They’ve found another way to give more money to Taghna Lkollers

Published: August 14, 2014 at 3:43am

Compensation for a select few of those who went for many hours without electricity. But they still have to work out how to choose them.

Looks like the mayor of Hal Qormi knew about it already. No wonder she is ‘perswaza’ that the government will accede to her demand for compensation for her constituents.


99 Comments Comment

  1. Denis says:

    The next thing on the table, sabotage the electricity supply and make more compensation money.

    Can this goverment stoop any lower than this?

  2. George Grech says:

    Ma tkunx taf Nuxellina ? Ma tarax.

  3. eve says:

    Terribli. Ma titwemminx. U kumpens ta xiex ezattament? Ghax ma rajtx TV, jew internet jew fb? U flus minn fejn? Minn China, mit taxxi jew sibna z-zejt

  4. Cikku says:

    Ara vera biex irid jiġbor ġieħu dan il-gvern. Ħal Qormi l-aktar li ntlaqat u Ħal Qormi fortizza Laburista.

    Ma jaqbilx inaffarhom għax darb’oħra ma jivvutawlux.

    Jekk wieħed jiċċekkja x’kitbu l-qriema fuq facebook jidher li l-maġġoranza ta’ dawk li kitbu huma nazzjonalisti, il-Laburisti ma gergrux, donnu id-dawl tagħhom ma nqatgħax jew bilkemm ma qalux lill-Qriema jieħdu paċenzja għax l-inċidenti dejjem isiru jew inkella waħħlu dan l-incident fit-traskuraġġni tal-PN.

    Saħasitra wara li ġie d-dawl wieħed kiteb dawn il-preċiżi kelmiet:

    “Wasal fl-ahhar id-dawl, hbieb, hadna n-nifs. Mhemmx x’ taghmel, adna nduqu mill-medicina mora, hazina tal-Gvern Nazzjonalista Zewgt power stations, wahda minnhom sippost moderna u jmur impjant gdid li sar taht gvern precedenti hdejn ic-cimiterju ta’ torok. Ergajna ftahna l-feriti.”

    Ara veru ma jafux jistħu. U dan wieħed minn dawk li qed jaspira joħroġ għall-elezzjoni tal-kunsill lokali meta u jekk issir.

  5. Gahan says:

    E io pago!

  6. Nutty says:

    I cannot believe this is actually happening!

    “ammont limitat ta’ nies li ghamlu sighat twal minnghajr dawl”

    What does this statement includes and excludes? I believe ALL living creature in Malta were left in pitch darkness on that black Tuesday evening / night. Why discriminate? Why?

  7. Kavallier says:

    I believe that anyone affected by the extended power cut, for example those that had to discard everything from their freezers and so on should be adequately compensated.

    I do not believe that there are any circumstances beyond the control of Enemalta. This was a problem with the distribution system, if they have a preventive action that they will be implementing to counteract any possible re-occurrence then it was foreseeable in the first place.

    Moreover I find it very strange that this power cut occurred on one of the hottest days in this summer, and I do not believe one bit that the increase in demand did not have an effect.

    Had a similar event occurred under the former administration, I am sure that there would have been a much larger fracas about it. It is true that this is not in line with the style of Simon Busuttil but I believe that taking into consideration all of the gaffes being made by the government, the Opposition should have had a field day.

  8. Gee Dee says:

    But some people posted on FB a copy of a letter from Enemalta disclaiming responsibility.

  9. Dave says:

    Just wrong.

    Cannot wait to hear the criteria to qualify. Some guesses: (one or more of the below)

    (A) certified or attested attendance at not less than 3 PL mass meetings. Better yet if you were invited to sit on stage behind our great and democratic leader.

    (B) evidence of being “hurt” by GonziPN and a general feeling that your “hurt” has not yet been compensated by our just and democratic leader.

    (C) evidence of participation in a PL ad campaign on whatever medium selected by our wise and democratic leader in our great and momentous victory.

    (D) persons within the blood line of our shrewd and democratic leader or that of his wise and humble bride as well as childhood and other friends, their family, cousins, neighbours and pets.

    (E) persons with evidence issued by our fair and democratic leader that they deserve compensation.

  10. bob-a-job says:

    Great. So those who suffered the outage for less then twelve hours count for f*** all.

    Lot’s of MLP voters who are being discriminated against aren’t going to be too pleased about this and they have a habit of making themselves heard.

    I am sure that this would make a fantastic test case in court both in Malta and the EU.

    If there’s any group of decent lawyers who would like to take this up I’m In.

  11. Min Jaf says:

    If any ex gratia payments are to be made by government, surely these should go to commercial establishments such as food stores and ice cream parlours which may have been compelled to dump frozen food stocks due to the consequences of long term power outage.

  12. Kevin says:

    Unfortunately this will go through and the Nationalists will sit down apologising for their mistakes in the energy sector.

  13. Once Blue no Sky Blue says:

    Wake up Switchers!! Is this right, did YOU (should all of you be taghna llkoll citizens) vote for PL to have this type of governance? Are YOU ready to sit there and do nothing while a small group of ‘tal qalba’ families will get a discount voucher on their next bill as to stop their grambling. Didn’t all of you suffer the same feat during the blackout. I am sure most of these preferred families will be from Qormi where I hear there seems to be a lot of grumbling coming from ex MLC followers. Once done nuxxellina will become the new social hearted hero and can start canvassing these families into here next electoral campaign.

  14. Volley says:

    If for the selected few, then the ‘compensation’ will be deemed descriminatory,..what about the rest of Malta/Gozo ?

  15. jpaqui says:

    Populism at its best. Do nothing. Let things go. Let matters take their course. Decide on compensation (amount of compensation is irrelevant). Hold press conference to announce the compensation. People happy. Malta taghna lkoll.

  16. Roberta says:

    It was a good PR exercise in swaying the focus from the blackout. Instead of focusing on the incompetence of the government, the gullible public was distracted by this piece of news.

    So people are now busy applauding our benevolent government.

    Muscat is very clever in these marketing strategies, and time and time again he has managed to manipulate the public.

  17. etil says:

    What some people do not seem to understand is that whatever money the PL government dishes out, it is the taxpayers’ money. By any chance has the government struck oil as there seems to be no end to the exorbitant spending of public funds.

  18. SPAM! says:

    The Qormi residents had large stocks in their fridges of wagyu beef ready for St. Maria feast. They need to be compensated for it.

  19. pablo says:

    I do not agree with anyone who says that Muscat & MTL are not transparent. It takes an idiot not to see through his circus act of trying to run a country.

    He gets those who suffered up to 12 hours of blackout (and in some cases large financial loss) to further subsidise what is going to be just another of his peanut handout publicity stunts.

    Kurt Farrugia is already planning the press conference with podium and buzzword plastic backdrop to take place in Qormi and elsewhere. The only unknown is the size and cost of the stunt.

  20. bun-seeker says:

    If the Qormi people get it, why should we others not get it too? I think this was a stupid gimmick thought out to make some noise in the village – for popularity sake

  21. Angry Burd says:

    Where? How? When? Is the government only talking in secret to TVM? As far as I’ve seen the government seems to be on shut-down, together with Simon Busuttil.

    We’ve had reactions from almost everyone: Enemalta, GRTU, MIA, business owners, AD… except the government and Opposition.

    Are our journalists in early hibernation?

  22. Paul Camilleri says:

    Is government to consider granting compensation to the owners of restaurant who had pre-booked dinners and had subsequently to face their patrons leaving the premises due to the power outage? The outage was not longer than twelve hours but they suffered the loss of business just the same.

  23. Ruth says:

    Imma dawn jafu jisthu?

    Kulhadd sar qisu qahba hawn Malta, jinxtara bil flus u bl ‘iced buns’.

  24. ron says:

    Mhux Haz-Zebbug, Hal-Qormi u L-Marsa kollha kienu bla dawl ghal hin twil? Mela kif certu familji biss se jigu kkompensati? U jien inhallas, hekk sew.

    • carmen says:

      Ron ibqa cert li Hal-Qormi kollu jmur ghall-kumpens. Anke is-sinjuruni li ghandha Hal-Qormi jmorru wkoll jitkarrbu bhal meta ghereq Hal Qormi fil-2003. Kien hemm is-sinjuruni Qriema li hadu l-kumpens mill-Community Chest Fund ghad-danni li soffrew. Ma hallewx il-fondi jmorru ghall min verament ghandu bzonn ja qabda mejtin bil-guh!

  25. michael seychell says:

    Will any compensation will be given to those who suffered damages to their household goods, such as fridges/freezers; personal computers etc.

  26. John B. says:

    Tghid anke nuxellina ghandha Manila envelope?

  27. Jozef says:

    ‘Dan il-kumpens huwa mahsub li jitghata lil ammont limitat ta’ nies li ghamlu sighat twal minghajr dawl.’

    Sa fejn naf jien kull siegha twila.

  28. dutchie says:

    Time the compensation payout for the next round of elections in 2015.

  29. Francis Saliba MD says:

    The pretence of Malta Taghna Lkoll has now been officially dropped.

  30. verita says:

    l-ewwel il-Laburisti, it-tieni l-Laburisti u jekk ikun baqa ghall-Laburisti. Do you remember this? PL always keeps its promises.

  31. vic says:

    Where should I go to claim compensation, to the local Labour Party club ?

  32. zz says:

    Actually the title should read “They’ve found another way to buy voters” and appease all those switchers who are suffering post voting dissonance.

  33. Joseph M. says:

    Jizbalja Muscat u thallas INT

  34. fenek says:

    Perhaps you need to be a party member with a valid tessera

  35. eve says:

    Taghna llkollers mal water services f’Ghawdex ukoll. Veru li dahlu 40 f’daqqa go naqra ta gzira? U kif intghazlu? Nispera ma jibdewx jahbtu go xulxin bhal dawk il hafna kenniesa li dahhal Anton. Smajt li anke l heliport qeghdin avolja maghluq.

  36. Jozef says:

    Wasn’t aware the AFM is now under the auspices of the ministry of tourism.

    But then, air traffic control was Ghaddafi’s once.

  37. Randolph Peresso says:

    Not all Qormi residents are Taghna Lkollers as is very evident from the vox pop on

  38. charles says:

    For the first time, compesation for families who had power cuts over 12hrs. Does anyone know when there was a blackout for more than 12hrs?

  39. Qormi says:

    Jekk kull persuna tinghata kumpens ghad danni li sofriet, allura l-Gvern taghna lkoll irid jghidilna minn fejn se jitnaqqru dawn il-miljuni. Ahna nhallsu t-taxxa mhux biex tigi bicca ghalliema, li tridha ta’ escort, semmiet lilha nfisha Nuxellina f’websites Taljani, u li llum tellghuha sindku kocc boloh. Ahna l-Qriema dejjem kellna Sindku li jaghmel gieh lil belt Pinto, fosthom l-Mp Clyde Puli (pn) u Jesmond Aquilina (mlp), li minkejja li dejjem hareg fuq il-biljett tal-lejber, dejjem kien ezempju ta’ kif ghandu jkun Sindku. Nuxellina se naghmlu minn kollox sabiex ma nhallukx iddahhaq aktar nies bina.

    • Chris says:

      ”ma nhallukx iddahhaq aktar nies” What are you going to do idiot?s hut up you’re so ridiculous! You’d better call her with her name cos Mayor ROSIANNE CUTAJAR is going to go places my dear…..get over it, she is your Mayor and in few years time she will also represent you in Parliament.

    • carmen says:

      Hawn inhoss li ghandi nwiegeb. Rosianne Cutajar fil-web site m’ghandiex li hi escort imma ragazza immagine li hija wisq differenti minn escort.

      Escort hija prostituta, ragazza immagine hija dik it-tfajla li tippartecipa go fieri u okkazjonijiet ohra biex tippromovi servizz jew prodott.

      Tant hu serju is-Sur Jesmond Aquilina li jekk kien ikun iparla go xi kantuniera jew bankina fejn normalment kont issibu, trid titolbu inti skuza biex jersaq ha taghddi ghax l-anqas biss jindenja ruhu jersaq.

      Rigward is-Sur Clyde Puli ghandek ragun biex tbiegh.

  40. chico says:

    If the onus of proof lies with the claimant the amount of kumpens will be closer to zero than Malta is to a shit hole.

  41. bernie says:

    And what about commercial establishments that suffered big losses in same areas? Do these have to gather their share from the families through higher price charging? What would be the amount distributed? Why a limited amount of families? So many questions arise with such a decision.

    I bet that for such an announcement (whenever it will materialise) we will get the Prime Minister and Minister Konrad Mizzi giving a press conference, boasting how sensible the government is.

  42. Anthony Cachia Castelletti says:

    If any compensation is given then it should be to everyone hit by the blackout

  43. DM says:

    What is your email address please?

    [Daphne – [email protected]]

  44. Nighthawk says:

    On an unrelated note, former Chief Justice Harding passed away. The government saw fit to praise his integrity, because for them, that is an exceptional attribute in a judge, not the norm.

    It is worth remembering that Judge Harding was also the Law Commissioner at some point. Now we have Franco Debono.

    Dalle stelle alle stalle, one might say. Or more appropriately, to the chicken coop.

  45. pocoyo says:

    nuxellina can organise a street party in the next blackout
    dress code : exclusively I am

  46. thealley says:

    “The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” – Sir Winston Churchill

    That’s what Nuxellina is proposing (that is, if the idea is hers, which I don’t believe it is). They know the people are easily bought with these dirty tricks, and they’ll succeed again. But dear Nuxellina, you can’t fool the people all the time. Keep that in mind.

  47. Rumplestiltskin says:

    Can I apply? Or do I have to be a PL member?

  48. Edward says:

    How are they all deciding this when the PM is abroad?

    Labour: always prone to amateur mistakes. They don’t fix things, they just give out money to make up for their incompetence.

    This mayor is just as irresponsible. It’s not about the money. It s about getting things write. Even if there was nothing they could do to prevent the fire, even if there was nothing they could do to fix the problem quickly, even if they did their best to get things sorted, the PM still went on holiday and we haven’t even heard from him.

    Thighs is one of they reasons why Malta always fails under labour. When there is a problem, they have no new ideas on how to fix it and are not smart enough to come up with alternatives, so they just give people money.

    This is gross mismanagement and going to cost the taxpayer dearly. What a stupid idea. Just give them money and they will keep their mouths shut. Wow, what great problem solving techniques.

  49. Kemm kienu hodor in-Nazzjonalisti. Ara kif fottewlna l-villel.

  50. Maltri says:

    I lost precious work hours during the power cut and that did not impress my European counterparts.

    Moreover I have to reimburse the loss of bulk Lidl products cramped into chest freezers in Qormi.

    Sometimes life in Malta defies logic.

    • carmen says:

      In Qormi we have also PAVI and not only LIDL. Fortunately PAVI has always been a very busy supermarket even when Muscat ,Coleira Preca and the rest were saying that the Maltese have no money and most of us were living in poverty.

  51. Kevin says:

    This government is a shambles – the MLP promised a Whistle Blowing Act. And yet, someone who raises the alarm gets investigated.

  52. Optimist says:

    Daphne check out the infighting amongst the members of that racist Facebook page.

  53. L. Galea says:

    And who are these ‘ammont limitat ta’ familji?’

  54. xejn b' xejn says:

    Andrew Borg Carbona has just lambasted the government. He has a great piece on Times of Malta; perhaps it is worth a mention on this website.

  55. ciccio says:

    And so, we will never get to know how much Kurt’s coconut cookies are costing the taxpayer.

    The switchers have the transparent and accountable government they voted for. Good on them. Now we know who was right and who was wrong in their judgement about the Muscat government.

    As for the freedom of information request to Enemalta about the publication of the power purchase contract, the replies obtained from Enemalta by The Malta Independent confirm only one thing which we knew already: there is no power purchase contract signed as yet.

    Rather than asking for a publication of a contract which does not exist, and Enemalta dodging the question by saying that it will refer to others – a clear sign that Enemalta did not sign an agreement – I suggest that the Malta Independent should ask more specific questions to Enemalta.

    Thus, it should ask:

    1. Has, or has not, Enemalta signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) and a “Gas-supply Agreement” (GSA) with Electrogas Malta Limited? A yes/no answer would be sufficient.

    The answer to this question is a simple yes or no. The Times has reported that the “electricity deal” was signed, so Enemalta should have no difficulty answering this question with a clear yes or no – there shouldn’t be an issue with national security or commercial sensitivity that would not have been an issue with The Times report.

    2. The website of Enemalta is showing a note which states:

    “Enemalta is working on the finalisation of a power purchase agreement (PPA) and a Gas-supply Agreement (GSA) with ElectroGas Malta Consortium, for the building, owning, operating and maintaining of a new LNG delivery, storage, re-gasification and natural gas supply facility, as well as and a new natural gas-fired 215 MW combined cycle gas turbine electricity generation plant together with all necessary infrastructure connections to Enemalta’s electricity distribution network, at Delimara.

    The contractor will enter an 18-year agreement to supply Enemalta with electricity and liquefied natural gas. This is consistent with the Government’s strategy of meeting the Islands’ energy demands at the lowest long-term cost, taking full account of safety as well as environmental and other related responsibilities. This new investment will enhance Malta’s efficiency in generation to approximately 53% and reduce emissions by 50% and particulate matter by 90%.”

    So, did Enemalta sign a PPA and a GSA with Electrogas Malta Limited (“Electrogas Malta Consortium”) or is Enemalta still finalising the PPA and GSA with that consortium?

    Again, the question addresses information which is publicly available already, so it is a matter for Enemalta to clarify with a specific reply to a specific question.

    3. If Enemalta has already entered into a contract which binds Enemalta for a commitment of several billlions of Euro in electricity and gas purchases over 18 years, why did Enemalta not deem it appropriate to publish a detailed note about the contract for the benefit of its stakeholders – especially the creditors – and the public, like it has done for every other significant step of the gas project as can be seen on Enemalta’s website (linked already above)?

    I cannot see why Enemalta should answer any of those questions with the commercial sensitivity or the national security bullshit.

    It is part of commercial practice, and part of national interest, that such information is published. It is in the nation’s interest that our public corporations provide transparency and accountability to the public.

    The board of Enemalta should be held accountable by the media if it is caught twisting the truth and hiding simple facts that the public should know about.

  56. ciccio says:

    So MaltaToday took the trouble to clarify that a report about Malta Enterprise was written by the brother of the former ME chairman, but it failed to clarify that the former ME chairman did not pick a Minister’s wife for the job.

    I am not going to defend the Camilleris, but the statement by ME in no way addresses the central issue: ME employed the wife of a Minister without a public call.

    There would hardly have been an issue if ME had employed a competent person unrelated to politics, even if this was handpicked by the current ME chairman.

    Change, Muscat said. What change?

  57. xejn b' xejn says:

    The feeling in the hotel industry is not positive, with many five star hotels considering leaving the MHRA as it has become yet another PL playground. MHRA doesn’t have the guts to issue a proper statement about the latest massive power blackout, the extension of the hunting season or any other tourism-related issue for the matter.

    All of the members are very concerned with the way things have been developing but, all of them are afraid of speaking out for fear that their businesses become targets. This is the sort of democracy we are living in.

  58. Gahan says:

    A high brow conversation:

    K Zahra Mario Attard • a day ago
    With the 500euro you are mentioning the cabinet got 1.5million in a year and the way it was introduced was unacceptable.

    JM’s cabinet is costing us 8million more than LG’s cabinet.
    So how can you absurdly mumble about my prick in the eye when you have got a huge pole in yours?!
    • Reply•Share ›

    marlon grech K Zahra • 19 hours ago
    kemm int ikrah a demel
    1 • Reply•Share ›

    K Zahra marlon grech • 5 hours ago
    Ghalfejn ghed tghidli hekk, ibni.
    • Reply•Share ›

    marlon grech K Zahra • 18 hours ago
    does K, stand for KURNUT ?
    • Reply•Share ›

    K Zahra marlon grech • 5 hours ago
    Marlon milniex li rajtek habib tieghi.
    • Reply•Share ›

    marlon grech K Zahra • 18 hours ago
    zarmajnijulkhom il partit a mahta … go fik u mur ghamel gabra ha thalsu lil haddiema taghkhom stess forsi a bott bewl.
    1 • Reply•Share ›

    Mark Scicluna K Zahra • a day ago
    Resignation? In your wildest dreams my friend!
    1 • Reply•Share ›

    K Zahra Mark Scicluna • a day ago
    I know he wont resign, not a man of word.
    • Reply•Share ›

    marlon grech K Zahra • a day ago
    opinions are like ass holes, everybody got one.
    1 • Reply•Share ›

    K Zahra marlon grech • 21 hours ago
    There are some like you who has got two if you count their mouths.
    2 • Reply•Share ›

    marlon grech K Zahra • 19 hours ago
    and there are some like your mother who got 3 that is where she spat you from as well .
    1 • Reply•Share ›

    K Zahra marlon grech • 5 hours ago
    Why are you so nervous and sad. Its such a beautiful day.
    • Reply•Share ›

    These are the typical comments of Marlon Grech :
    Discussion on MaltaToday

    GRTU wants Enemalta to compensate businesses for blackout damage

    marlon grech • 11 hours ago
    iva malat kont ma ommok a pufta ghidlek u ghal 25 sena qatt ma tlifna b 36 k zgur pufta ,u fuq kollhox ma ghamiltux 16 il sena straight qabel inthom pufta ? nerga nghidlek pufta meta trid niltaw ha naraw kemm int ragel pufta

    marlon grech • 18 hours ago
    does K, stand for KURNUT ?

    marlon grech • 18 hours ago
    zarmajnijulkhom il partit a mahta … go fik u mur ghamel gabra ha thalsu lil haddiema taghkhom stess forsi a bott bewl.

    marlon grech • 19 hours ago
    meat trid nilatqaw zibel ha naqlalek ghajnek a mahta

    marlon grech • 19 hours ago
    kemm int ikrah a demel

    marlon grech • 19 hours ago
    and there are some like your mother who got 3 that is where she spat you from as well .

    marlon grech • 19 hours ago
    nghix ma ommok jien a pufta !!!

  59. John says:

    Ghalekk inhallsu t-taxxi ahna. Ghalekk u biex nitimghu iz-zibel ta’ “single mothers” (jew ahjar nhallsulom il-make up, sigaretti w forsi anke xi plastic surgery), nhallsu l-klandestini, l-haddiema tal-gvern u l-anzjani biex imorru jtajruhom il-casino.

  60. Harry Worth says:

    … and what about the business community ?

    They should be given priority when it comes to compensation.

  61. just me says:

    Where is Joseph Muscat? Is he on holiday? If he is, who is acting prime minister while he is away?
    When Dr. Gonzi was prime minister, we used to be informed when he was on holiday and who the acting prime minister was..

  62. ciccio says:

    After spending some time making public appearances like a celebrity for the North ‘Face’ brand, it’s time for the prime minister to advertise the ‘face’-kini, the latest ‘made in China’ fashionwear. A face-kini should help to protect Jo’s fair skin, although he would need to add a good pair of sun glasses to protect those eyes from the UV ‘blades.’

    He can start by taking a selfie in one of those face-kinis, and upload it to his ‘Face’book profile pic.

  63. Len says:

    This case should be investigated further by Malta Independent as even if this man’s case with MEPA lacks good sense or judgement, he should have been sent to the right channels, like Ombudsman.

    He has the right to express his opinion publicly without interference by the police. The police actions were inhuman and degrading.

    The police have no right to send this man to a psychiatrist while under arrest, unless he is in danger to hurt himself or others. The police should know that freedom of speech is protected by the Constitution.

    This man should take his case to court for the embarrassment and humiliation sustained under police custody.

  64. pm says:

    Dan hu kumment mhux direttament ghal item ta’ hawn fuq. Jekk trid tista tippubblikah ghalih separat jew tespandi fuqu.

    Ara veru irid ikollok wiccek miksi mhux biz-zejt imma b’xi haga ohra biex bhala ALPA (il-union tal-Pilots tal-Air Malta) titlob kumpens lil MIA ghal xi haga li tista tghid ma kelliex kontrol fuqa.

    Xi tghidilna l-ALPA fuq kumpens ghal Air Malta fil-kaz tal-President taghha, li jigi r-ragel ta’ Simone Cini, meta bil-familja tieghu kien se jasal tard ghal-flight min Milan?

    Nahseb li tiftakar l-ALPA dan il-kaz u li fuqu konna smajna li ser issir inkjesta minn l-Air Malta. Imma l-inkjesta bdiet u issa ghaddew fuq 15 il-xahar tal-gvern dinamiku ta’ Muscat u ghadu ma kellniex rizultat. Jew inkella, r-rizultat intefa taht xi tapit u hallewha tmut fuq omma. Ghax Malta taghna lkoll il-Laburisti.

  65. Anon says:

    Dear Mrs Caruana Galizia,

    Good afternoon,

    I am emailing you because I feel the media and the courts are failing the interests of the people once again.

    The priest accused of pedophilia is Fr Jesmond Gauci, a young prolific priest from Xaghra, Gozo. His accusations are serious in themselves, but more so due to his continuous close contact with children and young teenagers. He has set up, to my knowledge, at least a choir called Schola Cantorum Jubilate and more alarming, the the Xaghra Scouts Group, which admits members as young as five. He was also a staff member in a school in Gozo. You can search “Rev. Jesmond Gauci school” on google and you will see various results from the Gozo College Boys’ School Victoria. Follow the link here –

    Yes, he is presumed innocent until proven guilty, but the parents of these hundreds, if not thousands of children should be on alert for the telltale signs of abuse.

    I wish to remain anonymous.

  66. Allo Allo says:

    Allow me another LOL. The joke of the year. Minister Mizzi is allowing Eur 25 for households who had been without power for more than 12 hours. If Eur 25 is equivalent to a week’s groceries what does Sai Mizzi do with the other Eur 12900 a month?

    And to think of it the business representatives thought they were going to jump on the bandwagon and make a killing with their claims.

  67. kram says:

    What does minister Mizzi think that with 25 euro he’ll shut up our mouth?

  68. ciccio says:

    On 28 June 2014, in a comment posted here about the trend of the Malta Stock Exchange index, I asked whether the Maltese economy was in deflation already. See one of my comments here:

    Incidentally, since 28 June the MSE Index has continued on a downward trend – dipping further below the level of 8 March 2013 – and has today reached 3299.511, whilst foreign bourses retained a very strong performance.

    The risk of deflation was also visible in May – see my comments about propaganda disseminated by government on impact of electricity tariffs on inflation rate here:

    I commented again about deflation in a reply to an H.P. Baxxter comment on 6 August:

    “Malta’s inflation rate remains generally below 1% – even in June/July 2014, when the government did not announce any further reductions in water and electricity bills…”

    …The ECB has warned that there is a risk that Eurozone will fall into deflation – inflation below 1% is a risk of deflation.”

    Now we have this:

    “Malta is in deflation”

    The Malta Independent (21 August 2014)

    “Inflation rate goes negative”

    – Times of Malta (21 August 2014)

    Well, it turns out that the answer to my question of 28 June was “Yes.”

    All major banks in Malta have now reported that the level of loans and advances – read mainly credit to the economy which is used for investments and job creation – has reached an inflection point, where it is no longer rising. In some cases, total loans and advances are actually decreasing. The last bank to report this trend was Lombard, this week.

    With inflation in negative territory, it does not pay to take out a loan now, because deflation works against borrowers. So borrowers are likely to stay on the sidelines and wait for positive inflation to return. But if this happens, this will be counter-productive – no borrowing and no investment would only add more deflation.

    The government claims that employment is on the rise, but it is a known fact that government has increased employment in the public sector by a net of around 2,000 heads, and that’s before adding in the reversal of the annual net decrease of about another 1,000 heads.

    It seems that the economy is not doing well at all under Joseph Muscat, after all.

    • ciccio says:

      More ‘Peking Duck’ journalism available here:

      Notice how Mr. Matthew Vella – the journalist who is normally delegated to deal with Labour government crises stories at MaltaToday – does not call negative inflation of 0.5% by its name: deflation.

      He raises the question if ‘negative inflation’ represents deflation – he actually asks this three times: once in the headline, once in the long-form title, and once as a subheader within the report – but he does not provide an answer.

      Negative inflation is deflation, so it is pointless that Mr. Vella beats around the bush here.

      Observe also how Mr. Vella emphasises the “cheaper electricity” as the cause of driving the “inflation to below zero” (deflation) in the title of his report. Does he think that the supposedly cheaper electricity rates justify the deflation situation?

      The truth is that if electricity prices went down (for households), consumers should have more “cash in their pockets” – (FFB, flus fil-but, and in the case of Jason Micallef, one or more brown envelopes) – and they would have spent them on other stuff, causing prices of other stuff to increase, with the end result that inflation would remain positive. But this is not what happened here.

      Tqanzih, nothing less than that.

      A key indicator of deflationary pressures is what happens to credit in the economy. Over the past year, local banks have reported no relevant growth in credit to the economy, and this is a strong indicator of what is going on.

      Perhaps Mr. John Cassar White can dedicate some time to write a Times of Malta article about this situation, hoping that he is not being fed Chinese Duck as well.

    • Jozef says:

      Ciccio, another 1,400 ex-Enemalta employees on the public sector payroll as of this morning.

      So it’s a government owned company, agreement reached behind closed doors, GWU mighty pleased.

      With no additional power plant to be seen.

      Of this are our entrepreneurs made. Bravu De Piro. Gasan meantime, back to deluding themselves with a 34 storey tower, in a place where caves and layered faults gave the place its name.

  69. ciccio says:

    The government has announced a compensation of Euro 25 for families who suffered electricity cuts for 12 hours or more.

    Is that how much it costs to refill the fridge from LIDL in the Manwel Mallia household?

  70. Silvio Farrugia says:

    Hey you do gooders fu.. you Jack…did you hear about the European Muslims going to Iraq and Syria on a killing spree ?
    These are children of immigrants whose parents were given social benefits ,rights ,jobs and security which they did not find in their countries.These Jihadists and all the rubbish Co.are going to cause a world war and also much terrorism in Europe. Do you want the same for us …goody goody gooders

  71. Legally Blonde says:

    Does the government have an EU law advisers that they actually consult before shooting their mouths off at Villa Francia? Really, imposing a tax on foreign (including EU) imports to protect Maltese businesses.. jesus christ, read Chapter 18 of Craig and De Burca .. fucking amateurs.

  72. Alan Smithee says:

    He has washed away his bitter conscience now:

  73. just me says:

    Can’t see any ice in the water poured over the prime minister…

  74. dudu says:

    A government that creates opportunities for businesses to grow. Now that Konrad Lang is in charge of our energy a niche has developed in the Maltese market and is now being tapped by retailers:

  75. Seems you have not accepted the ice-bucket challenge. I assure you that the ice-cold shower you were given in March 2013 and May 2014 were much colder than this !

    • NGT says:

      After 20 odd years of frustrated waiting you’re now gloating like a little loser who finally got his moment to exact his revenge on all the people who ridiculed him over the years.

      No one got a cold shower in March 2013 – the writing had been on the wall for five years, But you know that so are you still lurking around every internet forum imaginable because you still crave some recognition for your tireless defense of the indefensible?

    • Mr Meritocracy says:

      Get a life, Privitera.

      • Steve says:

        Dear Eddy, please at this old age of yours do us all a big favour and stop writing nonsense.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Oh Privitera, my aching sides!

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