I honestly wonder how Mrs Muscat copes – this sort of response is crazy-making

Published: July 17, 2014 at 5:43pm

From Times of Malta’s report about the swearing-in of Judge Wenzu Mintoff:

Asked if the Commission for the Administration of Justice had been consulted before the appointment, (the Prime Minister) said the practice of the past was followed.

Which means what, exactly?

I can’t bear the way journalists just let these things go. At least show your readers that you tried to persist in getting a proper answer, even if you don’t actually get one.

13 Comments Comment

  1. ciccio says:

    Didn’t Joseph Muscat promise a “politika gdida – stil gdid ta’ tmexxija – il-politika tal-bierah spiccat”?

    His first line to the electorate in the Electoral Programme foreward, signed by him, says: “Pajjizna ghandu bzonn bidla fid-direzzjoni.”

    Where is this new style of politics?

  2. watchful eye says:

    I have been waiting for this post since this morning.

    A simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ would have sufficed.

    But unfortunately, journalists from the other side of the fence seem literally FRIGHTENED (excuse the capitals) of Joseph Muscat.

    Am I the only one to see it this way?

  3. Jozef says:

    That’s ara x’ghamel GonziPN.

  4. Calculator says:

    Taking into consideration Muscat’s penchant for excusing present behaviour by perceived misbehaviour -real or otherwise – of past administrations, I’d wager that no consultation took place whatsoever. He’ll eventually excuse it by saying that the evil GonziPN appointed judges sympathetic to his cause too, hence his use of the words “practice of the past”.

  5. Alf says:

    So Muscat says “the practice of the past was followed”. If I am not mistaken when in 2002 Dr Andre Camilleri (a very respected gentleman) was nominated for the post of judge, his nomination was turned down by the Commission for the Administration of Justice because he was not deemed to have enough experience.

    Joseph Muscat, please stop your bullshit.

  6. Tracert says:

    So much for the “politika mmuffata tal-passat”

  7. Sophia. says:

    La l-Kummissjoni ma kienitx ikkonsultata tista’ tistaqsi jekk almenu ndenjawx jistaqsu l-Prim Imhallef bhala kap tal-Gudikatura mhux bhala Vice Chairman tal-Commission? La l-Commission ma kienitx ikkonsultata. Jien nghidlek lanqas dan m’ghamlu.

  8. White coat says:

    There are two pasts: 1987-2013 and 1971-1987. To which past is our national joke of a prime minister referring too?

  9. verita says:

    Before the elections Dr.Gonzi repeatedly asked Dr. Muscat what he meant by “nibdlu d-direzzjoni.Dr. Muscat never answered.

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