You have to watch this BBC video about the Maltese priest who has built a football stadium in Honduras

Published: June 7, 2014 at 4:26pm

albert gauci

The BBC is running a story, with a video, about Fr Albert Gauci (they give his name as Padre Alberto Guaci) – a chain-smoking, super-skinny Maltese priest who has lived in Honduras for the last 40 years.

Forty years, and he hasn’t lost a bit of his accent or his way of speaking, both of which are instantly identifiable as belonging to a scrap of an island half a world away in the Mediterranean.

There are more details about this priest in an interview he gave to The Times (Malta) around seven years ago – link below.

He has built – getting directly involved in his shorts and wife-beater vest – a football stadium to keep young men away from the drug trade. Honduras has the world’s highest murder rate and it’s all linked to drug-dealing and trafficking.

13 Comments Comment

  1. Joe Fenech says:

    The way things are going, Malta might soon be needing someone to built similar structures for its youngsters.

  2. Artemis says:

    You can take the man out of Malta but you cannot take Malta out of the man.

  3. a montebello says:

    This man is an inspiration!

    Yet we hear about him through the BBC. And this website!

    • Cikku says:

      Taf għaliex imma, għax il-programmi televisivi li kienu jsiru fuq l-istazzjon televisiv tal-istat dwar il-Maltin li jgħixu Barra minn Malta inklużi l-missjunarji, u li kienu verament informattivi, ġew rifjutati milli jkomplu fuq TVM. U allura addio l-aħbarijiet dwar dawn il-missjunarji… ħlief għal xi programm ‘l hemm u ‘l hawn fuq dawn il-missjunarji meta jkunu Malta u jiltaqgħu mal-Arċisqof. Imbasta għandna ħafna programmi bla sens l-aqwa li jidħlu l-flus!

      Prosit, Fr Albert.

      • David says:

        The Maltin ta’ barra was presented by an employee of the Foreign Affairs, who was told not to continue with her programme by her superiors probably due to a perceived conflict of interest.

        The State and all Maltese should support missionaries. The former president was in my view unjustly criticised for helping Maltese missionaries in Peru. Those who wish to help can donate funds to the Mission Fund, which distributes money to many if not all Maltese missionaries.

  4. bob-a-job says:

    I see they’ve moved from ‘coke’ to ‘grass’.

    Well done Padre Alberto, even if the name rings of pizza.

  5. Monica Micallef says:

    Well done Fr.Alberto .Did the Maltese contribute in this project?
    Hope we are involved in some way.please can you let us know from where it was funded.?
    Well done .
    Monica Micallef

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