Cyrus finds inspiration in surviving a prison sentence for sending out dirty pictures of his ex boyfriend…

Published: July 19, 2014 at 12:54pm

…from Nelson Mandela and his near-lifelong sojourn on Robben Island.

Talk about sick delusion.

cyrus engerer

23 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    Looks like Cyrus fully intends to fall again and again, so as to be able to rise again and again.

    Thrills in store.

  2. ciccio says:

    At least he is not quoting Joseph Muscat. Didn’t he write a whole book about him?

  3. F.X. says:

    Very scary to think that he believes the phrase is applicable to himself.

  4. milton says:

    Did he really mean falling or going down?

  5. Neil says:

    Shameless fat bastard.

  6. Cikku says:

    M’għandix dubju li Nelson Mandela ma kienx qed jirreferi għal dawk li jaqgħu għan-nejk.

  7. michael seychell says:

    Cyrus has one advantage on us mere mortals, as each time he falls our Joseph P.M. will lift him up again.

  8. MoBi says:

    This quote was part of the Google doodle yesterday.

  9. Toni bajada says:

    Malta, an island in a sea of Koolaid.

  10. Francis Said says:

    As one of the greatest Neapolitan commedians, Toto’ used to say:

    E noi pagiamo, pagiamo…..

    Obviously I refer to the €150,000 the tax payers had to fork out to reprint the MEP ballot papers.

    Soldiers of steel! Ha! Soldiers of fortune more like it.

  11. bob-a-job says:

    Here’s one Mandela quote I dare Cyrus Engerer to print.

    “If I had my time over I would do the same again, so would any man who dares call himself a man.”
    ― Nelson Mandela

  12. Peter Bloom says:

    And he just copied it from yesterday’s Google Doodle commemorating Nelson Mandela’s 98th birthday — see last quote here:

    • albona says:

      Well these days most wisdom is crap people happen to stumble upon on some delinquent or other’s facebook page who can’t spell yet thinks himself a great intellectual.

      Very little is actual knowledge learnt through thorough study of philosophy or literature.

      Social media will soon die, you’ll see.

  13. ciccio says:

    “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.”

    Mhux kulhadd jaf li Cyrus gie jaqa’ u jqum mil-opinjoni tal-pubbliku dwar il-pastazata li ghamel ma’ l-ex siehbu?

    Issa ghandu ghalfejn ikompli jaqa’ fil-baxx billi jikkwota lil Mandela?

  14. Joe Fenech says:

    It’s a mixture of delusion and arrogance.

  15. L. Gatt says:

    I saw him on the Gozo ferry today with another man. He’s so hot in red shorts!

  16. Johannes says:

    Talk about delusions of grandeur!

  17. Joe Fenech says:

    Engerer’s was a heinous crime where highly personal material was used to humiliate and blackmail. Engerer also trespassed into people’s property and accessed their IT material abusively.

    Result? He got away with murder and Joseph Muscat and his bunch of madmen hailed him as a hero.

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