Marlene Farrugia and Godfrey Farrugia: not the government’s flavours of the month

Published: June 12, 2014 at 8:34pm

Godfrey Farrugia 2

Marlene Farrugia, Ministru tal-Gass

Labour backbencher and former health minister Godfrey Farrugia said in parliament a few days ago that he would like to see the legal provision of cannabis medications to cancer patients and others suffering extreme pain. He specified cannabis-based medications and not your ordinary joint.

Chris Fearne, who has replaced him as health minister, told Times of Malta yesterday that he would consider a request like that from the industry or from a professional medical body – but not from a politician because it is not up to politicians to make such requests.

Godfrey Farrugia immediately responded by calling Fearne’s response “unbecoming”. His companion and fellow Labour backbencher Marlene Farrugia has been much less reserved, letting rip on Facebook about that business of it “not being up to politicians to ask for something like that”.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    The legalisation of marijuana is often based upon the fallacy of “cigarette and alcohol are legal drugs”, as if these two don’t cause enough problems (the latter due to abuse). While controlling marijuana is virtually impossible, legalising it makes it acceptable.

    Labour’s plans to legalise consumption is just a way of allowing its drug-baron friends to increase their revenue. If this wasn’t the case, the MLP would be issuing licenses for ‘coffee shops’ and controlling imports. I am shocked that no one has commented on this paradox.

    • ken il malti says:

      Actually drug barons love things the way they are now regarding cannabis.

      An ounce of dried flower buds from a fairly easy to grow plant should not cost 200 to 300 dollars with the government taking no cut of the profits in taxes.

      • Joe Fenech says:

        To tax profits, the government would first have to recognise the cannabis trade. But what the MLP really wants is to make the drug acceptable and increase consumption (see my original comment).

      • ken il malti says:

        People who want to use cannabis, for what ever reason, are already using cannabis, so it is already acceptable to those that use it.

        No one is going to force you to use cannabis if you do not care for it or do not want to use it.

        Decriminalizing a substance that is less destructive than alcohol is a step in the right direction but Legalization, Control and Taxation of cannabis should be the way to go in my opinion.

    • anon says:

      Do you realise how expensive it is in Amsterdam where it is legal?

      • Joe Fenech says:

        There is an example of ‘legalisation boosting consumption’. Price does not come into this matter.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    “Chris Fearne, who has replaced him as health minister, told Times of Malta yesterday that he would consider a request like that from the industry or from a professional medical body ”

    Hilarious, Mr Fearne! Of course, because the industry and medical bodies have no vested interests.

    • ken il malti says:

      As a medical cannabis user I can tell you that one of the reason that Big Pharma is not very interested, other that they can’t patent cannabis, is that cannabis is not destructive enough to the human body to their liking.

  3. bob-a-job says:

    I met Dr Farrugia a couple of Sundays back.

    He has always struck me as an honest and kind person.

    We had a short chat which left me with the question.

    How could this decent person ever decide to join the MLP but above all how did he ever think he could survive among them?

  4. Tarzan says:

    The arrogance of Chris Fearne towards his predecessor is incredible. Is it asking too much from his political supporters to please note?

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