How uncivilised. What a shame we can’t toss out all these savages to make way for some decent and civilised immigrants.

Published: June 12, 2014 at 8:53pm

Most especially, look at the comments by the man called Tony Attard.

racist 1

racist 2

39 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Charles Spiteri thinks ‘Somali jkerrhu’.

    This is a Somali woman.

    And this is Charles Spiteri

    No, not the lobster.

    [Daphne – Charles Spiteri is an ugly, bull-necked, vulgar racist with no manners or education to speak of, but he has a very pretty daughter ]

    • Emmett says:

      Following such behaviour, I have placed La Maltija on my boycott list.

      [Daphne – That’s a fraction of his ‘behaviour’. The man is pure crass.]

  2. Don Camillo says:

    The attitude is similar in end product to that adopted by the Nazis 80 years ago. 80 years ago the Jews were restrained from leaving their homelands to avoid persecution, torture and murder.

    The Allies knew about the killings and deportations yet they kept mum and in fact allowed the mass killings to proceed.

    When they realised that the Jews were in for a ‘final solution’, 6 million lives were thrown up the stack or thrown in mass graves.

    What the Jews were trying to flee from at that time is materially no different from what these immigrants are trying flee from now.

    Instead of helping them out, there is an ingrained hatred of them which informs how we should be treating them; kick them out and pushing them back when they arrive.

    Somebody was even sarcastic about wishing nature to take its course when these people are vulnerable in their open boats in the middle of the sea.

    The Maltese have degenerated from being a hospitable and friendly people to a nation riddled with little Hitlers who, given power, would do no different from the Nazi regime.

    What strikes me deep inside however is that nobody is doing a thing about changing this racist mentality. This is going unchecked and we know the history when hatred of our own brethren starts to breed, and from words we get into action.

    This hatred will breed a generation of hooligans, the effects of which we will see soon, when these people grow up, and have children of their own.

    The immigrants are to be considered as being refugees, unless proven otherwise. They are risking their lives to seek freedom and liberty, denied to them in their home country. Has Malta lost its soul to deny help to these people? Have we become this insensitive to the pleas for help?

    This is why education is so important. History should teach us lessons that will avoid bad decisions being taken. Closing both eyes to the problem and trying to shed it onto others, will not solve the problem.

    Certain people in high profile positions and those who can influence others should themselves start first by giving an example. I am sure that the positive approach they will take, will be followed by whoever is ‘reading’ them.

    • curious says:

      I cannot understand on what basis they dislike them so much. Nobody says ‘wicc ta’..’ about all the other foreigners (Serbs, Bulgarians, Russians, Philipinos) working here.

      If it is a matter of skin colour and looks, I can assure you that some of those who harbour this hatred wouldn’t be recognised as different if thrown on one of the boats among all the other refugees.

      • Tabatha White says:

        I posted a comment in the cited post, on what I believe are the reasons here.

        If we go further back into history, this two-world mentality may have existed even then: Is this a remnant of the Greek / Phoenician polarity come to the fore?

        The degree of whiteness is important because due to Malta’s position in the Mediterranean, Africans en route upwards would always have been a threat to those not comfortable enough “in their own skins” (bien dans leur peau) to stand solid. A threat to their degree of whiteness and that of their line.

        Immediately they see rape and pillage.

        Instead of seeing need they see themselves as the abused victims.

        One comment actually mentioned Social Services. Well, if the person writing it feels so superior he should be off it at any level, and his extended family too. Social Services should only be for the needy.

        As you said in your comment, Daphne, with a bit of license added on: I would rather have a decent black immigrant – and I find their physiognomy extremely noble and beautiful, their movements owning a fluidity and grace that escapes many, than this sorry lot who seem a step away from applying extermination tactics – unless it’s all a false sense of bravado ,which, unfortunately, I doubt.

      • C Mifsud says:

        It is not a question of skin color.

        Serbs, Bulgarians, Russians and Filipinos mostly come to Malta through legal channels unlike African immigrants. That come here with their documentation, visas, passports and what not. True there are bad apples just as there are bad apples among Maltese people but at least we know who they are.

        They do not bring with them contagious diseases like HIV/AIDS, Scabies etc.. Their culture and way of thinking although not like ours is not the total opposite as is the case in illegal immigrants.

        African immigrants hardly ever have any documentation, so how are we to know that some are not terrorists or former militia men or rapists? How do we know if they are escaping justice ?

        The racist comments made by people below such articles is more a display of frustration because the situation is getting out of control. If Malta & the rest of the EU puts a stop to illegal immigration by whatever means possible, be it push backs, deportation or better border control, such facebook groups and indeed the comments such as these will cease to exist.

      • tinnat says:

        Yes they would be recognised – the haters are frequently obese.

      • Not Sandy:P says:

        @C Mifsud

        There is no such things as “their” culture. You’re making the usual racist mistake of assuming a) that all migrants who arrive by boat are black (wrong) and b) that everyone sharing a skin colour shares the same culture (wrong again).

        I have nothing in common with Lowellian fanatics, sundry racists, and festa enthusiasts, but you could hardly tell by looking at me.

    • ACD says:

      With respect to the allies, the Red Cross had insisted that the concentration camps (even the Aushwitz complex; though they never asked to see Birkenau) we fine and that nothing untoward was happening.

      Even though the allies eventually found out what was happening, we (we were Allies after all) decided the only way to stop the killing machine was to break the Nazi’s military power. We were right, because genocide doesn’t need sophisticated machinery – just look at Rwanda.

      Other than that technical aspect, I agree with you wholeheartedly. The Maltese attulitude towards these people is nothing short of disappointing, even in relatively civilised society. What’s worse is that no one, not the Church and not PN will stand up for them. The situation is nothing short of disgusting.

      • C Mifsud says:

        The problem is that Africans want to come to Europe no matter what and will make up all the excuses under the sun to justify their coming here.

        They are not interested in solving the problems in their countries. They are not interested in migrating to any of the other peaceful, democratic and wealthier countries in Africa.

        Africans want to come to Europe because they know what pushovers the European governments are. They know that Europe will bend over backwards to give them their ‘rights’. They know that they will receive ‘free’ (paid for by working Europeans) housing, healthcare, food and social benefits without having to lift a finger.

        There are many Africans who migrated to countries like Dubai but these migrants who come to Europe do not choose Dubai because they know that they have to work hard to put a roof over their heads and food on the table.

      • Not Sandy:P says:

        Wrong again, C Mifsud.

        Most displaced people from Africa are in other African countries.

    • Calculator says:

      The law is part of the problem. We have a Commission for the Promotion of Equality which is supposed to combat discrimination, but it lacks the teeth to do something other then give an opinion which can be used in court.

      Of course, it tries to raise awareness and send its message across through projects and working with local NGOs, but more often than not most people ignore them.

      Theoretically, harsher laws could bring about a change of mentality over time, as litigation happens more often and the message is drummed in. To be honest, though, this being Malta, I think this would take far longer to happen thanks to the strange relationship a great part of the population has with the law.

      Couple that with education and example, however, and I think something really can change.

  3. Painter says:

    I remember this Patrick Sacco on that crappy page which goes by the name of ‘Malta Dizastru TOTALI !!!!!!!!’. Before I grew up and realised that it is a page for people complaining about petty issues and first world problems 24/7, I used to be subscribed to it and he often shows up on the comments.

    By the looks of it, he is one of those bitter individuals who always sees the ugly in things in life and him being subscribed to a racist page doesn’t surprise me at all.

    This was his cover picture not long ago which clearly demonstrates his ideology:

    As for that Charles Sammut, what the hell does he mean by “Imma Malta il-gvern immexxuħ l-NGOs”?

    I’ll bet he’s one of those people who hates both major political parties because ‘they are destroying Malta’ and votes for Imperium Europa believing that Norman Lowell is a prophet sent by God himself. I’ll bet most of the people commenting there think like that as well.

  4. M. Cassar says:

    What is also worrying is that a person with the same name and profile picture on another site lists ‘teacher’ under a description of himself. One certainly hopes that one plus one do not make two in this case.

    • Spock says:

      Well I hope the Education Dept will take note of this and not allow such filth to come in contact with our children . It’s almost as bad as allowing a known paedophile to teach .

  5. Spock says:

    Is there nothing in the law to enable prosecution of these dirty racists ? I thought that inciting racial hatred – even murder – is a crime , even if it’s on the internet .

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      Expression of or incitement to violence should be reported to the police. It is a prosecutable offence.

      • Spock says:

        So now , since these people’s illegal posts have been highlighted on this blog , we should expect some police action in their regard ; or is that too much to hope for ?!

      • Not Sandy:P says:

        You have to file a police report. If there is a legal case, the police are obliged to take action.

  6. TinaB says:

    Tony Attard tant hu selvagg, stupidu u injorant li x’aktarx anqas biss jinduna li lil min qieghed jghajjar zibel huwa civilizzat bil-wisq aktar minnu u li il-vera zibel huwa hu.

  7. Joe Fenech says:

    Where is the “Cyber Harassment” policeman? Or is he too busy stroking his chihuahua?

  8. Spock says:

    Simon Peter Despott follows Joe Grima on Facebook . It figures somehow …..

  9. A. Cremona says:

    Sadly, the gut feeling is that the Maltese are predominantly racist. Further cause to be embarrassed to be Maltese.

  10. Cikku says:

    Ma nistax nifhem x’inhu jiġri f’Malta! Donnu mindu twikkejna b’dan il-gvern, ħaġa tal-għaġeb numru konsiderevoli ta’ Maltin, qed jissalvaġġjaw, u ma jqisux dak li jgħidu. Anzi l-kliem moqżież li joħroġ minn fommom biex żgur jolqot il-laħam il-ħaj. Aħna nissejħu nsara…? Veru nsara tal-isem mela tafux. Daqs is-Sammaritan it-tajjeb jafu jħennu eżatt!

  11. NatalieMallett says:

    For those who do not realize what these people are escaping from

  12. Paddy says:

    Is this kind of raw, racist hate speech actually allowed on Facebook ?

  13. tinnat says:

    Surely Facebook can be notified so that his account can be blocked.

    • Not Sandy:P says:

      Report it when you see it. Facebook depends on users’ reports about violation of its community standards.

  14. Newman says:

    It’s shocking. A number of these bigots are relatively young and supposedly enlightened. They even support the animal rights movement. For them, the principles of liberty and equality apply to LGBTs and animals but not to other human beings.

    • Painter says:

      ” For them, the principles of liberty and equality apply to LGBT”

      Don’t bet on it. Remember these people belittle anyone different than them so they would consider the LGBT as a group of ‘pufti maħmugin’ (their words not mine).

  15. Peter Mercieca says:

    I totally agree and support the boycott solution. We shall strike off his restaurant from our list, and I also have reservations about the name of the place.

    I will not support racists with my money and my custom.

    The Maltese (La Maltija) is too broad a definition and should include a qualifying subtext, like “la Maltija Restaurant ghal razzisti biss” (the Maltese restaurant for racists only) or “The Racist Maltese Restaurant”.

  16. COD says:

    Patrick Sacco is a teacher. I can’t believe the hate from Maltese men and women towards irregular immigrants

  17. Tom Double Thumb says:

    People who speak about African people in this way would do well to read the words of the German Pastor Niemoller about the Nazi way of eliminating different groups one by one.

    First they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out…
    because I was not a socialist.

    Then they came for the Trade Unionists and I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Jew.

    Then they came for me … and there was no one left to speak for me.

    The verses need little adaptation (change of group names) to apply to the present situation in Malta.

  18. Butterfly says:

    We are and always will be a small-minded people.

    We believe that we are the best of the best and everybody else is so stupid.

    It’s all about a low level of education that we have in this country.

    I am sure nobody would complain if we rescued boatloads of beautiful Swedish women and brought them to our shores.

    I rest my case.

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