The Fat Controller gets off Facebook

Published: October 20, 2014 at 12:38pm

joe grima off facebook

The prime minister of Malta's special envoy to the World Tourism Organisation

The prime minister of Malta’s special envoy to the World Tourism Organisation

The prime minister’s special envoy to the World Tourism Organisation, after having made a true ass of himself on Facebook repeatedly over the last couple of years – calling an English priest a paedophile because he wrote a mildly critical obituary of Dom Mintoff, insulting human rights group Aditus, making xenophobic and racist remarks about immigrants and Muslims, has decided to stop using the medium.

At the age of almost 80, he has finally understood what some of us have known from the beginning: that life on Facebook is not real life. Or maybe he just said the wrong thing once too often, and had to quite Facebook like he had to quit his Labour TV show after calling that priest a kiddy-fiddler in defence of that dead sociopathic troll, Mintoff.

As a financial-cum-status reward for quitting that show, the prime minister gave him a salary as his special envoy for tourism. God and Lynn Zahra know what he does to justify it – there is no indication that he does anything.

Now it remains to be seen what he will be given for quitting Facebook.

Exactly why he chose to illustrate his post with a picture of himself taken in the early 1960s (or was it the late 1950s?) is anybody’s guess at this point.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Gaetano Pace says:

    Whatever the date that picture was taken, it looks like something called Bla Agenda, sofa and all, of recent days.

  2. chico says:

    I recognised that picture straight away.

    It’s when Rediffusion announced the end of the world war (not quite sure which one, I or II).

  3. Joe Fenech says:

    Leaving Facebook for Farcebook

  4. mattie says:

    Yeah life on Facebook is just a show. I realised 8 years ago.

  5. M says:

    So he was actually thinking that life on Facebook is real life? What has he done now, discovered avatars? Should we take the word ‘special’ in his job title with a pinch of salt?

  6. Kevin says:

    NASDAQ reports a sharp rise in the price of Facebook shares today. A weight off Mark Zuckerberg’s shoulders has lifted.

  7. BT says:

    And let’s not forget how the magistrates’ court recently found him guilty of libelling Richard Cachia Caruana on Facebook.

  8. Lizz says:

    Well, I suppose it’s easier to give up Facebook than Food.

  9. Alexander Ball says:

    Kudos to the bloke. You don’t see many obese chaps of his age.

  10. WhoamI? says:

    Nothing to do with virtual or real life, or whatever he said.

    He’s quitting because it’s impossible for him to type anymore. His arms are too short, his fingers too fat, he can’t type fast enough, or accurately. So he’s blaming it on Facebook not being real life.

    His hands are big enough to handle a Grande Big Mac though. Imma halluh miskin, ghax dak ghandu kundizzjoni tissejjah hanziritis.

  11. xejn sew says:

    Such a sad loss to the social media world. :-(

  12. canon says:

    Qed tara Joe Grima x’jaghmel iz-zmien. Jispicca in-nejk kollhu.

  13. Tarzan says:

    Nilghab imhatra li hadd ma kantalu.
    “Please don’t go. Don’t go away.”

  14. Barrabas Borg says:

    Perhaps the Freddie Portelli song is appropriate here.

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