Muscat: taking hot tips from Robert Mugabe

Published: July 19, 2014 at 12:27pm


I quote:

In a court filing, Mugabe argued there was no money to hold the by-elections — which his party is almost certain to lose — given the country had to pay for both a constitutional referendum and a general election in coming months.

And please note that even in the wholly undemocratic environment of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe at least had to go through the motions of getting his decision to cancel elections mandated by a court ruling.

In Malta, Muscat decided unilaterally to cancel elections and that’s it.

15 Comments Comment

  1. La Redoute says:

    Is the Law Commissioner advising his former classroom nemesis on how to manipulate the law to get away with murder?

  2. pablo says:

    The corrupt bastards are setting a precedent. How can you extend the tenure of elected representatives, elected by the citizenry, beyond the mandate they were given? If you do they become appointees of the state.

    • La Redoute says:

      Isn!t that partly the idea?

      Next thing you know, it’ll become official to appoint councils rather than elect them.

    • Cikku says:

      Għal daqshekk jilħqilhom moħħom. Mela “appointees of the state”. X’iridu aktar u b’hekk jispiċċaw jieħdu xi “iced bun” oħra huma wkoll. Verament vili, m’hemmx kelma li toqgħodlhom aktar minn din . VILI.

  3. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Does what Joseph Muscat dreams up become automatically legal now?

  4. nutmeg says:

    And yet this government had no trouble ordering a €150,000 reprint of the ballot sheets, two weeks before the MEP elections.

  5. Last Post says:

    Il-Lejber qatt ma kien komdu bil-Kunsilli Lokali. Mhux tant ghax ma harigx bihom hu (fil-fatt qatt ma kienu f’xi manifest elettorali) daqskemm ghax hu ma jemminx fid-demokrazija, hlief kif taqbel lilu.

    L-idea tal-Kunsilli Lokali hi idea fuq kollox Ewropeja li l-iskop taghha hu li twessa’ u tifrex id-demokrazija fuq il-livell lokali. Huma ghodda biex in-nies ikollha sehem f’decizjonijiet li jittiehdu fejn jolqot il-hajja ta’ kuljum fil-livell lokali.

    B’din l-ahhar skuza ta’ JM, il-Lejber qed jikkonferma l-antipatija tieghu lejn dawn il-kunsilli u, iktar minn hekk, lejn il-veru tifsira tad-demokrazija.

    Tista’ ssib hafna x’tikkritika fl-operat ta’ kunsilli individwali, imma zgur li t-twaqqif taghhom (minn Gvern tal-PN) dawn kellhom impatt pozittiv fuq il-lokalitajiet.

    Sfortunatament, gvern tal-Lejber jista’ jirrombla fuq l-elezzjonijiet tal-kunsilli lokali ghax ghall-poplu taghna id-demokrazija m’ghandhiex il-prijorita’ li jixirqilha (sakemm ma tmisslux il-but).

  6. RF says:

    Joseph Muscat can make his vile ideas happen by changing the laws due to enjoying parliamentary majority. But he cannot provide work to the thousands of school-leavers, university graduands, bread-winners nor reduce the deficit or improve economic situation without real hard-work and talent. In these respects he and his cabinet have proved to be incompetent and nonplussed.

  7. AE says:

    I wonder are the local councils effected currently dominated by Labour ? Do the polls indicate that Labour was going to get a hiding?

  8. Sophia. says:

    Anzi dawn indejnjaw ruhhom jiehdu l-materja fil-Qorti. Il-Gvern taghna qabad u ddecieda minn jeddu. Dittatorjat.

  9. Freedom5 says:

    Should PN councillors stop attending meetings for a period of 6 months, and lies their seats, and there won’t be sufficient PL candidates for the bye elections, won’t this force elections in the localities.

    Even in localities where PL has sufficient candidates, this would pose a serious democratic deficit with one party councils.

    Could this be a way forward?

  10. ciccio says:

    After the MOU signed by Muscat in Tienanmen Square, Malta and Gozo will become a province of China.

    Local government will follow Chinese law. Joseph Muscat will be appointed governor of the province.

    Muscat and his party branch in Malta will nominate the mayors and councillors, who will have to pass a rigorous due diligence by a team at the Auberge de Castille. Candidates’ backgrounds will be checked very thoroughly – it is thought, though not confirmed, that such checks include verification against the World Bank blacklist.

    A list of nominees will be sent to the Communist Party central command in Beijing.

    The Central Government of Beijing will appoint the mayors and councillors. One big swear-in ceremony will be held at the Great Hall of the People, where the local governors will have the opportunity to indulge in China’s main delicacy – the Peking Duck.

  11. AP says:

    Of course he will not hold an election for years to come.

    Joseph Muscat knows that he and his friends will lose the spring hunting referendum based on high turnout if it takes place with an election.

  12. Comment says:

    Mr Big Head has no revenue for local councils but then he has enough money to pay for a whole convey to drag with him where ever he goes.

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