How truly, truly, utterly DISGRACEFUL – are we led by total narcissists?

Published: July 29, 2014 at 10:52am

The Malta Independent reports this morning that Martin Galea’s family “were only informed of his release when the airplane was in Maltese air space”.

Is the prime minister even psychologically normal? When a hostage is found and safely picked up, you inform his family IMMEDIATELY. The family is even kept apprised of developments as they occur, let alone when the hostage is found and rescued.

This is not Father Christmas making you wait until Christmas morning for your stocking. You can see the prime minister’s reasoning here: “Let’s not tell them until the plane is up in the air, so that it will be a big surprise and they won’t have the chance to speak to the media before I do.”

HEARTLESS. Utterly, absolutely, shamelessly, horribly heartless. The prime minister appears to be completely lacking in normal human feelings. He is unable to understand or care that to somebody going through the agony of hoping against hope for the return of a missing person who is feared dead, every SECOND, every MINUTE, is a prolongation of hellish torture.

Yet the prime minister spoke and behaved as though he was surprising some children with a special present of the bicycle they’ve always wanted. “And now we return Martin Galea to his family.” Does he even know what love means? Can he even conceive of it or relate to it? Is he so completely incapable of understanding what those who love go through in a terrible situation like this?

He wanted the spotlight to be on him, and not on the joy of a missing man seeing his wife and family again.

The calculating coldness is just beyond belief – not a jot of concern for the state of extreme distress of the families of missing persons in the days just after they have gone missing, when every bit of news, whether good or bad, must be carefully broken to them. Strokes and heart attacks can be triggered by the sudden shock of badly-broken good news as well as by bad.

So what did these heartless savages do? Ring his wife and say, “Oh hey, by the way. We have some good news. We’ve found Martin. No, no, he’ll be landing in 15 minutes. Better hurry up and get showered and dressed and speed to the airport”?

The flight from Tripoli is what, 45 minutes?

Animals. Pigs and savages.

37 Comments Comment

  1. Albert Bonnici says:

    Utterly disgusting. The prime minister is truly a w*nker.

  2. Calculator says:

    What a bunch of arseholes. Actually, they don’t even deserve to be called that. They’re something much worse.

    And I can’t believe people are defending them in the comments below the article. Bringing Galea back home was possible in spite of the people in power, not because of them!

  3. FP says:

    There’s one word for the lot: BASTARDS.

  4. ciccio says:

    Mhux ta’ quddiem in-nies.

  5. bernie says:

    The Malta Independent online reports “Following his statement to the press, he was taken to meet his family and then to hospital, …. ”

    Does this mean that his family wasn’t allowed to meet him on the apron?

    • Jozef says:

      Obviously not, Kurt didn’t plan for that.

      • Butterfly says:

        I saw his return on tv and thought it strange how his family were not allowed onto the apron.

        But, after reading this article, I immediately understood that our dear Prime Minister did not want to be overshadowed by the people who really matter because he wanted the glory all to himself.

        I believe that, if the Minister acted immediately, we wouldn’t have been in this mess in the first place.

  6. Abram Gallo says:

    YES! Look up Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Don’t expect empathy, understanding or anything of the sort from these people.

  7. marks says:

    I hope I am wrong, but wasn’t the PM being very cynical sending a diplomat who was suspended to carry out this heroic work. What would have been his reaction if ( God forbid) she had failed?

    • Jozef says:

      Means one thing, he had no other option.

      Says a lot about the appointments made, let alone his judgement and decisions to date.

      Take it to every other aspect, the economy, justice, domestic policy, industrial strategy and the environment; the saturation point beckons.

    • M says:

      Are you joking? If she had failed he would have made it known to all and sundry that it just proves him right to have put her in the dog house in the first place.

      See how her thunder was stolen away from her in spite of her success and understand that the media circus continues with the one person on top each and every time.

      The orchestration is brilliant in its deception. If it were on the other end of the scale our country would be truly great.

  8. Thoughtful says:

    Have I understood this correctly? So the press is briefed before Galea arrives in Maltese airspace with an embargo on their publication of this information until after the plane enters Maltese airspace, but his family is only told of his release after the plane enters Maltese airspace.

    This means the press was told before his family.

    If this is the case, it is beyond belief. Well beyond belief.

  9. Gahan says:

    Ħadd ma jneħħili minn rasi li Muscat irrikatta lil-min ħataf lis-sur Galea.

    “Jekk Galea jinqatel ma niggarantilkomx li sħabkom il-ħabs jibqgħu ħajjin jew sħabkom feruti fl-isptar ifiequ”.

    Sewwa jew le?

    Tista’ tiġik tajba u jista’ jirraġunaw li sħabhom ikunu “martri” .

  10. anthony says:

    I strongly disagree with your conclusion, Daphne.

    Animals, pigs and savages do not behave like this.

    Only perverted humans do.

  11. Maltese falcon says:

    A totally unprofessional way of managing crisis and people…..from a person who wants to give the perception (totally misguided, by the way) that he is a leader and an efficient PM……what can I say?

  12. Jozef says:

    And as if the family was going to blab knowing confidentiality was of the essence.


  13. Gerbera says:

    This is striking insensitivity to the feelings of the waiting family and to Mr Galea himself. One always reaps what one sows eventually and I hope that those who voted Labour will now do some proper soul-searching. The worst part of it all is that sensible voters have to endure the repercussions of actions by those who were – prior to the 2013 elections -impressed by anything but substance.

  14. C C says:

    I’m no expert in body language, but from the few footage I saw of Mr. Galea’s homecoming, his eyes were all over the place. He was desperately looking for his loved ones and he was polite enough to wait for it to be all over.

  15. Angus Black says:

    Backward Burmarrad syndrome persists.

    • John Zammit says:

      Please don’t put all country bumpkins in one basket. Some of us have bettered ourselves and observed the manners of our betters. Obviously he hasn’t.

  16. Peritocracy says:

    Joseph Muscat is yet another ‘blokka silg’ in the Labour party.

  17. il-Ginger says:

    I think you forget that he once used his children as political props.

  18. L Farr says:

    How utterly heartless can they be. I cannot even think of what the family was going through with all the newsreels and films that are shown of such similar situations, and here we have this asshole of a prime minister hogging the camera.

    I do not think I have the right to witness the distress / happiness of such situations but once this ended on a good note all I was expecting to see was his family rushing across the runway to meet him – not kept waiting on the side lines.

    My God how power has gone to their heads – when power goes to your head it may shut out your heart.

  19. P Shaw says:

    My own view is that Muscat lacks any human feeling bar anger or self-satisfaction.

    He was raised in an odd environment, the only child of what would have been older-than-normal parents in those days and by a dominant grandmother. The absence of siblings was not compensated by interaction with peers during the school years or University, according to the accounts of his contemporaries.

    His parents used to drive him to primary school in St. Paul’s Bay so that he could sleep in and not use the early transport just like the other kids. During University years he hung around Evarist Bartolo instead of people his own age.

    I also believe his ‘wife’ is a prop. He definitely did not marry her for love – or if he did then, there certainly is no sign of it now. He realized that a future party leader needs a female prop for his image, and as Alfred Sant’s personal assistant she was even more usual because she gave him a way in.

    She is an ambitious and greedily materialistic (“more treatment”) social climber and consequently, the arrangement is a win-win for both. Probably Joseph Muscat is a repressed gay who cannot admit it even to himself since he comes from a very conservative village. But the narcissism, of course, is an entirely separate issue.

  20. M anne fenech says:

    Dan il-gvern halef li jrid jghaffeg u jaghzaq wahdu u hekk qed jaghmel ghax EGOIST u ma jimpurtahx mill-poplu

    • Henri says:

      Daqs kemm ghaffeg il gvern ta qabel zgur li le , din kolla ghira ghax ghandu 36,000 VOT iktar .

      • Tida says:

        L-ikbar ghami dak li ma jridx jara u l-ikbar trux dak li ma jridx jisma Henri u int wiehed minnhom habib!

  21. A VELLA says:

    Sometimes I suspect Joseph Muscat is devoid of human empathy. The way the tries to mimic facial expressions, as probably seen on TV, gives him away.

  22. Tal-MAdum says:

    What is more shocking is the planned coverage at the eleventh hour on PBS during the 20hrs news. The head of the civil service, Mario Cutajar, incredibly enough, presented himself and gave us the breaking news.

  23. La Redoute says:

    Muscat gave a press conference at the Auberge de Castille before going to the airport. He told the assembled journalists that Martin Galea had been released.

    Mr Galea’s family weren’t told of his release until the plane he was on entered Malta’s airspace, some 15 minutes before landing.

    The journey from Valletta to the airport takes around 15 minutes. Muscat was on the apron as the plane landed.

    That means reporters knew Mr Galea was released before his wife did.

    He engineered the release of information to steal the limelight, making sure he was in prime position at the airport before Mr Galea’s family arrived.

  24. Henri says:

    Nixtieq nghid li nheles bis Sahha tal gvern Malti, hu ghidu xi ghidu din kollha ghira Issa wasal Malta .

  25. Henri says:

    Shame on you Daphne.

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