The Ball of the August Moon

Published: August 4, 2014 at 9:23am

The full moon is on Sunday, the 10th of the month. So why has the ball been held already? In Taghna Lkoll Land, everything has to be slightly skewed.

Or maybe some people have a trip overseas planned for the night of the full moon, so the ball had to be shifted to the night of the not-quite-full moon.

Some snaps from the big event

August Moon Ball 2014 Michelle Muscat Joseph Muscat 1

August Moon Ball 2014 Michelle Muscat Joseph Muscat 2

August Moon Ball 2014 president and Joseph Muscat 1

62 Comments Comment

  1. observer says:

    Ghandu wick ta’ qamar kwinta bhal dak – xi jrid jistenna sakemm jimla’ qamar veru nhar il-Hadd li gej!

    U iva, mhux xorta!

  2. Not Sandy:P says:

    They don’t know how to place their cutlery after eating.

    • Floater says:

      Well, they are in the plates……what’s wrong?

    • Artemis says:

      They have placed their cutlery in the American style, that is with the tines on the fork facing up. The continental style is with the tines down (fork turned over).

      So, as the Prime Minister and the President are not American but Continental, one could say that the placing of their cutlery is incorrect.

      • Not Sandy:P says:

        No. They have put down their cutlery like graceless hamalli, which is what they are, really.

    • Grace says:

      Kemm huma injoranti, xi haga li anki tfal zghar jafu jaghmluha ghax hija xi haga bazika li tghallimhom meta jkunu zghar.

  3. Grace says:

    Kemm jidher shun Muscat.

    Give him some ice pls.

  4. ciccio says:

    But Joseph Muscat’s face is the full moon…

  5. M says:

    Perhaps certain people cannot be let out on the full moon.

  6. Spiru says:

    Did he have a burger for dinner ?

  7. bored says:

    Where do I start? Ah yes, with that vile and outdated colour which since time immemorial has been worn by every Maltese woman of a certain age who has blue eyes – ‘ghax jaqlawli ghajnejja hi’.

    The style and cut of the dress is mind boggling…I can see that they tried to cover the heaviest parts of her body but to have done that so obviously?

    And those shoes! Now that she has read your blog, understood that hooker heels, slingbacks and platforms are NOT ideal for a woman of around 60 who is head of state, she has found the perfect shoes and is sticking to that very same pair come what may, whether it is summer, winter, formal wear, informal wear, cocktail dress, or suit.

    A pair of fab silver shoes in a mid, comfortable heel would have gone well but why bother with a new pair of shoes when you are wearing a long dress that will cover everything, or so she thinks.

    She did not bank on sitting down, getting out of a car and going up stairs in front of a camera.

    And who is Piggy sitting next to her? Did the Big Bad Wolf blow his house down? A Pinky and Perky style head and neck so nicely finished off in piglet pink. And a bow tie, because what every man wants is to give the impression that his head is sitting directly on his shoulders. Why bother with a neck?

    And look, a rotund tummy to go with that XL size face! Sigh. Mrs Muscat is such a lucky lady.

    • ciccio says:

      In the case of the Piggy, it is now almost impossible to tell the head, the neck, the torso and the thighs separately.

      At this point, the bow tie is a useful necessity to know the difference between the head and the rest of the body.

  8. Libertas says:

    Hemm xi hamburger, jew?

  9. Benny Hill says:

    How did he go from being virtually completely bald, to having enough hair to be able to comb it backwards?

  10. Smirnoff says:

    Torta Lkoll

  11. Antoine Vella says:

    Judging from these photos, they had their own full moon. No sign of the ball though, didn’t Manwel Mallia attend?

  12. wacko says:

    Actually, the full moon is there, poised above a suit-coat.

  13. C. Calleja says:

    Hamallata galor.

  14. MP says:

    In the second picture, Michelle Muscat looks exactly like Ray Calleja.

  15. Tal-Malja says:

    Simply blame the moon.

  16. Tal-Malja says:

    I’d blame the moon

  17. Guza Bugeja says:

    The Ball of the August Moon is usually held on the second Saturday of the month of August.

    • Sister Ray's says:

      Someone important booked his or her holidays before checking the August moon phase. And since it’s difficult to move the moon, they moved the ball.

  18. Stephanie says:

    He could not order the moon to be full when it was convenient for him, so he shifted the day. U ijja qamar kwint jew nofs…mhux xorta?

  19. The Shadow says:

    Ara kemm se jkun hemm “nice pic God bless” fuq il fejsbuk.

  20. Jozef says:

    Nice work Iris, the PM and the President of the Republic behind a couple of dirty plates. So the President doesn’t like her tomatoes.

    And how tasteless is it to plaster one’s logo across what’s essentially the official pics?

  21. Floater says:

    Saturday will be a bit cloudy, so better half moon than no moon. Have faith in them, they know what they are doing.

  22. verita says:

    Did no one instruct our leaders the way to use cutlery even after finishing each course? As far as I know on these occasions there is always someone responsible to instruct guests and hosts even how to hold your partner while dancing.For these people issa naghmlu li rridu and down with etiquette

  23. Valent says:

    Our magnanimous prime minister Muscat paraded his persona in aid of Community Chest fund while turning a blind eye unto Maltese citizens who have to pay their way out of Libya to flee for their life.

    So altruistic.

  24. Nathalie says:

    Just as with carnival in Dom’s time, Labour arranges the calendar to suit itself.

  25. verita says:

    Kif laqqtu l-platt !

  26. bob-a-job says:

    Now look at that bottom photograph.

    Is it just me or is our PM looking more and more like a Toby Jug?

  27. Aunt Hetty says:

    Look at those sleeves!
    Move over Spiderman.

  28. Bob says:

    Attak fahxi mill-President kontra l-produtturi tad-tadam.

    She left her tomato in her plate! The shame!

  29. Giovanni says:

    Photo 2: He is bloating and she is ageing. Not even my mother at 75 years of age

  30. Makjavel says:

    The Secret Service must have tipped off the PM about a suspected werewolf attack on August 10.

  31. H.P. Baxxter says:

    My life can never be as perfect as Joseph’s. So why should I vote for him?

  32. ciccio says:

    So did they move the dates to make it coincide with Jose’s summer Carnival?

  33. H.P. Baxxter says:

    I see a pre-tied bow.

    If it turns out to be so, then it really is the end.

  34. Kanun says:

    His head is getting bigger and bigger (and I’m not speaking metaphorically).

  35. Josanne Rickman says:

    What beautiful people.

  36. pirellu says:

    My God kemm hu in shape Joey. Reklam tajjeb ghal Spinach Gym.

  37. Bartolo says:

    What a bunch of hamalli

  38. I Can C - Can U? says:

    Where are their hands?

  39. H. Prynne says:

    Which one is he? Tweedledum or Tweedledee?
    Definitely Tweedledumb.

  40. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Shall I do the sartorial review?

    [Daphne – PLEASE.]

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Ah, a ball by the light of the August moon, with one’s loved one by one’s side! What man wouldn’t dream of the night, and rise to the occasion?

      Sartorially, of course, this is the easiest event of all, for there is but one choice: black tie.

      But gentlemen beware: Wear proper black tie, or send your regrets.

      The origins of black tie go back to Victorian dinner attire, itself derived from Georgian sartorial conventions. A gentleman would dress up after dark, and the dress circle of the molto pittoresco Manoel harks back to the days when you would only be let into the first floor and best seats if you were properly attired. Black tie shows respect for your host, and an elegant nod to the ladies, for they are allowed to be creative with colours and textures, while the black and white gentlemen’s attire transmits decorum.

      Indeed it is the decorum that maketh the outfit. Cocteau reminds us that it is the man who is remarkable and remarked upon, not the outfit.

      Our Prime Minister has gone for standard black tie outfit, with a half-inch pleat shirt with semi-spread collar. I’d have gone for a wing collar.

      The shirt is worn with a black cummerbund, and the jacket’s peaked lapels seem to be lined in a rather lovely satin weave silk. The jacket has twin vents and slant hip pockets.

      And here we run into a snag. The only appropriate pocket for a black tie outfit is the double-besomed jetted version. Anything else is too bulky. I was tempted to suspect that the suit has been bought off the shelf. But then Muscat is a millionaire, so he will probably have had it made to measure, or even bespoken for. If we accept that as a working hypothesis, Watson, then this case rises from the commonplace to the truly unique. For who would ask for flap pockets on a bespoke suit? Flap pockets are used by suit manufacturers as a way of saving money by cutting the jacked off a standard pattern.

      Then I whipped out my lens and looked closely at the jacket buttons. In the now famous photograph of the happy couple dancing the night away, a single button is visible. But it is positioned so far down, below the level of the pocket even, to allow me to conclude that this is in fact a two-button jacket.

      Again, all the signs of a black tie outfit cut off a standard suit pattern. A single-breasted peaked lapel jacket should only have one button.

      Then the bow. It looks to me like it could be – give me strength – pre-tied. However, I cannot theorise without more precise data, so I shall postpone the final verdict until some more photos come along.

      As for the rest, the jacket seems to have been permanently unbuttoned. Given that the PM was either sitting or dancing, that’s fine.

      We are also denied a view of the shoes. There was dancing aplenty here, so I hope to God our PM wore patent leather court shoes. Oxfords are for the office. Or the conference hall at LSE.

  41. jojo says:

    Siamo arrivati !

  42. C.Portelli` says:

    Doesn’t Mrs Muscat look a bit tipsy?

  43. kenno says:

    He looks like a punch-bag with limbs and a head.

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