Malta Tourism Authority manager lets rip on Facebook

Published: August 13, 2014 at 7:11pm

And who can blame him. The people at the MTA bust a gut to raise tourism figures for Malta, and then we watch as planes are diverted to Catania and hotels are run on generators in black-out Malta. Great impression.

Leslie Vella

26 Comments Comment

  1. Francesca says:

    Well Leslie, we haven’t had so many problems with the power in the last 20 years as we have had this past year.

    Where have you stupid people been living? No one else but this incompetent government to blame.

    The question is do they know what they are doing and the simple answer is definitely not as yesterday and the last year and a half have proven.

    Joseph Muscat promised to resign if the new power station was not up and running after 2 years – well, only 7 months left. Yet another lie from our dishonest prime minister.

    • Alf says:

      Please forget and disregard Muscat’s promise. It was one of those pre-election promises which he used as a bait to gullible voters. He has promised so many things which, in the past 17 months or so, he has already forgotten about.

      He promised “Malta Taghna Lkoll”, “Tista ma taqbilx maghna, izda maghna tista tahdem”, meritocracy, accountability, transparency. He promised to have medicines delivered to the homes of the aged or the infirm. He promised a stop to arrogance and that there will not be any vindictive transfers. He promised to fight corruption and that any person/entity blacklisted by, say, the World Bank will not be entitled to tender or take any Government contracts.

      These are just a few promises which were not only not fulfilled by Joseph Muscat but he did the opposite.

      Who can bank on any of populist Muscat’s pre-election promises?

      • vic says:

        Our dear leader is a man of his word. Seven months more and then he will resign (and elephants will fly).

      • Tabatha White says:

        Just like the old whore joke where the punch line revolves around:

        “Finding him still in her bed the following morning, 100$ well deposited, she slips on her false teeth and says: Run along, now. Don’t you have better things to do than pay to *share a bed with* an old hag like me.”

        Only in Malta: where the majority goes for it with eyes wide shut.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      The problem is the shoddy distribution infrastruction. You can’t rewire Malta overnight.

      An optimised energy mix is also of no use if electricity cannot reach consumers in their homes.

      • George says:

        Were it not for the sterling work done by Enemalta to update and modernise its network throughout both islands over the past 25 years we would have not only a very scarce black out but many more each year as used to experience during the sixteen and a half years of Socialists governments

  2. Lucifer Sam says:

    Will the PPS be taking action again ainst him, or is he too busy issuing instructions to his permanent Secretaries to adopt discriminatory measures against certain public officers?

  3. Sue says:

    Shame on you Mario Cutajar!

  4. Zorro says:

    The country suffers a complete blackout that resulted in serious complications even at the airport. Today there is just silence as if nothing has happened.

    Those who normally used to complain under the PN government are today silent too.

    Can’t imagine what would have happened if this happened under a PN government. Of course they still continue to blame the PN. How many years must pass before the present PL government will be held responsible for its actions or lack of actions.

  5. Edward says:

    Dear Mr Muscat,

    As we can see from the sudden and tragic death of Robin Williams, even the funniest man on earth couldn’t “think-positive” his way out of bankruptcy and hardship. Neither can the Maltese. Good going.

    Well, you’ve gone abroad for a holiday while the rest of the people in Malta cope. Avoiding the problems only make them worse, your Excellency.

    If Muscat comes back with a snarky grin and starts blaming the PN for all this, he will only be confirming that he never cared about the country. Someone who does care about the country would have stayed, not gone on holiday. This is Muscat’s “let them eat cake” moment. How very liberal indeed.

    The tourists are going to go back and tell everyone that Malta is a poor and unstable country where they actually have black-outs followed by no running water and their PM goes on holiday when that happens. We on the other hand will be landed with the job of trying to get you to explain yourself, while the rest of the tourism industry bends over backwards to make Malta look like a normal developed country so that their guests don’t notice what’s going on.

    Your Excellency, where are you now?

  6. dudu bedudu says:

    Actually this government kept to its promise, it has done what the PN failed to do in 25 years in just 1 1/2 years.
    My impression is that the 16 hour of blackout we had here, together with other hours of black outs in the last year, are the total number of hours of outage of 25 years of PN governments!

  7. The other Zahra says:

    Sur Vella, hallina trid. All I know is that we had a wonderful 25 years of stable government where things were not always rosy but certainly better than they are today.

    Malta was respected, and nothing negative was ever written in the international press. Today…..we are the laughing stock of Europe, and all thanks to one man and his idiotic ideas.

  8. Be-witched says:

    Leslie:Thirty years include this past one and 5 months, right? It seems to have eliminated the inclusion of the inter-connector.

  9. Silvio Farrugia says:

    They always blame somebody else. That is the result one gets when one chooses ‘consultants taparsi’ ghax Laburisti jew tas-Super One.

    We are noticing their stupid advice everywhere. What more proof do we need.

    I was nearly sick today as the supply of electricity stopped for a second. I thought ‘here we go again and all the problems’ as I work in a hotel.

    • Lucifer Sam says:

      Hotel industry – somehow I was under the impression that you worked elsewhere.

      At any rate, it is interesting to note that under the PN Government, Mr. Vella was allowed to work without being discriminated against …… What a far cry from the current reality. His former permanent secretary, like others who served in this position, is one of those pushed aside and dumped in an office and given nothing to do.

  10. xbajt u ddejjaqt says:

    Vera pajjiz tal-qamel. 25 years of hard work up in smoke.

    Besides the increasing lawlessness and crime, now this.

  11. Vince says:

    How come NO comments from the Governments supporters.
    Seems they were pissed off without electricity which is now becoming a HABIT.

  12. John Schembri says:

    Dear Leslie, the power distribution is not flimsy. It’s the way we’re using power which is flawed.

    I am assuming that you are comparing Malta to other European countries.

    Stop and think about how life would be made easier for EneMalta if we use electricity RESPONSIBLY, like in civilised countries.

    Responsibly means: installing PL lamps, using AAA+ domestic appliances, installing PVs which not only supply cheap clean electricity but also reduce the electricity demand during peak time, programming your washing machine to start in the night – without spinning, using blast-freezing in industry.

    The problem can be solved if we shift the load on our power stations and electricity distribution network so that we would not have heavy loads during the day and increase the load during the night. The time/load graph ideally would be a horizontal line.

    How can this be done? By introducing peak and off peak tariffs like in the European countries with which we are bench-marking.

    How can you sabotage this ideal scenario and the hard work of the EneMalta engineers? By introducing a flat rate cheap electricity tariff, by offering low priced feed in tariffs on PV panels, and by ridiculing the system which has been used for years in the Western world.

    Could this have been done two years ago? No, because not all consumers had their smart meters installed.

    Will this tariff structure be offered to the consumers in Malta? No, because the people were enticed to vote against it.

    So prepare yourself for more “sticky sleepless summer nights and chilly cold wet winter nights.

  13. Gaetano Pace says:

    And the queues upon queues at Mellieha Bay. It is the place where tourists who come to see our attractions end up being the attraction themselves.

    I have had occasion to be there morning, afternoon and evening. It is dramatic how faces glare in hope at the distant sight of a bus snaking its way down the distant hill.

    It is melodramatic to see those faces droop, teeth clenched and hear unrepeatable whispers of words erupting from a fuming volcano of burnt out tourists having waited on the bus stop for an hour only to see a “full up” bus sneak swiftly by.

    I do understand Joe Mizzi`s failure in wearing the wrong boots in politics and Public Transport but I can never understand hearing people in Italian, Maltese, French, German, English, Russian and Spanish working it out that the only chance they have to board a bus is catch a bus traveling empty on its way to Cirkewwa and then exchange the bus there, for one traveling in the opposite direction to Valletta.

    Not to mention that my dictionary of these languages has been enriched with expressions, idioms known as swear words in the vulgar language.

  14. michael seychell says:

    It seems that Mr. Leslie Vella has a very short memory, since he does not remember that his leader Joe Muscat was totally against the building of the Delimara power station.

    Imagine, Mr Leslie, what would have happened had there not been the cancerous power station as Joe Muscat used to refer to it.

    Regarding pocket linings, Leslie seems to have also forgotten the pocket or rather sack linings of certain ministers and their friends of friends under the Labour governments of the Dom Mintoff regime.

  15. Ernest Meli says:

    No so much an “Act of God” as an “Act of Konrad”.

  16. WOW says:

    Leslie Vella, so glad you thanked all who gave you your cushy job at the tourism authority. They were really F***** STUPID weren`t they!

  17. Giraffa says:

    Have we already forgotten that one of the first moves on Enemalta by this government was to replace long-serving experienced senior Engineers with Taghna Lkollers? So are we surprised that we have had four blackouts in a few months? Well as long as some more Laburisti got their iced buns – never mind the quality, feel the width syndrome

  18. Dick Dastardly says:

    On a related note (tourism).

    “Since time in memoriam”…. really?

  19. The Sting says:

    The fact they keep on blaming the Nationalist government ad aeternum proves they haven’t got an inkling of what they are doing and are still in election propaganda mode. They can never take responsibility for anything since the aim was not for them to govern but for them to take hold of power. Just before the end of term they’ll just start distributing ‘favors’ again and the roundabout recommended.

    What I honestly cannot understand is what are we waiting for to take some concrete action in the face of their non-compliance even on a Parliamentary level, of giving out information to which we have a right and which is being requested. They are riding roughshod with impunity and my feeling is they have a good ole laugh in private at the expense of our parliamentarians.

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