After the Eur70,000 pansies, another fabulous Valletta 2018 initiative from Jason Micallef: fake plastic shutter glasses with a V18 logo

Published: July 19, 2014 at 12:46pm

shutter glasses

Damn, I missed this at the time.

Jason Micallef’s fantastic V18 initiative: handing out free, fake shutter glasses (which he calls ‘sunglasses’) stamped with the V18 logo to people at the Isle of MTV concert.

Did anybody actually pick them up and wear them?

Apart from the fact that they’re not actually real shutter glasses, the pseudo-version is around five years out of date for parties.

This is how V18’s budget is being spent: on pansies for the chairman’s personal dream of an ‘infiorita’ and on plastic fake shutter glasses with a V18 logo for a crowd of drunken teenagers who probably laughed their heads off and stamped on them.

Really chic and standard-setting.

9 Comments Comment

  1. Weird no ? says:

    I hope Kenneth Zammit Tabona got hold of a pair to wear at next year’s edition of his flop Baroque Ball.

    • James Vella Clark says:

      The Baroque Festival is far from a flop. I’m sorry if you think it was a flop because that makes you the only one on the island.

      [Daphne -I think that was a reference to the Baroque Ball, not the Baroque Festival.]

  2. La Redoute says:

    Jeffrey must have loved them. Didn’t he wear a pair to a bash at Villa Arrigo?

  3. Peritocracy says:

    Maybe Jason Micallef got confused with all the talk of the ’80s and the Golden Days of Labour.

    We’ll soon see the logo changed to V80.

  4. john says:

    The queen of pansies strikes again.

  5. Calculator says:

    Oh my God. This is getting more embarrassing by the day.

  6. el bandido guapo says:

    Sets the standard. Oops I just read your post top to bottom and realise you said that too. So, “+1”

  7. Karl Fiorini says:

    Mhux ghal xi haga imma din is-sitwazzjoni hija xi ftit jew wisq tort taghna (li nahdmu piu o meno fil-kultura – meta jhalluna). Hadd ma jirribella meta jsiru dawn it-tip ta’ kazzati ‘mbad noqodu niffrustraw ruhna. Dawn il-hmerijiet li qed isiru vis à vis il-V18 huma tat-tip “arts and crafts”, affarijiet li konna nghamlu l-primarja biex l-ghalliem jimla il-hin ta’ lezzjoni. Biss dawn l-ahhar 10 snin kulhadd sar jesprimi l-“arti” tieghu u bi dritt jimponi dawn ic-cucati u jghaddi li hu artist ta’ talent eccezjonali minhajr ebda tip ta’ studju approfondit ta’ struttura w hsieb. L-artist sar jista jezercita l-arti tieghu sakemm jista jsib il-fondi u certu opportunitajiet minflokk jinghataw lil min vera haqqu qed jinghataw lil “amateurs”. Jekk vera rridu l-V18 tkun ghadd ta’ avvenimenti Kulturali fuq livell ewropew irid ikun hemm konsistenza u mhux dal-qatta hmerijiet “cool” li jipprova jolqot il-massa. Guy Debord jispjegah tajjeb f’ “la societé du spectacle” u qablu Nietzche f'”Nietzsche contra Wagner”. Jekk taghti l-massa dak li trid tispicca tipproduci l-hara u dan huwa ezattament dak li qed isir!

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