My thoughts exactly – thank you, Batman
Konrad Mizzi giggling like a child, with the prime minister camping up what he clearly believes to be the gay male lobby’s wet dream under a bucket of TEPID water.
Then we see the prime minister dumping a bucket of cold water with a tad too much relish over his wife, who is wearing – unfathomably – a green bathing-suit under a white dress instead of something that doesn’t get transparent when wet.
The Speaker – barefoot outside parliament in head to toe black, to avoid transparency issues and our catching a glimpse of his nipples or underpants, giving a tedious Anglu-style monologue.
And the tourism minister misses the point that this is meant to be a casual thing caught on a smartphone and has the whole caboodle professionally filmed at a five-star hotel.
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Hopefully, the fad will have died out by the start of Xarabank season.
Otherwise, god help us all.
Did anyone see Kurt Farrugia taking the ice bucket challenge? Did they dip him into it or what?
he was brave enough to jump in.
As long as it serves the purpose of distracting the locals from the real issues of the country, Joe Azzopardi will be instructed to drag this on as long as possible.
Zammit Lewis – it’s Ice Bucket Challenge, not Iceberg Challenge.
No, he said ice bAcket.
This is National Geographic staff.
Giant kohlrabis watering flattened cabbages.
The episode proves they are not evil people or aliens, quite likable in fact. Would like to meet them one day when I visit again.
A bit gullible aren’t you, Santini?
I suppose you’re talking about Batman and Robin. Indeed, they’re not really villains.
They’re quite likable too. And, unlike our PM and his cohorts, do try to make a positive difference in the world both in and out of costume.
You forgot to mention our head of state ridiculing herself and Malta.
Oh and the police commissioner who’s more busy showering in front of all his subordinates rather than giving a press conference on the Mafia style killings and the almost-escape to Malta of a Mafia boss .
Now didn’t they call someone else nuts?
Isn’t it just swell that the police ass. commissioner (or is it acting commissioner) thought it fit to speak the way he did about Shirley Farrugia? Did he think he was being smart?
Looking forward to seeing Toni Abela’s Blokka Silg challenge.
Anglu tant dam iparla li s-silg lahaq sar mishun fix-xemx.
Simon Busuttil did the ALS challenge as well.
It doesn’t make it right.
Pity the prime minister didn’t watch this first and ended up with Konrad Mizzi instead
The Labour Party’s ice-block expert is Toni Abela, not Konrad Mizzi. The prime minister brought the wrong man along.
As people such as Dickens showed us; charity does not solve problems.
Stupid acts, even less!
Il-flok tal-prim jaqaw xi cast-off ta’ Franco Debono minn sentejn ilu?
Zewg irgiel liebsin fitted polo shirts, middle-aged, mhux partikolarment virili, komdi fil-hajja u parti mis-Sistema, jitfghu barmil ilma fuq xulxin.
U dawn suppost l-irgiel li ghandna nammiraw?
My late father, not wealthy but wise, always used to say: the most important thing about charity is that no one knows you’re giving (other than the recipient).
He was also very much against waste of any sort – in particular of such a scarce commodity as water in Malta.
And don’t forget, if your speech is long enough you’ll get a warm shower. You don’t want that. Not in Saudi weather.
Zammit Lewis sounded like he was about to cry.
The world is going to hell a handcart and these idiots are going dumping buckets of water on each other.
For heaven’s sake, just give to charity quietly and do not make an entire production of it!! Charity should not be an exercise in self promotion.
The worst by far was the Police Commissioner. Tal-misthija.
The most worrying aspect is that during the prime minister’s two week holiday, several serious matters happened. But on his first public appearance after his holiday, he chose to appear with Konrad Mizzi to throw buckets of water at each other.
Honestly, I cannot understand how the obvious isn’t obvious to all. What a bunch of nitwits.
Qatta balali jilghabu bil-bramel tal-ilma fi-sajf.
Ara f’idejn min afdaw pajjiz.
Well done to all who voted Labour in 2013. Hemm xi power black out in the bucket Mr Sai Laing Mizzi? Imbaghad zgur napprezzaw l-bramel bl-ilma kiesah.
Haven’t seen it as I am totally bored by all this – but apparently Miriam Dalli’s is carefully edited – making sure that only her best angles are caught on camera.
here it is
So just saw it – not edited but totally scripted.
While our PM and his most trusted minister throw buckets of water at each other, the deputy prime minister makes a rare appearance together with the foreign minister at this high level meeting