hasla’ from the head of state

Published: June 30, 2014 at 8:47pm

hasla from the president

One of the president’s motorbike outriders was injured in a collision today and it looks like a couple of culprits are getting a ‘hasla papali’ from our head of state.

28 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    We’re looking at at least seven years as galley slaves there. The one in the black T shirt might survive. The other, I doubt it.

  2. Alexander Ball says:

    Ah for the divinity of Queens.

  3. Botom says:

    It’s a pity that she chose to scold these two poor youngsters but when she was secretary-general of the Labour Party and that party’s thugs were terrorising the country she never uttered one single word of condemnation.

    • Alf says:

      And had she uttered one single small word of condemnation (which I am convinced she did not) In those infamous days when she was Secretary General, she would not have been able to pose for a picture whilst scolding the villains of those days.

      Pozi u nejk ghandha kemm trid!

  4. Bob says:

    Is that green jacket part of the official presidential dress?

  5. ciccio says:

    She looks like she is inviting them to the first meeting of the Fondazzjoni Centrali Dwar il-Faqar as Special Observers.

  6. Charles P says:

    To me, it looks more like a “Hasla Presidenzjali” ;-)

  7. C C says:

    It was improper of the president to get involved in the outcome of the accident.

    On TV she could be seen picking up the policeman’s helmet from the ground.

    I understand that she was shocked and wanted to show some humanity to the policeman who was doing his duty. But did she have to remain there on the road? She’s the head of state.

    • Nokkla says:

      She is but she has no idea how to behave as such. On the PBS 8pm news it wasn’t reported that the President reprimanded the culprits, but that she “stayed there with them for a while”. Now it makes sense, she stayed there and gave a lecture on sensible driving.

    • La Redoute says:

      No one’s made the obvious point that police outriders are redundant. If the president can ponce around in the road outside her car, she has no need of police protection.

      She can stick a siren to the roof of her car and those policemen can be redeployed.

      I hear the St Julian’s police station is severely undermanned.

    • Gary says:

      By rights, she should have even stayed at the scene of the accident but been moved on immediately as it’s called security.

      What on earth were her security people doing to allow her to stay there and prance around an open road getting personally involved.

  8. Grezz says:

    And if she spoke to me with that finger in the air, I’d tell her where to shove it.

  9. Ruth says:

    I simply can’t picture Queen Elizabeth II or head of state of any other country for that matter, doing the same.

    • observer says:

      Hugo Chavez of Venezuela might have done something similar, I guess. So might have done Idi Amin of Uganda.

      But remember, both eminently lacked credit among normal humans.

      Incidentally, by what stretch of the imagination have you dared to compare the British Monarch to our Qormi ex-minister (and ex-MLP secretary general)?

      • Ruth says:

        Just because they’re both heads of state. That’s all. Other than that, they’re not comparable at all.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Oh plenty of South American presidents would, like that pseudo-farmer chap who’s become a Facebook hero.

      You sort of see a common thread here, right?

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Queen Elizabeth II gave a ‘hasla papali’ to Berlusconi for being boisterous.

  10. rjc says:

    Wouldn’t common sense dictate that the Head of State is whisked as quickly as possible away from the scene of potential danger? What if this was a premeditated act and not an accident?

  11. Gahan says:

    Look , she can’t be what she’s not.

    She really cares about people. Give the devil his due.

    Maybe the “Ħasla Presidenzjali ” will serve some good for the young driver.

    • curious says:

      She shouldn’t be the judge of the situation. She did it because they were young. Kieku sabet xi wiehed qalil aqta’ kemm kienet tipponta subaghja.

  12. Peppa Pig says:

    She looks like something out of a reality show or ”Scherzi A Parte”.

    And give that green jacket a break, Ma’am, and hand it over to Strina to auction for charity.

  13. Fabien says:

    Why is the president always being whisked around with a police escort at high speed? I can understand the need for it at times but the frequency at which it is being carried out with our current president is plain reckless.

  14. GiovDeMartino says:

    Kemm nixtieq inkun naf x’inhu ghaddej minn mohhhom dawk iz-zewg zghazagh!

  15. Robert says:

    Ai Ai. Ahjar iqabdu avukat serjiu. Qabel ma ibelhuhom lil dawn Iz zaghzagh. It not a joke.

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