Washed-up Taghna Lkoll hotel singer update

Published: August 30, 2014 at 9:59am

33 Comments Comment

  1. Scarlet says:

    How nice, he pays taxes! Ghoxrin elf euro ma huma xejn. How I wish I can get 20,000 a year for nothing and by the way I also pay taxes.

  2. ms says:

    I think no comment is suitable for a non achiever,

  3. Allo Allo says:

    Praise the Lord. Located a potential garage. HALLELUJAH. Let’s do The Dance of Joy, cousin Larry.

  4. Nana says:

    He will find one at the eve of the next election. What a shame our tax money is going.

  5. Calculator says:

    “… €20,000 fis-sena, li, skond hu, biex issib ‘garage’ mhux biżżejjed”

    Can anyone really take this man seriously?

    The bands themselves sure don’t: http://www.maltatoday.com.mt/arts/music/42649/not_this_time_local_bands_hit_out_at_eurovision_singers_government_contract#.U_xqyvmSx53

  6. TROY says:


  7. Toni Borg says:

    Dear Willy

    Kieku dhalt fuq Maltapark ukoll kont issibu dan limbierek garaxx f’sena….u jekk sa tlett xhur ohra tibqa ma ssibx, ghajdli u nikrielkom tieghi…fih tistaw iddoqqu u wkoll taghmel kamra tas sodda biex tibqa rieqed fih sa elezzjoni ohra!

  8. The Phoenix says:

    What a hapless fucking idiot…….no wonder he was soooo easy to flip and support his dear Jowzef…..

  9. pale blue my foot! says:

    I just loved this loser`s comment that he deserves to be paid by the government because he has been paying taxes. The cheek is incredible.

    • Allo Allo says:

      So anyone who has been paying taxes deserves a phantom job with a Eur 20,000 salary. Tajba wkoll. Normalment l-aktar nies li juzaw l-iskuza li anke huma jhallsu t-taxxa biex jiggustifikaw xi haga hafna drabi jkunu l-aktar nies li qatt ma hallsu taxxa.

  10. Kevin Mifsud says:

    Dear William, stick to remaining an amateur singer as it suits you better. Rather than continuing to take the piss, you should have seriously identified what is needed by the upcoming bands and on this basis, asked the ministry of sound to issue an expression of interest. Unless of course I interpret this interview as meaning that this silly billboard exercise is going to cost the taxpayer €100,000 of your precious time.

  11. frank andersom says:

    Finally we hear something from William Mangion after so many months of silence. But there are others who remain reticent for months.

    What happened to Marco Cremona who is now so quiet but was ubiquitous on the airwaves before the general elections? Why is Marco so quiet?

    Did his appearance under the Labour Dome with Joseph Muscat just before the elections dampen his resolve to be so critical of anything in this watery planet?

  12. Nathalie says:

    Finding this hypothetical garage is a never-ending task. Who on earth builds such a thing? Most garages are in residential areas, for cars.

    Why not use the 20k or much less, and build an adequate building in an industrial area? We have enough builders employed with govt doing pretty much nothing.

  13. Allo Allo says:

    Mhux qed igerger, ….. imma qed igerger li ghoxrin elf euro jaqla. Tafu x’inhuma ghoxrin elf euro?

    Ir-risposta hi li ghoxrin Elf Euro huma erbat elef euro aktar mill paga medja gross ta persuna li tqatta erbghin siegha fil-gimgha tahdem ghal sena.

    Forsi qed jarha ghoxrin elf euro peanuts ghax qed iqabbel mal-paga ta Sai Mizzi?


  14. Allo Allo says:

    ‘Ma tistax kull pass li taghmel trid toqghod tafzha l-bands ifhimni’. Forsi ghandu ragun, imma jista imqar itinha hjiel zghir ta’ kif tkun gurnata tipika ta’ persuna li xoholha full time hu li tfittex garaxijiet? X’inhuma l-hinijiet tipici minn x’hin tibda tahdem? tkun telghet ix-xemx dak il-hin? Iddum xejn jahdem wara l-hin tax-xoghol minghajr hlas extra? Tkun nizlet ix-xemx x’hin ilesti? Jibqaghlu hin ghall-loghob?

  15. Brimbu says:

    Does the government publish a list of these type of contracts / appointment with their cost? I am sure I will be shocked to press the sigma button and see how much it is costing me.

    With “these” I mean not needed , but payback type.

  16. Be-witched says:

    Only ‘Fools and Horses’

  17. davidg says:

    Xejn mhuma ghoxrin elf! My god, if he was a property negotiator he has to conclude euro 1000,000 – one milliion of property contracts in one year to earn that money- which is no joke.

  18. Catsrbest says:

    What a truly contemptible idiot! So he is lamenting because, according to him, costing €20,000 yearly on all taxpayers for doing absolutely nothing, ‘cause he did not deliver anything yet after more than one year, is not enough.

    Do you know Willy that if this equally contemptible and corrupt government simply engaged an estate broker or estate agent, the latter would have surely delivered by now and cost much and much less on our taxes.

    • Jozef says:

      What he means is that for that amount he’s entitled to extend his mission for a number of years, and please tindahlux, mur ara kemm qed niehu.

      And that is what will fail Muscat; the creation of a class of people whose conflict of interest will get the better of them, blocking any progress.

      The money will run out before any returns can ever be made, it’s inherent to the system. .

    • M says:

      But would the estate agent have appeared on a billboard?

  19. chico says:

    Most government salaried professionals such as doctors, accountants, economists etc start off with little more than 20k a year for actually working – day in day out.

    I think Jack London could have turned this into a good Yukon country type of story, on the lines of how the search (for gold in JL’s case) cost more than the actual gold itself!!

  20. Tom Double Thumb says:

    For a time I seriously considered applying to take on poor Willy’s “job” and only request 10,000 euros a year. That amount is slightly more than I get as pension after more than 40 years doing a proper job.

    When this notion really stuck in my mind, I even took the trouble to work out a plan of action if I got the job.

    First, advertise that anyone in possession of a garage or hall, with specified location, measurements and conditions, wishing to sell or rent his property could contact me personally at my home address.

    Second, I would go through all “Property For Sale” short adverts in all publications until I found a property that seemed to satisfy my requirements.

    This would mean that I could stay at home, leaving me ample time to enjoy myself, do a real job, or just do whatever I liked.

    But then I thought how some nasty PN supporter could take the mickey out of Willy by contacting him with information about a fictitious garage in a rural area which could be inspected at a specified time on a specified day so I could secretly watch his embarrassment when he turns up for nothing.

    That thought really killed my intention to apply for the Willy post.

  21. M says:

    This makes one think that those who have their hands on the government’s gonads will look around at those who have garnered even more than they and attempt to squeeze a bit more. This could get interesting.

    Those who consider themselves not being paid enough will also remember George Vella’s example of the peanuts and monkeys and, knowing that they ARE monkeys because merit was not the reason they hold a post, think that being paid more would make them geniuses.

    Perhaps we should inform them that a millionaire chimp is still a chimp. Tough luck. Perhaps if these glorified ilkollers had worked their way up they might have learnt something along the way!

  22. Gahan says:

    David Thake is a rare breed of a (part time) DJ: intelligent, smart, sharp, and knows where his boundaries are.

    When he’s on Radio 101 every Thursday evening I end up with tears of laughter because of his sharp wit and finesse. I like his choice of music which is well prepared accompanied by his witty and sometimes naughty comments.

    “Is it payback time?”

  23. Joe Fenech says:

    “Jfittex garaxx”

    What is he? – the State’s estate agent? Surreal to say the least.

  24. Veritas says:

    A mirror copy of Fredrick Testa. Given a job to produce a video for the CPD and paid for by PBS (handsomely I guess) and it is published on his personal fb page…. Ma jisthux

  25. janni says:

    Gvern futur Nazzjonalista ghandu d dover o l obligu li li jihodlu lil william mangion il gflus kollha li tah dal gvern

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