Gasol plc’s interim statement of last December makes scary reading in the light of what HASN’T happened so far

Published: June 19, 2014 at 11:47am

Alan Buxton, Gasol plc’s chief operating officer, quoted in the company’s interim statement last December:

“We have made material progress with our LNG Import projects in Malta and Benin, each of which will provide significant value creation. The challenge for 2014 is to bring each of these projects to completion.”

This is beyond scary. Not so much that our power supply is going to be in hands that haven’t even been able to get their act together to start when the project had to be brought to completion this year, which is half over already, but that the Labour Party (note that I did not say the government) saw fit to reach agreement with a company clearly not fit for purpose, on such a vital matter.

14 Comments Comment

    • Cikku says:

      Mela ma’ dan il-gvern dawk li ġew impjegati dan l-aħħar hemm xi ħadd “fit for the purpose”? Ibda mill-kapo u spiċċa f’ħaddiem fl-anqas grad. L-aqwa li impjegawhom mal-gvern biex idaħħlu l-voti.

      • Makjavel says:

        Lanqas il-ministri m’huma fit for purpose, ibda mill-prim ministru li harab mil-bieb ta’ wara u spicca f’ Scicluna li qatt ma jaf xinhu jigri fil-ministeru tieghu.

  1. Gary says:

    To get started, maybe we need to look at the people involved in African Gas Development Corporation Limited, the principal shareholder of Gasol plc.

    Here is a list of people connected to Rilwanu Lukman, one of the founders of the company.

    And here is a list of people connected to Ethelbert Julius Llewellyn Cooper, another founder.

    The answer may not lie in these links, but it’s a good place to start.

  2. curious says:

    WTF are all the employed journalists doing? Biting their nails, I suppose and not treading on toes.

    Has the PL bought the silence of so many people so effectively? Poor Malta.

    This is the only place where to get the REAL news.

    • ciccio says:

      I think that sometimes you can hear it on the comments board: tick tock, tick tock…That’s when Eddy Privitera is not shouting with his caps lock button firmly locked.

    • bob-a-job says:

      Prosit on that app.

      Perhaps it should be replaced with Net TV’s time clock.

  3. Ruby says:

    How come we are only hearing about these issues on this site?

    What does the government have to say about this? Is the government going to keep treating us like morons? Where is the Opposition?

    Well done, Daphne. Keep it coming.

    • Cikku says:

      Dam iħambaq tant li kollox trasparenti! Fejn hi issa t-trasparenza? Tgħid nesa’ xi tfisser? L-aħħar nies li nkunu nafu x’inhu jiġri f’pajjiżna stess huwa aħna l-Maltin u li ma jkunx għalik Daphne nibqgħu fl-għama! Grazzi

  4. tony street says:

    What are the implications for Malta’s energy supply in general? And Enemalta in particular?

  5. Oscar says:

    Has any Maltese genius journalist bothered to ask the Maltese shareholders some hard-hitting questions?

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