A sense of entitlement and not much going on between the ears

Published: August 13, 2014 at 7:29pm

Here’s Nuxellina, the mayor of Hal Qormi (who has just opened a clothes shop in Valletta, called I Am).

If the Police Commissioner allowed her to barge an entire long queue to board the ferry to Malta, then of course the government will accede to her demands for blackout compensation to residents of Hal Qormi.

No problems with discrimination there at all. But a lot of problems with stupidity.

Rosiane Cutajar

79 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Nemmen li jekk il-gvern jaccetta din it-talba stupida ta’ Nuxellina, jkun obbligat jaghti kumpens lill-individwi (familji? ie. households?) kollha affetwati.

    A bill running into the millions of Euros.

    Another small-island, small-town politico talking out of her bum.

    • ciccio says:

      30% of the compensation will come straight from China. Let’s go for it. I’m calling ‘my’ Mayor.

    • bob-a-job says:

      The government is going to compensate those who suffered the outage for more then twelve hours.

      So Sliema’s out but Qormi’s in.

      How’s that for discrimination.

      • Josette says:

        Naħseb li fl-aħħar tletin sena din kienet l-ewwel darba li kien hemm min għamel tnax-il siegħa bla dawl. Pero aħjar joqgħodu attenti għax dan se jkun preċedent li jkun jista’ jintuża minn dawk li fil-futur jisfax bla dawl (kurrent elettriku) għal tnax-il siegħa jew aktar. Bil-mod li miexi dal-Gvern, għandi idea li din kienet l-ewwel darba imma mhux l-aħħar waħda.
        By the way, what they are saying is “ikkonsidrat kumpens” not “se jingħata kumpens” – which means exactly nothing. I can consider going to the North Pole, but I will probably not do it.

    • Rosa Luxemburg says:

      True, but oh boy! What a bum!

    • Antoine Vella says:

      They have not said how much the compensation is going to be; it could well be just a few euros deducted from the electricity bill. And even this small sum could be spread over a long period of time.

      • La Redoute says:

        The point is that it’s being done and it’s discriminatory. What’s the compensation for, anyway? Real losses or plain inconvenience?

      • ciccio says:

        It could be a refund of the meter rental for 12 hours.

    • Carmelo Micallef says:

      How extraordinary that in little Malta the name of the car owner/driver who parked on St Luke’s helipad has not been made public?

      One of the government statements indicated that there will be an investigation into which, if any, hospital employee was the culprit: But this area is utilised for parking by Malta Enterprise staff.

      Incompetence? Lack of interest? Dissemination?

      • Josette says:

        No, deceit. I’m pretty sure they know who it is and, given the way they are covering his/her ass, it is probably a Tagħna Lkoller.

      • ciccio says:

        “How extraordinary that in little Malta the name of the car owner/driver who parked on St Luke’s helipad has not been made public?”

        You just wait until Times of Malta gets to know his name, and then you will see, he will be “treated fairly.”

  2. Joseph Borg says:

    Yay. And where, pray, does this financial twerp think the compensation will come from? My bloody taxes, that’s where.

  3. ateu says:

    Din ghalliema? Vera twaqqa’ lilna ghalliema ghan-nejk. Mela allura Malta kollha se titlob kumpens.

    • margaret says:

      Qabel ma nitkelmu fuq il-flus tal-kumpens, irridu nitkelmu fuq il-flus li ghandna bzonn biex nergghu ikollna dak li inqered! Pruzuntuza!

  4. ham says:

    Gozo Channel. ..taghna lkoll lol

  5. Madoff says:

    Issa jaghtu il-kumpens mill-flus migbura mill-penali ghat-tbaghbis ta’ l-iSmart Meters.

  6. pocoyo says:

    u dawk kollha li kellhom problemi minhabba l-airport?

    • Maltija says:

      Għid lili Pocoyo … u min bħali kien qed jirritorna lura minn vjaġġ!

      Kellna naslu Malta għall-10.45pm, imma spiċċajna wasalna fis-1.30am. F’dan il-ħin kollu spiċċajna Catania, magħluqin ġewwa l-ajruplan għax ma kellniex permess noħorġu. Tfal jibku, nies imħassbin, kju kbir għar-restroom: kaos sħiħ.

      L-agħar imma meta l-kaptan tana żewġ għażliet:

      1) jew ninżlu Catania u rridu naħsbu għal rasna;

      2) jew nirritornaw lura miegħu lejn Barċellona!

      Avżana wkoll li ma kien hemm l-ebda garanzija li minn Barċellona nerġgħu nirritornaw b’xejn, għax it-tort ma kinitx tal-vjaġġ/ajruplan/kumpanija per se, imma ta’ Malta.

      Elf ħsieb għadda minn moħħi u tar-raġel: fiż-żewġ każijiet, fejn se norqdu? Flus għal taxi, hotel, vjaġġ ieħor, ikel …? Il-luggage se jniżżluhielna dak il-ħin jew isir trasferiment? Meta se jkun il-vjaġġ li jmiss għal Malta?

      Imnalla l-kaptan baqa’ jittama sal-aħħar u baqa’ jtawwal l-istennija għax almenu ġejna direttament bl-istess ajruplan imbagħad.

  7. Sister Ray says:

    Enemalta is not Con Edison or some other energy company that’s owned by private investors. It’s 100% owned by the Government of Malta – in this case read “the taxpayers”. Then again, this is the whole rationale behind the lady’s thinking.

    • ciccio says:

      30% of Enemalta is owned by China.

      Nuxellina’s request will have to make its way to the Great Hall of the People, where it will be discussed by the Central Command of the Workers Party of the People’s Republic of China, before it is submitted for the approval of the President, who will assess the plea in terms of China’s ‘Srategic Partnerships and Investments Policies’ and ‘The Blurred Silk Road.’

      However, according to the Maltese prime minister, China is known to take decisions astonishingly fast – that is faster than you could say “Peking duck.”

      • Sister Ray says:

        Thanks ciccio. So at least one-third of the compensation will be in-kind (or almost).

      • Jozef says:

        Perfect, we have now entered the age taz-zejza tac-Ciniza.

        Mbilli m’ghandiex nemex, xorta zejza.

  8. Pippa says:

    Nuxellina, compensation should be given to all the owners selling food that would have to be put by because frozen food once thawed cannot be sold to consumers, for health reasons.

    These people have to spend a lot of money to get rid of the stuff.
    And any insurance they have doesn’t cover black outs.

    • Gahan says:

      What about the manufacturing industry?

      Can you imagine someone mixing some medical batch and all of a sudden the process stops, temperatures change and air extractors stop?

      Can you imagine what damage the computerised machinery at SGS suffered because of the power outage?

      What about the idle time workers spent at their workplaces waiting for their machines to revive?

      To add insult to injury, Malta experienced TWO power cuts. So restarting and warming up of equipment had to be repeated within an hour.

      Malta Employers Association should sue EneMalta -which now is a limited liability company- for damages.

    • Jozef says:

      Yes but according to Times of Malta, those who had their generators made a killing, and the feast of Attard was a success all the same.

  9. F.X. says:

    Nixtieq insaqsi zewg domandi li nispera is-sindku habbrika taghtini risposta ghalihom:

    1. Kif se juri jigi verifikat li wiehed jew wahda fil-fatt kellhom 6 kilows laham jew gelat fil fridge freezer minflok il-50 kilow iddikjarati? Inridu niehdu pic u nuplowdjwha fuq il-fb taghha jew inzommhuom frizati b’xi sigill?

    2. Se tirreferielna lura ghar risposta li se jkollha mill-gvern?

    II madoff dawk 3 domandi jigu! Nahseb hafna.

  10. eve says:

    Maaa wahda isbah minn ohra. Manafx jekk taqbadx tidhak jew tibki. Bis serjeta din? Jew qed ticcajta? Jew stupidagni?

  11. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Let us not be beastly to Ruxellina.
    The parsimonious Mayor of Qormi is not asking for a non-discriminatory general compensation of those most seriously affected. In observance of Joseph Muscat’s promise of a Malta Taghna Lkoll her intention and her conviction is that only the Qriema would benefit.

  12. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Let the Government accede to her request.

    I can guarantee that if it ridiculously does, then the Government will have thousands of law suits filed against it in the near future asking for the same.

  13. Tal-Malja says:

    It-talb halqu Alla.

  14. Mr Meritocracy says:

    Please note as well that her Facebook page shows a picture of her trying to cook an omelette on a set of candles. PATHETIC.

  15. Wistin Schembri says:

    Can Ms Cutajar ask Minister Mizzi to pay out of his own pockets, rather than make us taxpayers pay?

  16. Edward says:

    What an idiot!

    What makes her so sure the PM is going to give a damn about Qormi when the whole country was without electricity, including the parts that generate much more money and contribute far more to the national economy than Qormi. No offence meant to the people of Qormi but you don’t have five star hotels and the tourism industry on your main roads.

    Who on Earth does she think she is? What about the other areas that were left with no electricity and now no water?

    Typical backwards thinking of the Labour party. Something bad happened, the PM went on holiday, the situation was mismanaged, the consequences were, wait for it, negative and this woman thinks that what should happen next is all her constituents get compensation and,my guess is, going for the image of her handing people lots of money and making herself out to be some sort of saviour, just to get voted in.

  17. nemesis says:


    • Not Surprised says:

      Idjota? How wrong you are my friend? No way. Look at what she called her shop I AM. That reminded me of the great French philosopher Descartes whose ardent disciple she obviously is, who, after deep reflection, once declared COGITO, ERGO SUM which translated means I THINK, THEREFORE I AM. She only left out the thinking part. Who knows why?

  18. Gee Dee says:

    Certament stupidagini.

  19. Qormi says:

    Nahseb li n-Nuxellina nsiet li ma hemmx elezzjoni u bdiet tahseb ghal voti. Ghandha biza li jekk issir elezzjoni, s-sindku jerga’ jsir Jesmond Aquilina. Imma l-habib taghha Gowzef Muskat se jhalliha sindkuwwa ghax m’ghandux flus biex jaghmel elezzjoni. Ahjar tigborna f’nofs il-pjazza u taghtina show in-Nuxellina!!! Show off!! Kummidjanta!!! Ara l-gvern jistax jaghti kumpens tad-danni! Jien qrasli l-halib u sahanli l-fanta, u Konrad Mizzi baqa’ jiskanta. Hsibtu se jaghmel konferenza stampa, izda miskin ma setghax ghax ma sabx lampa!

  20. anthony says:

    The power cut must have disrupted her part-time job.

    It did not necessarily have to.

  21. Malta Hanna says:

    This just show why we need to screen our local council candidates to make sure they have some sense of real management and social skills ..instead most of them come from the parochial environment of “il kazin” ……they do not have a clue what local councils really are for!

  22. Gahan says:

    Xi ħaġa li ma gietx innutata mil-ġurnalisti ħawtiela tagħna kienet li l-isptar tax-xjuħ San Vinċez kien għadu bla dawl sal-erbgħa ta’ wara nofs in-nhar tal-lum.

    Dan jinsab xi kilometru l-bogħod mill-Marsa Distribution Centre fejn sploda kollox.

    Ix-xjuħ biex nittalbulom il-vot tajbin, Mhux hekk,Joseph?

    Għarukaża! Shame on you Konrad!

  23. A VELLA says:

    She probably thinks that the money will be flown directly from China, now that Enemalta is partly theirs.

  24. Brum says:

    Tghid il-queue ghall-kumpens taqbzu sejra?

  25. Bob says:

    Jekk issibu lil Joseph ghada ffejsbukjalna dak li jghidlek ta!

  26. thealley says:

    Grazzi Nuxellina talli qed tipproponi li l-kumpens jinghata mit-taxxa tieghi.

    Imma possibbli nies ta dan il-livell jispiccaw sindku ta rahal??

  27. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Sensiela Kotba Socjalisti thabbar il-ktieb investigattiv gdid The Blackout Diaries. Kitba ta’ Joseph Muscat u jinsab ghall-bejgh mill-hwienet tas-soltu. Prezz ta’ €11.65.

  28. Silvio Farrugia says:

    If we continue like this employing thousands more with the government, thousands of euros to so-called consultants, to tal-klikka, and compensation for this and that, it will not be long before we end up like Greece.

    Maybe the coming administrations and generations will have to pay for the blunders of these incompetents. God help us ..what have we done (myself included).

    • Tom Double Thumb says:

      This was all the fault of GonziPN and Eddie Fenech Adami before him.

      KMB warned them about the building of the new power station in Marsaxlokk and he promised to dismantle it stone by stone when Labour was again in government. The Marsa power station was functioning perfectly and could satisfy all the electricity needs of the island.

      But successive PN governments disregarded his brilliant and phenomenal advice and consequently maintenance of the reliable and clean Marsa power station was scandalously neglected.

      Unfortunately, the explosion occurred shortly after Joseph Muscat became Prime Minister and was racking his brains on how to provide Malta with a cheap and effective system of power generation.

      Not the slightest blame should be attached to him and even less to the overworked and diligent Minister of Health and Energy, Dr Konrad Sai Liang Mizzi.

      Hekk, hudu go fikhom.

  29. Mhux hekk? says:

    Good to know. Hopefully, us of the south having Labour mayors can benefit from same opportunities ….. No?

  30. Stephanie says:

    Well according to l-Orizzont, not only should we not ask for compensation but we should be thankful to great leader for the blackout as it gave us a wonderful opportunity to see the stars and moon without light pollution.

    They are leading their headlines with this pathetic crap and taking spin to astronomical levels ..now she has to explain that to her Qormi constituents.

  31. F.X. says:

    What is fascinating about the use of social media is the fact that a mayor who advertises her own clothes shop posts on the same Facebook page that Enemalta workers are working hard so that electricity in QORMI will be restored.

    This subtly conveys the message that SHE is direct contact with them or that she is actually advising them accordingly.

    When in fact all she must have done was receive some calls from QRIEMA complaining and yet again confirmed Enemalta workers are working so that electricity in QORMI will be restored.

    And of course the readers, in awe, post their praises in the form of thanks hi ax hi andi tfal imxarbin asra.

    A post on Facebook today is equated with DOING SOMETHING. Wonder of all wonders, within 24hrs there was the unprecedented, extraordinary news of recompense to a select few.

    I honestly don’t know which is more incredible to chew down: the mayor having done ANYTHING to restore electricity in Qormi or such a scheme set up within 24 hours and officials already taking POLITICAL advantage from it.

  32. Volley says:

    Who is believing the govt. that compensation will be given is plain gullible! Because seriously, how are you going to quantify the damage done ?! This is really ridiculous!

  33. Rosalie says:

    thumbs up for our mayor!

  34. Rejalist says:

    L ewwel interess ta’ Kull sindku ghandu jkun dak tal-lokalita’ ghaldaqstant ma nistax nifhem il-ghaliex qed tinterpretaw it-talba taghha bhala diskriminatorja. Taf x’naf, li hi biss kellha il-guts taghmel talba ghal-kumpens f’isem l-komunita’ kummercjali Qormija u l-istess residenti li damu ghal aktar minn 12 il siegha bla dawl

  35. jaqq says:

    It is a serious precedent

  36. Mister says:

    Let’s not forget the hidden costs which the general public had to endure.

    Since nearly all solar panel installations are ‘grid-tied’, when there is no mains power, the solar panel doesn’t feed power to the grid. This is a safety measure for when technicians have to service the mains-wiring outdoors.

    Whilst it is true that most of the power-cut was during the night, all these daily power cuts are also messing up with potential solar generated energy… which isn’t fed to the grid.

    Konrad knows this…. because he is SMART (meter).

  37. Erasmus says:

    The Mayor of Qormi is simply taking electoral advantage of a measure the Government may be mulling over and trying to impress the less intelligent voters in her constituency with her imaginary clout within party and Government.

    Actually, the proposal is inherently good. The fact that the authorities should make good for the damages suffered by citizens due to its shortcomings is commendable – and long time coming. Many people have justifiably been clamouring for compensation for damages to cars due to pot-holes in the roads, for example.

    It is most unlikely that any such measure, if adopted, could discriminate between individuals on a partisan basis.

  38. Anthony Cachia Castelletti says:

    If any compensation is given then it should be to everyone hit by the blackout

  39. Eppur si muove says:

    Errrm. Where did she get the dosh to open a clothes shop in Valetta?

  40. chico says:

    Great to read that that village of bakers, skulturi, lavur, floating coffins, narrow lanes leading to nowhere and more two room tenements than Amsterdam’s famous Red Light, actually have been connected to some form of power supply. As Charlie Harper’s nephew would have said: “Dog!”

  41. chico says:

    Kumpens ta’ x’hiex? Talli dewbilha l-gelat?

  42. M Falzon says:

    Hekk jonqos inhalsu ahna ghall-inkompetenza tal-gvern. X’affarijiet dawn lanqas temminhom ma trid. Ahna fadlilna 4 snin ohra taht dan it-tgerfix, Alla maghna.

  43. Tabatha White says:

    What a gem of a headline.

    Says it all, really.

  44. Maltri says:

    Habba l-Gvern kelli murr niekol go hotel. U peress li ma stajtx nuza il-plejstaxin, kelli noqod niehu ix-‘champagne’ mall-bar tal-lukana.

    Ghandi l-ircevuti kollha u l-gvern ser ikollu jikumpensani ghal dawn is-sofferenzi.

  45. Joe Fenech says:

    ‘Entitlement’. Shouldn’t it read ‘megalomania’?

  46. ketchup says:

    And the P.N….are on holiday. Why didn’t anyone, Simon Busuttil, one of his delegates or Shadow Minister for Konrad Mizzi, stage a press conference on the steps at Castille to blast Shame on You Minister and Prime Minister, as Joey Muscat had done about 4 years ago or so.

  47. Jace says:

    So my PC suffered extensive damages. I was working on my computer when the electricity went off. I lost a day’s work and the motherboard failed completely the day after I started testing the thing and it has been completely DEAD since last Tuesday. Not only did I lose a day’s work, I even lost a week’s worth of work as the machine just won’t go on.

    I qualify for compensation. When are the applications for compensation, out?

    Malta taghna lkoll u d-dawl taghna lkoll.

  48. ciccio says:

    Another “big news” press conference at the Auberge De Castille by Joseph Muscat and Konrad Fenomenali Mizzi:

    “Inhabbru kumpens ta’ zewg centezmi lil familji li kellhom id-dawl maqtugh ghal-iktar minn tnax il-siegha.”

  49. allamana says:

    The Hamalli Brigade did it again in Sicily on Ferragosto!!

    Another Maltese Hamallata at Marine di Ragusa on the week of Ferragosto.

    The old adage that you can take the man out of the bario but not the bario out of the man (or woman) holds true.

    Last year it was the year of the red and yellow horror boat show which was kicked off the marina on 15th August because the owner decided to treat the entire 850 berth Marina to a 100 decibel concert from his stereo.

    Since it was not appreciated, the Marina people showed up on his berth and kicked him out.

    This year it is the year of ‘Uncle Tony’s second hand red and white motor cruiser’!!

    Well the 15th of the month was quite OK, but you know, there is the 16th….

    This year, on the night between the 16th and the 17th of August, in a marina jam packed with yachts of various nationalities, there was a lone solitary second hand red and white motor cruiser, belonging to ‘Uncle Tony’.

    The 17th was a Sunday, a day when many people leave the marina on a long trip home.

    So, being the considerate person that he is, this ‘Uncle Tony’ organised a small party running till 5am on Sunday morning.

    If it was a quite party, no one would have given a 2c hoot about it. But no. Ahna Maltin ta’. And we must ensure that everybody knows that we are successful and bought a boat

    So it happened…. In the dead of the night, the whole marina was treated to a high volume stereo with men hitting on women all night and trying to get lucky and the women quite enjoying it and making it known to everybody who was forced to hear that they are game. Of course the language was totally unsuitable for the many Maltese children on board the many Maltese yachts, with lots of ‘naghmillek hekk’ and ‘jigrilek hekk’ peppering the intellectually engaging conversation going on.

    But who cares? I am all right Jack, enjoy yourself Jack!!

    Unfortunately, the entire marina was hearing them as there was total silence and in the dead of the night a conversation can be heard across a long distance over calm waters. This fact must have escaped the dim witted woman who spent from 3am till 5 am shouting on the boat loudspeaker ‘ Uncle Tony, vodka and coka hi, hihihihihi. Smajtni hi? vodka u coka, hihihi’ waking everybody up. She must be in love with her raspy tweety bird voice. Am sure this 2 hour intellectually engaging session highlighted her high IQ. Pity that the Swedish, Danish, Italian, British, Dutch and German boat owners missed the gist of this intellectual piece de resistance from the Aristocracy of Maltese Intelligentsia. If only they knew beforehand, they could have booked translator services!!

    Being fortified with Dutch courage, these Maltese gentlemen then switched off the lights at 5am and went totally silent, taf int, attaparsi mhux jien hi, jiena mal puliti hi, ghandhi bowt taf int!!’

  50. Gaetano Pace says:

    Yes indeed. But come to think of it, when it comes to stupidity it is not in the PM`s portfolio. It falls within the porftfolio of the Education Ministry. Such stupidity shows what a failure that Ministry is. It believes strongly that the culture of resignations is absent from Malta and the Ministry does not lift a finger to introduce such noble, worthy culture in the land. More stupid than that one can not be.

  51. M says:

    Entitlement has certainly become the order of the day and from this sign we can also deduce that the St. Paul’s council member/s responsible for these signs was absent during English language lessons as well.

    ‘Infront’ indeed!


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