Mannie Galea’s picture is now up on the Tripoli embassy website

Published: July 29, 2014 at 3:39pm

But there is absolutely no information as to what Maltese citizens in Libya should do, or even whether the embassy is functioning or not. And this in a war-zone.

Maybe Ambassador Mannie can use the empty space for a bit of spiel about the Maltese girna, or use it to advertise his construction business in Libya. There’s going to be lots of scope for that once the rocket launchers are done.

ambassador 1

ambassador 2

20 Comments Comment

    • Spock says:

      On a lighter note – switcher Mannie Galea ‘s nickname with his former MZPN friends was ‘ Standing Ovulation’ when he referred to the standing ovation a particular speaker received during a meeting of the group . Another piece of rubbish for the Labour skip .

  1. P Bonnici says:

    They don’t know if they are coming or going.

  2. Manuel says:

    How despicable. The PM treats foreigners who come to Malta to buy a passport, with more respect.

    He provides armed and police escort from and to the airport. He provides transport made up of tinted glass so that discretion is kept at all times. He provides them with the use of secured areas at the airport so that no one can take pictures of them. And all this because they can pay.

    Maltese citizens in a war zone are then advised by the same PM to use commercial flights and pay their own fares!

    Despicable moron.

  3. nadia says:

    Since you seem to enjoy the ridiculously terrible levels of written English in Maltese newspapers here are a couple of classics from the Independent today:

    “According to government sources, until now there are 99 Maltese nationals who are still in Libya”

    “Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, who was at the airport to welcome Galea, said yesterday that no ransom was demanded by the kidnappers from his government although his employers, Arab Geophysical Exploration Services Company, had done so.”

  4. Josette says:

    Wiċċu bla żejt

  5. Arnold Layne says:

    To think that we actually had a few decent diplomats who were thrown on the scrap heap by Team Taghna Lkoll, simply to free up places for jokers like this one. I’ve heard that many of these are sitting around the Foreign Ministry with little to do and trying to find a way out. brain drain all over again just like the 70s and 80s.

    • Lucifer Sam says:

      Right you are!

      Rumour in Australia has it that one of the consuls general there is IT illiterate – can you image this in this day and age?

  6. Hmm says:

    So Mannie Trouble, as he is known among MEPA case officers due to his appalling level of work submitted, lives up to his reputation once again.

  7. Clueless says:

    The greatest farce from last night was that the Maltese Embassy in Libya and the six army officers (supposedly specialised in rescue operations) didn’t have the foresight or common sense to ensure that Martin Galea had the necessary travelling documents before boarding the flight back to Malta.

    They had to take him back to the Consulate in Tripoli to furnish him with a passport, delaying his return by a further 45 minutes as reported by TVM last night. What a bunch of amateurs.

  8. Peter Bloom says:

    An entire administration which is simply “not fit for purpose”.

  9. pale blue my foot! says:

    Our invisible man in Tripoli did a great vanishing act when his services were most needed.

  10. anthony says:

    If no one thought of taking a copied version of his passport to Libya, then we are really and truly in the hands of dangerous amateurs and practically all but f*cked as a nation.

    What did they think? That this poor guy would have been allowed to go home and collect his passport and his cosmetics pouch and shaving gear?

    Iva kollha boloh?

    A personal warning to ALL Maltese citizens: do not venture any further than Gozo because if anything goes wrong you have had it.

    There is one Marisa Farrugia and she can only deal with one case at a time but no more than that.

  11. ken il malti says:

    What a fake this Mannie Galea is.

    Now you see him, now you don’t, now you see him again.

    WTF ?

  12. Socrates says:

    JIsta’ jkun li anki Mannie Galea l-ambaxxatur insteraq mill-Libjani u l-Gvern qed jisthi jghidilna. Nghiduha kif inhu, li kieku l-militia jew dawk li serquh kellhom isibu lil Manuel Mallia ma’ wicchom zgur li jiccukkjaw ruhhom u jcedu ghax dehra ta’ gurilla tahsdek.

  13. Sue says:

    Did you see the story on Malta Today? Our man in Tripoli is fighting for his moment of glory.

  14. La Redoute says:

    All is not well in the state of Taghna Lkoll.

    George Vella greets Marise Farrugia with a hug. Muscat ignores her.

    Martin Galea thanks her for saving his life. Muscat doesn’t mention her.

    Now friend-of-Mannie Khaled Ibrahim Ben Nasan (he fights corruption and smuggling, apparently) says that Martin Galea wasn’t kidnapped but taken into custody for his own safety (funny that he feared for his life, then) and that his release was thanks to Mannie Galea.

    Why did Mannie Galea ask Ben Nasan to help instead of calling ‘a senior military figure’ directly?

    It took 12 days to find Galea “because his captors don’t speak Maltese or English”.

    Don’t Ben Nasan and Al Madani speak any Arabic?

    • The Phoenix says:

      Ben Nasan is nothing but a fraudster himself, seeing how to defraud Maltese and Libyans with promises of Libyan contracts. He can’t go back to Libya as he will be arrested there.

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