The prime minister hogs the limelight, takes the credit and gives his back to the woman diplomat who saved the day

Published: July 29, 2014 at 2:15am

Muscat Farrugia 2

Muscat Farrugia 3

Muscat Farrugia 4

Muscat Farrugia

These screen grabs from the video footage speak volumes about the prime minister’s appalling manners and lack of grace.

That woman to whom he’s given his back while addressing the press about the rescue of Martin Galea is the woman who rescued him, Marisa Farrugia. He shouldn’t be giving his back to anyone anyway, let alone the heroine of the day.

Baxx u mrobbi hazin. But you can’t blame the parents because he’s 40 and should have taught himself some manners by now.

38 Comments Comment

  1. Madoff says:

    Kien qal li ser ikun gvern ghan-nisa.

    • Dave says:

      Intqalu hafna affarijiet kieku. If Muscat and Co were a product or service this would probably have been classified as an unfair commercial practice (the bait and switch).

  2. Cikku says:

    Imma kif jidher la hu gvern għan-nisa u lanqas għall-irġiel. Għalih, għalih u jekk jibqa’ għalih.

  3. Makjavel says:

    Wera kemm hu tan-nejk.

    Ghax ma jhallix id-daqna u jmur il-Pakistan.

  4. Banana republic ... again says:

    That frown again. He must be lying about something…again.

    • Grace says:

      Sewwa qed tghid, dak il-wicc issa drajnieh. Il-body language tieghu qed tittradieh lil Muscat. U l-bierah deher car li kien inkwetat jew irrabbjat.

      Hallih ha jiehu ftit unuri, ghax forsi b’hekk naraw dahqa minghandu, imma il-popolin qed jinduna kif qed jagixxi Muscat f’kull okkazzjoni.

    • Calculator says:

      Does taking credit for the whole operation not count as a lie?

  5. canon says:

    You can’t blame the parents because he’s 40 and since he became prime minister he is more arrogant than ever before.

  6. Oh Yeah says:


  7. RF says:

    At 72, and supposedly better educated than his prime minister, George Vella is just as crass not to give due respect to a really competent member of his own diplomatic staff.

  8. Bubu says:

    The way Muscat practically cuts Martin Galea off, terminating the press conference, as soon as he mentions Marisa Farrugia, is appalling.

    At the very least he should have brought her forward to allow the cameras to get a good look at her and thanked her publicly.

    What a f*cking w*nker. Vera salvagg u annimal.

    • Josette says:

      Martin Galea went off script and couldn’t be allowed to continue addressing the press. And the script was Joseph Muscat, the hero, who managed to save the hostage working remotely. All Martin Galea was supposed to do was thank him and him alone. Nobody else could be allowed to take the credit.

  9. Bob says:

    Tell us more about this heroine. I guess she will not be on Peppi’s sofa any time soon…

    • Grace says:

      Iva naqbel mieghek, Bob. Daphne please ghidilna iktar fuq Marisa Farrugia, ghax biex tmur lura gol-Libya tahdem ghal din il-persuna maqbuda mill-militia, trid ikollok kuragg kbir u stamina eccezzjonali.

  10. White coat says:

    Issoltu – Joseph Muscat iboss b’sorm haddiehor.

  11. Anthony Charles. says:

    Viva Dr. Marisa Farrugia.

  12. P Bonnici says:


  13. P Bonnici says:

    It took a woman with balls to secure the release of a hostage. Dr Marisa was the best person in Malta to do this.

  14. Volley says:

    I noticed his facial expressions as well. I thought he was rather ‘angry’ or annoyed?!

  15. Natalie says:

    Appalling manners. Besides, who wants to hear what the Prime Minister has to say when next to him stands a man who’s been kidnapped for a week and a half? The microphone should have been offered to Mr. Galea first, Dr. Marisa Farrugia next and finally the Prime Minister.

  16. Artemis says:

    I wish he’d stop it with that annoying, quizzical look. He should learn to keep his facial expressions under control. It is not appropriate for a person of his standing.

  17. Gaetano Pace says:

    Martin Galea gave the game away by thanking Marisa Farrugia so publicly. No wonder the prime minister was clearly angry and annoyed.

    Mr Galea is a gentleman. He showed how grateful he really was to the person who mattered.

    The rest is just Labour in a showcase.

    • ciccio says:

      Mr. Galea’s recognition of Dr. Farrugia’s work was so natural, because it reflects the truth.

      The prime minister’s objective in this charade was to get back to those who criticised the poor way in which his government handled this matter, now we can say, right till the end of it.

      The faster they divert the public’s attention to something else – what is it this time, euthanasia? – the better.

  18. thealley says:

    Net TV, wake up from your coma.

    • Tinnat says:

      The mind boggles. Why would the PM go to welcome a man returning a country that only last week he termed as safe and stable?

    • Tinnat says:

      Not just NET TV. It’s the ENTIRE Opposition which needs to wake up. This country is a field of gold for a serious party in Opposition, but all we hear is whimperings and groans. Wake up and smell the coffee, dear leaders.

  19. silverbug says:

    Oh boy! if looks could kill, Martin Galea would be sausage meat.

  20. Jozef says:

    Just look at the size of that furrow.

  21. winter girl says:

    It’s a shame Dr Marisa Farrugia wasn’t interviewed. She has a story to tell.

    What about the prime minister? Does he have a story to tell? Don’t think so.

    And what kind of journalists do we have?

  22. M says:

    Didn’t anyone tell the prime minister that at that point his facial expression should have been one of relief? Maybe he doesn’t have that particular expression in his rehearsed repertoire.

    Look at Dr. Farrugia, she did the work, put herself on the line of fire, so her expression is genuine and appropriate.

  23. AE says:

    Notice how he makes a point of mentioning all those persons whose appointment he wishes to justify and yet fails to mention the heroine of the day.

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