Was Romania really that bad, Codruta?

Published: July 29, 2014 at 8:54pm

manuel mallia

55 Comments Comment

  1. anthony says:

    His BMI must be close to 50.

    He has the same ‘condition’ as Joe Grima.

    He eats ‘hnizrijiet’ and tons of it. Five thousand calories a day.

    He can afford to live on fish and salads but fresh fish costs money, so there you are.

    The Michelin Man.

  2. pale blue my foot! says:

    Well the old adage that it`s money that makes the world go round still holds good with the likes of Codruta.

  3. Tal-Malja says:

    Where are his knees?

  4. La Redoute says:

    What’s Jeffrey Curmi carrying in his left hand?

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    For two million, I’d sleep with him myself. Codruta made the right choice.

  6. ken il malti says:

    That Pillsbury Doughboy belly makes one want to poke his tummy with a ten feet long barge pole, just for the sheer fun of it.

  7. Edgar says:

    I am sure that beneath that fat tummy there has to be some hidden talent that we don’t know about…if he can find it.

  8. Sue says:

    The man’s eyeing the foreign ministry, so the rumour goes…….

  9. P Bonnici says:

    Come on Daphne. Codruta has taste, not like the people she calls ‘injuranti Maltin’. Kemm hu sexy ir-ragel hi.

  10. Socrates says:

    Imnalla li tal-anqas kellu z-zip tal-qalziet maqful.

  11. C.Portelli says:

    I’m too SEXY for my shirt…..too SEXY

  12. dutchie says:

    He’s a plastic Fat Controller which rotates 360° at the waist. Just like some Fabergé egg.

    Maybe it’s a photo edit.

    I mean, he even has the pants on properly for those rear-facing legs.

    [Daphne – Yes, you’d think it’s a photo-edit, wouldn’t you, but the thing is I cropped it off Malta Today.]

    • Optimist says:

      Dutchie you mean 180 degrees not 360.

      • dutchie says:

        He rotates all the way around and around, so above 360 if needed. Though then he’d have to turn back otherwise the wiring might come loose.

        Unless he has wireless connections of course.

    • silvio says:

      If we were to vote only for handsome persons to be our ministers I wonder if Simon Busuttil would ever have a chance of ever making it.

      One advice that I would like to give to all those girls looking for a husband.

      Looks are bound to make drastic changes when a man starts getting old, but as a rule, their wallets start getting fuller, and by the time you are nearing sixty, who cares about looks.

      [Daphne – Nowadays women work and earn their own money, Mr Loporto. My generation was roughly the last to include husband-hunters on the basis of a meal ticket, and even then they were increasingly in the minority. My friends and I all work. I can’t imagine any of the young women I know in my sons’ generation choosing somebody on the basis that they can live off him. They all have a good education and are starting out in careers. The women of your generation were barely sent to school.]

      • dutchie says:

        Silvio, I think one reason all this fun is being made is because, ironically, Malta Today published that brilliantly ridiculous photo (the original one, before Mallia got cropped out here) of The Government rushing to be prominently on the scene at the airport.

        That picture is a caricature of this government.

      • clarissa says:

        In the past working-class girls were brainwashed about finding a rich husband so they could live off him.

        [Daphne – Not only working-class girls, Clarissa, but Maltese girls of all backgrounds. There was no difference.]

        These families were not able to teach values to their daughters or the importance of being independent and well educated. If at the age of 18 a girl said that she wanted to buy a car, her parents would tell her to wait till she found a boyfriend with his own car. I know what I am talking about.

    • Liberal says:

      I think it’s photoshopped. Maybe Malta Today didn’t notice.

  13. Tania says:

    Looks like he’s got his head on back to front.

  14. M says:

    If Romania was THAT bad, lying back and thinking of Romania hardly does the trick does it?

  15. George says:

    Honestly, at first I thought that the photograph was photoshopped. It looks as if the upper and lower body are twisted or swivelled 180 degrees against each other.

  16. Kurt Mifsud Bonnici says:

    Maybe a better question would be: are his pockets really that deep, Codruta?

  17. ciccio says:

    There is no space for Franco in those trousers. Bustards.

  18. Gary says:

    “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

    • observer says:

      That was the FINAL scene in Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’.

      We in Malta are witnessing it only after16 months of muscat’s tyranny.

      Guess what the FINAL scene will look like 44 months from now.

  19. Grezz says:

    Oh come on, don’t be so nasty all of you – don’t you know that love is blind?

    • FP says:

      If it’s not blind, it must be blinded.

      For were it to have sight, how would it be able to see anything with all that flab in it’s face?

    • observer says:

      It may be – but it can certainly count the Faberge eggs and the millions.

      • clarissa says:

        Itay changed law regarding pensions for the widows when it was becoming habitual for women mainly coming from eastern countries to marry very old Italian men, especially those who assist the elderly during their illnesses.

        A widow is entitled to a pension only if she was married to her late husband for five years. If the duration of her marriage was less than five years she will not take a cent from the state.

  20. albona says:

    I take exception to the title used for this piece. It is racist and implies that Romanians need to marry foreigners to leave the country. That is not true at all. I think the undertone of the message draws on the social construct initiated with the beginning of the Iron Curtain and the current pervasive trend of xenophobia.

    There is a massive tendency in Malta now to hate anything or anyone hailing from what they dub Eastern Europe. Where does all this come from? The hysteria in UK newspapers about the Polish plumber stealing jobs from those oh so hardworking Brits? Which mind you is just code for: ‘we hate blacks, Asians and Arabs but can’t say that so let us pretend we have an aversion to those whities from the East’. Read UKIP.

    By all means attack Codruta for being a golddigger if you like, but not for leaving her native Romania for this paradise island, navel as it is, of the universe. She could have gone anywhere; she is after all, European.

    It is a pity to tarnish this blog with this kind of piece, honestly. It undoes so much hard work in one unnecessary and hastily-written title.

    • Silver says:

      I fully agree with Albona. I am a Maltese citizen who has Romanian relatives and business interests, and I do not like it when Romania is dragged into the story just because Manuel Mallia’s wife hails from there.

      Criticize the person for her actions/ words because she is in the public eye, but please respect the country, and all those who directly or indirectly have ties to Romania in one way or another.

      Romania is a beautiful country whose nation has suffered more than any of us would imagine; don’t be patronising. If I remember correctly, you had criticized newspaper titles reporting on criminals by nationality, such as “Nigerian injures man in fight” because it would create stereotypes, and on that I had agreed with you, but don’t you think you are doing some of that yourself now?

      It also does not do credit to your usually politically correct stance, as to me it feels racist. It certainly feels insulting. You might think you are targeting Codruta, but you are also offending bona fide Romanian citizens, of which I personally know many, even up to the level of the European Commission, whether they live here or elsewhere.

  21. Ken Mercieca says:

    I think he placed the EUR500k cash he had forgotten to include in his declaration of assets in his fat tummy ….biex ma jmorrux jisirquwomlu

  22. Alexander Ball says:

    Living proof that Labour is no longer socialist.

  23. il-Ginger says:

    You’re beating a dead horse Daph. Hypergamy is so ingrained into the female pysche that 88 year old Hugh Hefner still has harems of model-grade women that could be his great grandchildren. Could you imagine a rich 88 year old woman in the same situation?

    [Daphne – The common factor in those women is that they’re all white trash. Those women will always exist despite the changing mores. The alternative to hanging around Hugh Hefner is working at the till all day at Walmart and going home to a caravan in a trailer park at night.]

    She did rather well, because not only did she marry up in terms of money, but also in terms of power and contacts and secured security for her children. Her children are more set than the majority of most people. To boot she’s exclusive to him.

    Codruta is one of those many women who would rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle. :)

    [Daphne – She did the precise opposite of securing a future for her children. She took what I consider to be an insane and irresponsible risk with their well-being. Children, especially boys, who are fathered by men in their 50s (let alone by men close to 60) are quite likely to be autistic. The autism is caused by mutations in the genes of sperm from older men.

    Research began when doctors noticed a clear and distinct increase in the number of autistic children born over the last couple of decades. Was it something in the environment? Was it better diagnosis? No, it was men having their first children at a later age, and other men having raised round one and moving on to round two with another woman.

    Nobody ever thought that old fathers would be risky for babies, let alone even riskier than old mothers.

    Codruta Mallia took a huge risk, but then she was unlucky too: not only did she have twins, but they were both boys, and both severely autistic. If she had married somebody her age, even in Romania, it wouldn’t have happened.

    And whatever we say about her, I don’t think she’s the kind of woman who’d rather have lots of money and badly disabled children than hardly any money and children who can live a proper life.



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