You see, this is just the kind of remark and attitude that makes Wenzu Mintoff wholly unsuitable as a judge

Published: July 17, 2014 at 5:48pm

From Times of Malta’s report today:

One lawyer yesterday told Times of Malta that what applied to Dr (Andre) Camilleri should apply to others.

“I have been practising daily at the law courts for the past 20 years and I’m not sure that I’ve seen Wenzu Mintoff practising as a lawyer more than twice,” he exclaimed.

However, when contacted, Dr Mintoff said he had been a lawyer since 1984 and practised at the courts throughout the years. “I only stopped practising as a lawyer when Alan Camilleri became chairman of Malta Enterprise [in 2008],” he said.

For God’s sake – literally hours before being sworn in as a judge, and he’s still at it. Exactly how can we expect him to be impartial in any case involving Alan Camilleri?

And that’s just one example from among legions of them. The timing makes it just so much worse: he’s swimming through criticism about his lack of impartiality, his bitterness, spite and vengeful attitude, and he makes a remark like that.

And then seconds after saying that:

Asked whether he felt that his nomination was a partisan one and whether he was seen to have the necessary impartiality to occupy this sensitive office, he said he was precluded from making comments as a member of the judiciary.

7 Comments Comment

  1. watchful eye says:

    Exactly my thoughts. I cringed when I read this. In one instance he comments then in the next he says that he can not comment as a member of the judiciary.

    For Pete’s sake.

  2. RF says:

    “No comment” – dejjem fejn jaqblilhom.

  3. Calculator says:

    He’s not even a judge yet and it’s already gone to his head. So Muscat has just seemingly turned another institution into a personal fiefdom for his followers. Now that’s what I call a really evil clique.

  4. Anthony Cachia Castelletti says:

    Contrary to what the PM said, in my personal opinion, Wenzu Mintoff’s integrity has always been in question.

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