The Manuel Mallia office it send very good letter for to say you not get job

Published: July 23, 2014 at 4:00pm

This is a real letter, sent in by the recipient.

letter manuel Mallia

30 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Clause 5.1. It’s always clause 5.1.

    • pablo says:

      Clause 5.1 : “Him for apply must first chase and talk to a saint at a Labour Party Club or otherwise him not full fill qualificates for position.”

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        No, I’m serious. Clause 5.1 is basically carte blanche to turn away anyone on an arbitrary basis. It’s the one about not having the necessary qualifications for the job. God knows I’ve been on the receiving end.

  2. Maria Gauci says:

    Recently, I received a renewal notice from the police HQ and, amongst other things, I noticed that they kept translating the word renew to “tirrenova” instead of “iggedded”. If “tirrenova” exists in the Maltese language, I assume it would translate to “refurbish”.

  3. vanni says:

    I met some neighbours of mine this morning, asking my opinion on where the family could best attend English Language courses, (the two children are to be enrolled in a School, whilst the parents attend Business English Courses). I suppose that I could have mentioned Malta, out of some misplaced patriotism, but decided I liked them enough to be honest, and recommended the UK. The argument I made was that people speak English in England, as opposed to the God knows what that is spoken in Malta. Reading this letter, I’m glad.

    • Cikku flieles says:

      @ Vanni. I fully agree. I have had to do the same with friends from Denmark and Spain. The level of English of some of the ‘host’ families is much lower than that of the students. It is almost impossible to hear Maltese persons speak English without their hrowing in a couple of words or phrases in Maltese in the same sentence.

  4. Sue says:

    The Ministry’s title in the letter’s caption, does not even tally with the Ministry’s letterhead

    What low standards!

  5. Nathalie says:

    Where do we find such ignorance?

  6. ken il malti says:

    What is the disposition of Kevin Borg to write such nonsense ?

  7. white coat says:

    I wouldn’t want to be employed by an entity which employs HRD personnel who would not know how to compose a simple letter. I wonder who employed Kevin Borg and on what merits.

  8. Arnold Layne says:

    “your application does not fulfil the eligibility requirements”.

    Clearly, nor does Kevin Borg’s

  9. Tinnat says:

    Ever noticed the horrendous English used (for the lengthy warning against using the shuttle) in the lifts at the Floriana/Valletta carpark?

  10. Francis Saliba MD says:

    If there is anybody who does not posses the requirement needed for his post that person would be the writer of this letter.

  11. Bleh says:

    Reflects the ignorance of whoever voted for this government!

  12. pat says:

    Perhaps the applicant didn’t get the job because his English wasn’t up to scratch.

  13. Gobsmacked says:

    Sack. Him. Now.

  14. C Falzon says:

    That letter certainly needs some ‘correctional services’.

  15. John C says:

    Clause 5.1

    Applicants must have either experience of featuring on a PL billboard or experience of working with One Tv or radio station to be considered for this post.

  16. chico says:

    Has the pea-brainer who penned this missive ever heard of skolasajf?

  17. your most obedient servant says:

    This assistant director does not even know how to write a letter. One closes a letter with the words “Yours faithfully” not “best regards” which is acceptable in an email but not in a formal letter.

    Civil service standards, even those of senior officials, have plummeted.

    This has become a country where the utterly mediocre are placed to judge those who are more knowledgeable than them.

    The tragedy is that the ignorant do not know how ignorant they are and they consider themselves smart. He who knows not and knows not he knows not is a fool. This is not something that began under the present administration — it flourished under the PN government too.

  18. ciccio says:

    It seems that the Department of Correctional Services cannot even correct its own mistakes.

  19. Gaetano Pace says:

    I am very unaware that lessons in Chinese have started, let alone the official practice of the language.

  20. Wilson says:

    If Clause 5.1 is about qualifications. Mr. Kevin Borg definitely does not have 5.1 with regards to writing letters/responses in English. Does it mean, he also loses the job?

  21. Alchemist says:

    Holy Mother of God!

  22. Artemis says:

    I hate to disabuse everyone of the idea that English people speak better English than anyone else just because they are English.

    I can assure you that a lot of English people cannot speak or spell their language correctly. It makes me wonder what they were doing during English lessons.

    Heaven forbid if any of them had to sit a citizenship test. I’m sure they’d be put on the next boat to the back of beyond.

    However, there are people in Malta who can speak and write excellent English (like Daphne). The above letter only demonstrates the quality of employee that government offices are willing (or obliged?) to accept. So why should we be surprised at that?

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