A very grown-up and highly appropriate public exchange on Twitter

Published: August 13, 2014 at 12:35am

The prime minister’s spokesman and a senior journalist at Times of Malta, who didn’t vote because he wanted Lawrence Gonzi and the PN to lose the election (but didn’t connect this to putting Kurt and his bosses into power instead) have a really adult and fitting public bitch-fest on Twitter.

Look at them, tweeting insults at each other like 14-year-old girls.


ivan kurt twitter

19 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    While Malta burns.

  2. Qeghdin Sew says:

    Never mind the txtspk, what language are they trying to communicate in?

  3. Under Labour Anything Goes says:

    Ivan Camilleri had a part in bringing the PL to power. As usual personal interests prevailed over the common good. I hope that he and all the switchers mesmerized by Joseph Muscat realise what they got us into.

  4. bob-a-job says:

    ‘who didn’t vote because he wanted Lawrence Gonzi and the PN to lose the election’

    And this after he was landed not one but TWO cushy jobs in Brussels.

    One for him and one for his wife.

    and it didn’t stop there either.

    Then there is his brother AC or ACDC if you prefer who started his career with a bang and ended it with a poof (as in muffed explosion).

    Rats jump sinking ships it is said. This one was followed by another 18,000 odd.

    Yet Lawrence Gonzi still believed he could still win the last election. How’s that for blind faith.

    Our very own Lord Cardigan

    “Into the valley of Death Rode the six hundred – plus 131,826 more.” – Mostly Lord Tennyson

  5. Butterfly says:

    I got tired trying to decipher the first sentence. I give up!

  6. Another John says:

    Let them be. They must be enjoying it.

  7. ghalgolhajt.com says:

    Has anyone seen Muscat’s tweet re: last night’s power cut? Totally immature and arrogant. Is this guy for real?

  8. Painter says:

    That doesn’t look like Twitter…

  9. Gerbera says:

    It is inconceivable how persons like Ivan Camilleri could not anticipate today’s reality.

    Had more voters analysed the messages delivered by the two leaders then more would have opted for Lawrence Gonzi and the PN, warts and all, rather than Joseph Muscat and his promise of a new beginning with a formidable cabinet like Mister Sai Laing.

    Truly incredible. Such a high IQ electorate!

  10. F.X. says:

    I didn’t understand a word.

  11. Wilson says:

    Two nuts having a conversation in the undergrowth.

  12. Jozef says:

    Ivan Camilleri believes he can own the PN. Saviour Balzan thinks he has to.

    Let them to it.

    Meantime, Malta’s runways had to be closed when they shouldn’t. Lots of systems in place to see to that.


    When Maltese citizens are the latest soft target and the situation remains calm but fluid, the brigadier failed miserably.

    We’re sitting ducks.

  13. Be-witched says:

    Both of them really have very good reasons to bitch about don’t they? Why don’t they just both go hide in shame and try to make all and sundry forget their very existence asap?

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