Where’s Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando when a man needs him?

Published: July 9, 2014 at 2:33pm

The prime minister has massive build-up of thick, yellow plaque on THE FRONT of his teeth. Does he brush them? Keeping the plaque off the back of your teeth is difficult because it’s hard to get at. But the front? For heaven’s sake.

Michelle needs to give him lessons in oral hygiene, because it looks like mummy never did. Brushing your teeth wasn’t big on the agenda in Maltese hamlets in the 1970s and 1980s, and boy, does it show.

Little circular motions, up and down, round and round, Joseph, change your toothbrush every couple of weeks and use a plaque-busting toothpaste.

Braun have these amazing Oral B electric toothbrushes which might do the trick. I went to a launch party a few days ago and was favourably impressed. You just stand there and hold it while it does all the work – perfect for homeboy.

Joseph Muscat plaque 1

Joseph Muscat plaque 2

Joseph Muscat plaque 3

Joseph Muscat plaque 4

Joseph Muscat plaque 5

Joseph Muscat plaque 6

Joseph Muscat plaque 7

Joseph Muscat plaque 8

24 Comments Comment

  1. Ta'Sapienza says:


  2. La Redoute says:

    His breath must stink. Those teeth are repulsive. Is he the original halitosis kid?

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Oh dear. I see crowding.

  4. Ernestoabroad says:

    He should be checked for intestinal parasites. I don’t like the look of that white tongue of his.

  5. Alexander Ball says:

    The mice are throwing themselves on the traps.

  6. canon says:

    I bet Joseph Muscat doesn’t trust JPO with a syringe in his hand.

  7. ciccio says:

    The front upper teeth look like they have had an acrylic sealer applied to them to avoid the entry of water into the gums.

  8. Rationale says:

    Ah, now we know why those public kisses between him and Mrs Muscat were always so tentative.

    • ciccio says:

      “The prime minister has uncovered a plaque in the presence of the wife of the prime minister.”

  9. Mister says:

    Does Joseph Muscat double for Annoying Orange?


  10. ken il malti says:

    Daily teeth brushing will do very little to solve his dental problem. Daily flossing will help more.

    He needs to visit a dental hygienist every three months to get his teeth scraped clean below the gum line if he plans not to wear dentures in his 50s.

    Most people lose their teeth en masse through gum disease like pyrea and not through cavities brought on by decay.

  11. M says:

    You never know, he might be scared of the dentist. That would explain a few things.

  12. ghalgolhajt.com says:

    Where’s Jeffrey? Well, Jeffrey accompanied by two ladies was on the Air Malta flight from Vienna last night, in club class.

    I’m shocked but my 13 year old terrier sports a better set of teeth than our prime minister. As for the remedy it would have to be a full mouth job.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Details please. Their age, bust:waist:hip ratio and a description of their dress please. This gets interesting.

      • La Redoute says:

        Didn’t you say you were concentrating on serious stuff and had no time for trivialities?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Do you think I want these details for their gossip value? I want to know if it was two of the vast staff at MCST, and what function they were fulfilling. I like to know how my tax money is being spent.

  13. Carolina says:

    Tasswew. Ma kontx tajt kas imma meta rajthom mil-qrib indunajt. Issa Jeffrey jew Marlene it-tnejn dentisti jaghtuh attenzjoni mehtiega.

  14. Tom Double Thumb says:

    These comments may have at least one good effect – make Joseph Muscat give us fewer of his artificial smiles.

  15. P Shaw says:

    I dare anyone to have a meal/snack in front of the PC displaying these pictures, and manage to eat without any incidents.

  16. Tabatha White says:

    How absolutely disgusting.

    A scoffer with no hygiene.

    It applies to his general way of doing things.

    Like the fat President with disgusting feet.

    Reminds me a bit of Chaucer’s ‘foul at both ends’ in The Pardoner’s Tale:

    “Meat for the belly and belly for the meat:
    And both shall God destroy,” as Paul does say.
    Alas! A foul thing is it, by my fay,
    To speak this word, and fouler is the deed,
    When man so guzzles of the white and red
    That of his own throat makes he his privy,
    Because of this cursed superfluity.
    The apostle, weeping, says most piteously:
    “For many walk, of whom I’ve told you, aye,
    Weeping I tell you once again they’re dross,
    For they are foes of Christ and of the Cross,
    Whose end is death, whose belly is their god.”
    O gut! O belly! O you stinking cod,
    Filled full of dung, with all corruption found!
    At either end of you foul is the sound.

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