Somebody please teach Laburisti the difference between facts, lies and opinion about both

Published: August 6, 2014 at 11:34pm

victor laiviera

Victor Laiviera, whose lost-cause son Nestor left Malta Today immediately the Taghna Lkoll government was elected, for a Taghna Lkoll grace-and-favour job off the taxpayer’s back in a government office, posted this comment beneath a report on The Malta Independent about the libel cases filed against Aaron Farrugia and Toni Abela.

The freaking idiot can’t distinguish between facts, lies and opinion about both. ‘Those who dish it out but can’t take it’, indeed. Over 25 years, I have taken more insults, criticism and negative comment than any politician still alive. I have also dished out a fair amount of my own. But I have never lied about anybody and I do not take lies from anybody either.

Saying that I or my husband received Eur2.5 million in government contracts is not opinion. Nor is it fact. It is a shocking, outrageous and criminally libellous LIE.

Lying about somebody in an outrageous and damaging manner, and lying with the express intention of causing that damage, constitutes libel. It is a criminal offence as well as grounds for civil action.

The cavalier way in which this very stupid man equates stating as fact that ‘enemies of the Labour Party’ obtained Eur2.5 million in government contracts, when it is simply not true, with criticism of Labour politicians based on fact, is beyond belief.

Lies are normal to these people. They treat them as ‘u ejja, mhux xorta’ fun and games.

Do tell us how and why your useless son Nestor was put on the public payroll by the Taghna Lkoll government, Victor. Nahseb ghax il-vera jtajjar hafna sparks.

35 Comments Comment

  1. Makjavel says:

    Itajjar sparks , ghax ghandu mohhu ixxortjat .

  2. Carmelo Micallef says:

    Teaching the Laburisti and the dimwit floaters the difference between lying and the truth may be a fundamentally flawed expectation in the same way as expecting these people to appreciate and respect the difference between right and wrong: It is possible that this totally false premise is the reason we are suffering from a dictatorship of a democratic majority in Malta.

    In Malta today there is no right or wrong – anything is possible.

    Daphne, it is very possible that you are now in more danger than at any other time in your life – please take care – you are very important to us. Thank you.

  3. Dickens says:

    Itajjar nar daqs kemm kien itajjar missieru meta kien joqghod jonghos fuq il-bank tal-ufficju fid-Dockyard.

  4. Dickens says:

    Victor Laiviera isn’t doing too badly of late, with a good pension and a wife and son both gainfully employed and paid from the public payroll.

  5. just jack says:

    It seems that at present twisting of truth and re-writing of history are the order of the day. And people believe all the crap being shoved in their a** saying thank you through the process. I for one cannot bear any longer daily insults to my intelligence.

  6. GiovDeMartino says:

    Mr Victor Laiviera doesn’t to be called Victor. He is Mr Laiviera. He said it himself.

  7. Denis says:

    The whole dumb lot of them have a hanut tat-te mentality.

  8. Tabatha White says:

    Edward de Bono wrote a book called “The Happiness Purpose.”

    In this book he describes the concept of “Proto-Truth” which one easily first assumes would only be applied to serious principles and matters scientific: A truth is only upheld as dogma until the point that time, science or logic disproves that truth and that that truth is then superseded by a new truth, which replaces it without the requirement for pomp and ceremony.

    The reality is though, that this concept and its originator treat the truth as multi-facted and never “one”, and something to be superseded – without recall or reference – on a daily basis on a routine and thorough exploitation of everyday business and relationships.

    Anyone that happens to recall the original old truth is “a fraud and a liar.”

    This is their set of advisors: Shiv Nair and Co.

    Woe betide memory and factual evidence of that original truth.

    Enter indigence at law, when “multi-facted” “acquires,” legal shielding.

    The film “the Illusionist,” or even that now old film “the game” are but prologues to the grips of these claws and talons, and their extensions.

    That is today’s reality.

    Fiction has become the perception of reality that the majority possess.

    Anything else is “dealt with.”

    Daphne is continuously “dealt with.”

    It is difficult to truly comprehend the deviousness of these people without getting to see, understand and know how this Labour web works to kill off menaces.

    To the rest, I fear it’s “just another story.”

    To others, perhaps, another form of entertainment in an otherwise uneventful life.

    Tal-biza. The mob in action, internationally.

    People need to understand what the moment to moment of being the focal point of this attention means. How this changes lives and how devastating dealing with it is.

    This mob tries to apply pressure to whole families.
    This mob infiltrates your network and offers jobs and contracts so as to set the scene against you.
    This mob steals your mail.
    This mob is one step ahead with any action you may have chosen to pre-announce – sometimes for the occasion – on the telephone or by email.

    The clear implication is there before us.

    Since “problemi” are in real life shunned by what counts itself as Maltese society, the reality is perceived otherwise.

    Denial is fatal.

    Thank God that Daphne is as hard as nails, directly fashioned as a reaction, as most of us being attacked in the shadows have been.

    This mob has no interest in “the truth.”

  9. Freedom5 says:

    I would hate my parents if they named me Nestor .

  10. Carmel Ciantar says:

    “useless son Nestor”

    Was that a fact, lie or an opinion?

    [Daphne – Fact. Utterly useless. Useless at Times of Malta, useless at Malta Today, useless…if you don’t believe me, ring them.]

  11. Pablo says:

    The new social contract is now based not upon what you see and what you can actually touch but upon what you are told.

    You either accept lies as they are relayed or risk being classified as a negative person.

    When the lie is uncovered more lies are sent out to counter the possibility of truth ever becoming the acceptable norm once more.

    E.g. Arriva, China, Sai Mizzi, jobs for Taghna Lkollers, blacklisted buddies, passport sales, Libya, power plant, illegal development, MP asset declarations, etc

  12. Grezz says:

    Time for a break from politics. Clinton Paul strikes again – Baxxter, your views please:

  13. Mister says:

    Hence we forget…. Arriva’s King Long Buses Largest Sale by Chinese Bus Producer to an EU Member State 2011-07-12

    Someone was already in contact with the Chinese back in 2011. Just saying

  14. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Cardiff University should have left this “certificate of distinction” in the original inscrutable Welsh language. It would have spared it the ridicule of those who do not know Welsh but know the Laivieras and their exploits with local “distinction”.

  15. White coat says:

    This guy must still be living in the sixties when Mintoff had washed this man’s brain with communist-style hatred for anyone who opposed his, Mintoff’s that is, extreme socialism and his plans for Malta ( a Cuba in the Mediterranean), only for his plans to be thwarted by Dr. Lawrence Gonzi’s uncle.

  16. Neil Dent says:

    Yep – Laiviera and Andrew Camilleri. They’re like a double-act, and Camilleri has taken over from the recently subdued Eddy Privitera when it comes to rabid, blinkered ignorance.

  17. jack says:

    A matter that never ceases to amaze me is the lengths to which bottom-feeders will go, whoring themselves for – wait for it – an obscure, unfulfilling and menial job within some government office or simply to be appointed on some ‘board’.

    What happened to careers and aspirations? How do you get to spend a lifetime seeking to eke a living bleating loyalties on social media whilst pinning all your future on the whims, caprices and in most cases longevity of one ministry / government?

    Simply can’t get it. Especially directed to appointees in their 20s and 30s – did they just give up already?

  18. ex dockyard says:

    Dan mhux Victor Laiviera (il-habib ta’ John Cassar White) li sab cushy job id-dockyard taht il-gvern Nazzjonalista?

  19. anthony says:

    I note that his masters is in political communication.

    The columnist Susie Boniface in yesterday’s Daily Mirror, referring to Boris Johnson, wrote:

    Politics has enough liars in it. We don’t need another one.

    There you are.

  20. Jozef says:

    Ah, the good old days, when bus drivers were always right and paying passengers risked a sock in the eye.

    I remember when the whole nation was in awe at that young fearless student’s dignified protestations to the attempt on her tertiary education.

    Let’s see her calling this driver f*&^%$ wanker.

  21. Jozef says:

    ‘…The increase in the value of imports was primarily due to mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials and machinery and transport equipment, while other increases were recorded for beverages and tobacco, and animal and vegetable oils and fats. Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials accounted for the main increase in the value of exports with other increases registered for beverages and tobacco.’

    Weird or what.

  22. timothy says:

    Well, I guess he had to make up . . . naming your son Nestor doesn’t really seem to be a set-up for success now does it?

    [Daphne – Nestor Laiviera is named after his antecedent, the Malta Labour Party stalwart and General Workers Union boss Nestu Laiviera: ]

  23. K says:

    Is this the same man?

    Massive picture there of all the protagonists of the golden age.

    [Daphne – That’s him. I’d forgotten how old he is – old enough to be my father, but for some reason he has a son the same age as mine.]

  24. curious says:

    Joe Mizzi counts the buses and twists the facts to suit his purpose.

    “The sposkesperson insisted that the Minister had travelled to Spain to carry out the necessary technical verifications on fleet management, telematics, control room and coaches. “The Minister did not discuss the contract. He just went there to make sure that those who appied actually had the means necessary to qualify for the EOI. If a company tells us it has, say, a hundred buses, we have to make sure that they really do have a hundred buses.”

  25. chico says:

    I ask, “Are there any reliable newspapers on this island?” As in not considering Agatha Barbara’s 60 year old missive to some navy chap as a ground-breaking revelation on par with the announcement of the outbreak of war?

    [Daphne – The most disgraceful thing about that newspaper story, aside from the fact that it is an unseemly invasion of post-mortem privacy for a matter of little consequence (three letters to a sailor), is that the newspaper failed to put it in the context of the fact that Miss Barbara was a lesbian and the letters were those of a friend.]

  26. john smith says:

    I for one do not believe for a minute that you spend all this time running this Maltese version of the Sun of website for nothing. Heck it seems to me that even the indipendent has now been contaminated by the same populist agenda that reminds me of that worse-than-bin-liner British paper famous for exposing tits and mud for news.

    So with that bit off my chest, why dont we wait for the verdict and wish you and your jolly band of brothers good luck for the time being?

    but of course then judges are all asses when you loose right?

    [Daphne – That’s right, honey, I do it for nothing. Other people spend hours every week playing bridge or trying to knock a little ball into a hole at the Marsa Club and I do this.

    P.S. your spelling is awful and reveals your origins and the source of that crippling chip you’ve got. Pointless using expressions like ‘jolly band of brothers’ when you then make the classic Maltese downmarket error of using ‘loose’ for ‘lose’ (because you pronounce the latter like the former). And you’re not going to impress anybody with ‘populist agenda’ when you think the newspaper is called ‘the indipendent’ (again, because of your pronunciation difficulties).

    Cowards can never believe I would do this for free – because they wouldn’t. In any case, you need more than guts and stamina – you need to be literate. All of that rules you out, then – you couldn’t even if you wanted to.

    And still you keep coming back for more.]

  27. David says:

    What is the 2.5 million euro contract about? Who were the parties to this contract? To my knowledge, this contract has never been published. Shouldn’t all contracts were the government or a state agency is a party be published or be subject to public scrutiny?

    [Daphne – All tender awards (not CONTRACTS) are published in The Government Gazette, David. As a lawyer, you should know that. These are not contracts; they are tenders. The parties are Evolve Ltd and the government of Malta. I think it’s time you grew up and learned how to assess information properly instead of taking Labour rubbish at face value because you support that party.]

  28. Persil says:

    Nestor’s paternal grandfather was Nestu Laiviera, so he was named after him as many families do.

    They name their first son after his grandfather so that the family name lives on. If I were his mum I would call him by another name.

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