“A beacon of hope in the Mediterranean”

Published: October 19, 2014 at 9:25am

beacon of hope in the Mediterranean

Things are getting more and more retro here. China and begging-bowls, totalitarian-regime-propaganda-style slogans by the government (but with the 21st-century touch of tweeting), newspaper reporters too nervous to really follow up stories and people too worried about their personal interests, their money and their necks to say what they truly think…it’s not looking sweet.

37 Comments Comment

  1. canon says:

    Beacon! We were better without him.

  2. Joe Fenech says:

    Dawn nahseb li ghandhom personality disorder kollha kemm huma.

  3. ciccio says:

    Compulsive liars tend to have a delusional personality.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Malta is in desperate need of some kind of study focusing on mental health as there is clearly a high percentage of personality disorders most of which are induced by poor parenting.

      • ciccio says:

        Been just discussing that at home. This is an open mental hospital.

        I agree with you fully. The problems lie in the families.

      • Tabatha White says:

        The answer lies in voluntary seclusion.

        Business is incestuous in Malta.

        It causes the dagger in the back situation, and its consequences, to be ever present.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      It’s a desperate situation, Ciccio, but as usual….complete silence!

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Ciccio, the factors leading to personality disorders are genetics and upbringing.

  4. pablo says:

    One thing that I admire in this middle aged Teletubby is his propensity to create abstract imagery using words that are either circular or have no corresponding reality.

    I mean who is “Malta” in this equation? Is it him or his government or the people?

    And what is this “beacon of hope”? Is it the 100MW light bulb that he is going to stick on top of Castille to make use of all the Shanghai excess current or is it the democratic example of the way he leads us into the future passing through Beijing?

    • Jozef says:

      Nothing new, Pablo.

      Labour and improbable superlatives were always a match.

      Their fundamental problem is an ideology based primarily on sickly sweet notions of romance, either the glorification of underclass or aggressive expression of excess.

      From the conventional rows and rows of balavostri in very clumsy imitation of the Gattopardi to the current white and grey expanses of graffiato surrounding the pool.

      Belonging is all that matters.

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Beacon of hope is a well-worn cliche; Muscat hasn’t created anything.

      This is the usual pomposity which I find one of the most irritating things about him.

    • Joe Fenech says:

      Pablo, that only works when a nation is practically all illiterate.

  5. Frank Anderson says:

    The budget should be out in a few weeks time. The question to ask now, is what did the government promise in the 2014 budget speech that was not delivered?

    Minister Scicluna’s budget speech last year promised the setting up of a Malta Oil Exploration Corporation. Here is the text from Minister Scicluna’s budget speech on page 20 (English version):

    Malta Oil and Gas Corporation
    To create an infrastructural framework for the development of the service sector in the oil and gas industry, the Malta Oil and Gas Corporation will be set up. This will be the principal government agency ensuring the implementation of Government’s plan in oil and gas exploration.

    Maltese version (page 16):

    Biex jingħata qafas infrastrutturali għall-iżvilupp tal-qasam tas-servizzi talindustrija taż-żejt u l-gass se titwaqqaf il-Malta Oil and Gas Corporation. Din se tkun l-aġenzija ewlenija tal-Gvern biex tara l-ħtigijiet u l-pjani tal-Gvern dwar esplorazzjoni taż-żejt u l-gass jiġu implimentati.

    Listen on U Tube at 35.19

    Where is this Malta Oil and Gas Corporation now? Nowhere.

    Only few weeks left for government to fulfill this promise, orelse we really have to conclude that this is a government founded on lies and deceit.

    • anthony says:

      What do we need an oil exploration corporation for if the minister knows exactly were all the deposits are?

      All we need is a rig.

      • Jozef says:

        The minister can’t even commit to the dates of a pedestrian crossing across Mriehel Bypass, ghax major project.

        Konrad Mizzi ministru tas-sahha, energija, toroq u zejt, issa tara.

  6. Arnold Layne says:

    Judging by his girth, I think they meant “bacon” not “beacon”.

  7. Ta'Sapienza says:

    At least they didn’t misspell it as bacon.

  8. ciccio says:

    I am fully with Simon Busuttil here. This is the attitude we need towards Muscat and Mizzi. But yes, the media must do its part.


  9. davidg says:

    He has to induce hope in Malta and the Maltese fist before going beyond.

  10. George says:

    More like bacon (for China) in the Mediterranean.

  11. Tabatha White says:

    With the media numbed and dumbed – with the exception of three columnists at most – the Nationalist Party needs to do the work that the media is balking from:

    He, and an alert term, need to issue sharper higher standard press releases that leave no room for ambiguity.

    If the media is too scared and reporters/ journalists inert with no fully decent job done save for Daphne and Ivan Fenech, then the NP will have to carry the burden and undertake the constant prodding itself.

    Politicians’ individual opinion pieces fall short of the mark.

  12. Vagabond King says:

    What amazes me is that all the critics of the previous government have fallen silent on the subject of this one.

    The great Claire Bonello, paladin of environment issues, writes about Ryan Schembri and the missing €40 million, but determinedly ignores the mess surrounding the non-existent power station.

  13. Jozef says:


    Zammit Lewis was visibly embarrassed standing next to Muscat yesterday, as the PM insisted on the right to pay for electricity supplying illegal shacks.

    Or maybe Bagolla’s eyeing one of those, given how favelas in Rio have become the address with the trendy crowd.

  14. curious says:

    What a beacon. L-aqwa fl-Ewropa.

    “But, according to the newspaper, in an effort to show it is not singling out Paris, Commission officials are considering adding three other countries to the reject list: Malta, Italy and Slovenia.”


  15. Rosie says:

    Beacon of hopelessness , ignorance and mediocrity should be his words.

  16. Jozef says:


    Hands off Marsa B station. That’s one splendid modernist building we have there.

    Marsa was essential to Malta’s development, and if anyone in Labour had any sense, they’d realise it carries major symbolic, functional and historic connotations to its core voter.

    Turbine hall is one graceful space, perfectly illuminated, administration block even more so.

    Here goes,

    Madrid’s first train station.


    Rome’s infamous gas terminal on the Tiber, the star backdrop of every neo-realist film.


    Hamm’s coal extraction plant.


    And then obviously,


    Marsa’s no different.

    Industrial buildings tend to be perfect for public spaces. Give it back intact to the communities nearby then, the people of Marsa and Hamrun deserve it.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      In a couple of million years, if the Maltese species has sufficiently evolved, they may understand you. But not now. Not even the God-fearing folk at the “Stamperija”.

  17. Pablo says:

    It’s a beacon of dope in the Mediterranean. Just ask the meat sellers.

  18. gd says:

    Svizzera fil-Mediterran

  19. Tabatha White says:

    Not even for Burmarrad is he a beacon.

    Quite delusionary, this imposter.

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