You have got to be kidding – look at this

Published: July 29, 2014 at 3:34pm

Joseph Muscat on the subject of Malta’s 10 years in the European Union – and let’s bet nobody’s going to ask him whether he still thinks joining was a really lousy idea.

And, Mr Prime Minister, do you regret not voting Yes? If others hadn’t done so in large numbers, you wouldn’t be prime minister today.

Muscat EU

21 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Laqgha pubblika? Nista’ niehu l-bandiera tal-EU mieghi?

    L-ohrajn jistghu jiehdu l-karta tal-vot tar-referendum.

    • chully 1 says:

      X’għidtli? lagħaqa pubblika?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Jekk nissellef l-istereo ta’ siehbi Spud u ndoqq ‘Partnership L-Ahjar Ghazla’, ikeccuni?

      • ciccio says:

        Jifirxulek ir-red carpet, Baxxter. U jekk tinsisti, ituk gopp meritokratiku mal-kvern.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Ma nixtieqx indawwar piss-take f’serjetà, imma l-gopps meritokratici ma jinaghtawx skond l-alleanza politika. Imma skond jekk intix lil’hinn jew lil hawn mil-linji ta’ cirkumvallazzjoni. In other words, inside or outside the inner circle. I’ve always been outside, ghidilhom, lit-Taghna Lkollers li minghalihom li jien Nazzjonalist.

  2. Jozef says:

    Of course they won’t. Can’t risk inclusion in official press entourage somewhere ‘abroad’.

  3. La Redoute says:

    Shouldn’t that be “laghqa mal-prim ministru”?

    It’s far more appropriate.

    • Min Jaf says:

      Now, that would be something if everyone attending the meeting were to take along a replica of Muscat’s referendum voting instruction stuck on a placard. That would put that fart-filled gasbag in his place good and proper.

    • ciccio says:

      Apparently you have to show the voting document of the EU referendum at the door to be given access to the “laqgha.”

  4. Manuel says:

    It will be one of those ‘laqghat’ with a Xarabank twist.

    Some members of the public will ask ‘spontaneous and appropriate’ questions which they will read out from small pieces of paper handed to them by the Labour media.

    It will be another exercise by the Labour Hate Machine and Hobbit Kurt to avoid embarrassment for the PM.

  5. White coat says:

    How many EU proxy Maltese passports have we sold to the Chinese?

  6. Osservatore says:

    Looks like he cannot even be fagged to drag his fat ass out of his office. That said, we might want to thank God for small mercies.

  7. A VELLA says:

    A ‘laqgha’ which will probably result in one big ‘laghqa’.

  8. bookworm says:

    What is he going to rant about, why he didn’t want Malta to join the EU?

  9. NO Comment says:

    The Head of MEUSAC is switcher Dr. Vanni Xuereb, an ex priest who now lives with a man who has a son.

    [Daphne – Yes, I know. We were in the same class at St Dorothy’s School.]

  10. michael seychell says:

    Qed jintghadl li Dr.Alf. Sant ser ikun guest speaker – jista xi hadd jikkonferma please?

  11. Gaetano Pace says:

    Jien ma mmurx mal laghaqa tal prim ministru u ma niflahx nara dak il wicc vili jitkellem illum fuq il baqra Ewropa li heleb minnha Joe.

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