Comment of the week

Published: July 31, 2014 at 4:49pm

Posted by Jack:

So the PM minimises Martin Galea’s abduction but then waxes lyrical on the unbearable sufferings he had to endure when his eyes were hit by a laser beam.


35 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Muscat’s eyes weren’t even hit by a laser beam. The problem was overexposure to UV rays – the sort of thing that happens when you forget to wear sunglasses.

    I can’t imagine what this overfed, excessively mollycoddled mummy’s boy would have done in Galea’s place – Martin Galea, that is, not Mannie.

    • catherine says:

      He might have lost a few kilos. Four days with no food might be just the ticket, enough to trim down his blubber chin a tiny bit. It wouldn’t take abduction in Libya to traumatize Joseph Muscat though. He can barely stand to be away from his mummy.

    • Cikku says:

      Kien jagħmel taħtu bil-biża.

  2. vanni says:

    Only child syndrome, around whom the universe revolves.

    Or as I call it, the Me, Myself and I mentality

  3. Min Jaf says:

    Joseph Muscat mhux il-fissud tan-nanna trabba. Qaleb l-erbghajn, izda xejn ma imbidel.

    Jipoppa zaqqu l-quddiem biex jiehu l-kreditu ta’ haddiehor, u meta jiltaqa’ ma’ xi problema jwarrab, jistahba mil-media, u jitfahha f’hogor haddiehor.

    B’hekk, jekk tigi zewg, jerga jaqbes ghan-nofs, u jekk le, jibqa jidher is-sabieh.

    Il-grajjiet dwar il-htif ta’ Martin Galea kixfet x’inhu verament Joseph Muscat ghal darba.

  4. H. Prynne says:

    What an insufferable prat.

  5. La Redoute says:

    Joseph Muscat and Martin Galea are contemporaries. Only one of them talks and behaves like a grown up.

    • Josette says:

      That could actually be one of the reasons why he’s behaving the way he is. We all know how hung up he is on his “young” age. Additionally, could the two have crossed paths in the past? He is always spiteful but this time he hasn’t controlled it enough to keep on his mask. Could there be something else (besides minimising what was done because he wasn’t allowed to take the credit) behind this whole thing?

  6. Tom Double Thumb says:

    But that is so typical of spoilt brats.

    They never think anything about the sufferings of others but have to over-dramatize their own pin-prick.

    Joseph Muscat would easily win the Spoilt-Brat Prize of the century if one existed. Just watch his reaction when he is criticized. His look tells you, “How dare you even suggest that I may be wrong?”

  7. Felix says:

    “Ghax jiena nemmen f’Joseph” !

  8. ken il malti says:

    Silly chubster.

  9. Michael says:

    Gonzi had a bigger problem with one of his eyes and never said anything about it. And if he had, nobody would have given a sh*t. But in a country full of c*nts, of course this guy’s major suffering over two days had to be given maximum coverage.

    • CiVi says:

      How right you are. What a real gentleman we had in Dr. Gonzi. To think that people chose this camouflaged cheat over him!

  10. Johannes says:

    When narcissism meets “chip on his shoulder”, the combination is lethal.

  11. botom says:

    Official definition of Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

    “Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder in which a person is excessively preoccupied with personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity, mentally unable to see the destructive damage they are causing to themselves and to others in the process”

    • Makjavel says:

      Aka :Franco Debono Syndrome

    • observer says:

      In some fora, that disorder is a very valid reason for marriage annulment.

    • Josette says:

      Of course he is unable to see – there were blades slashing his eyes. Little twit. He probably would have wet and shat himself had he been in Martin Galea’s position.

    • Melissa says:

      I lived with a person who fits this description. For six years. It was a living hell – it was all about him. And him. And him.

      For some reason, I see Joseph Muscat in the same light. The mannerisms, the way he talks. I find it truly scary.

    • Oscar says:

      Botom, that is an apt description of a little prick we know.

  12. Jozef says:

    When idiocy is key to power. If they can’t even commission a bloody cable.

  13. Alexander Ball says:

    Looks like Humpty Dumpty shagged Garfield.

  14. Gaetano Pace says:

    Issa ghandna medicina gdida. Peress li Tuni Aspro gie out of stock, u skada issa ghandna lil ta floku fuq l-ixkaffa ta kastilja. Dan midhla sew tat-transfers u allura effikaci hafna biex iserrah ras in nies. Jahgmel l-izball Joseph, johrog ta mazetta Joseph, izerzaq xi gidba jew farsa Joseph u lo and behold, presto jigi s-suppozitorju ta kastilja u jaghti transfer lill dak li qal Joseph ghal dak li jrid li Joseph messu qal. Izda l-Malti li mdorri ihawwad fil-borom tal-minestri u kawlati, la jemmen lill wiehed u aktar anqas lill iehor. Anzi jinzlulu ghasel il-fares ta dawn it-tnejn minn nies. Jekk huma nies l-ewwel u qabel kollox.

  15. Kif inhi din? says:

    ‘Mr Farrugia added that the government did not restrict Mr Galea from talking to any media.’

    How very liberal and progressive of Mr Farrugia to tolerate freedom of speech.

  16. Jeff Deaf says:

    Joseph in China.

    This is one parlour with no happy endings.

  17. c says:

    Today’s L-Orizzont tries to cast doubt on Mr Galea’s credibility. The reason could be that he once posted a comment on your site, according to Saviour Balzan’s statement on Wednesday.

    Shame on this government and its acolytes who are attempting to politicise even such a humanitarian crises.

  18. Manuel says:

    Attention-seeking prat.

    No wonder Diva Debono and Botox Jeff found themselves at home with Muscat.

    They all have mummy issues.

  19. Newman says:

    I listened to the PM’s now infamous ‘nirritornawh lura lill-familja’ speech back to back with Martin Galea’s TMI interview. The PN claimed credit for the Government – foreign affairs, home affairs, the security service – when it is clear from Martin Galea’s interview that they didn’t lift a finger. ‘Hidma bil-kwiet’ my foot. They had no idea what was going on. Their subsequent declarations show that they didn’t even bother to get any updates from Marisa Farrugia.

  20. Newman says:

    In the second line ‘PN’ should read ‘PM’

  21. Adrian G says:

    Dear Daphne,

    First of all my apologies for writing this in the wrong article. I simply wanted to comment on something I read on today, regarding a Syrian worker who died after falling, because the rope snapped. closed its ‘comments section’ – which I find strange.

    Stranger still, this man was working for a state school… what about the government’s fight on ‘prekariat’ and all that.

    Was he licensed to work in Malta at all? Is the government contracting some company that exploits such workers – without health and safety factored in?

    I look forward to your comments.

    – Adrian

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