Compare and contrast

Published: October 19, 2014 at 7:03pm

17 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    ‘Haddiema li jhobbu x-xoghol u kumpanija b’gherf kbir’.

    Why don’t they just collect gas from the bullshit?

  2. ciccio says:

    At least the North Koreans have something to show their Great Leader.

    Konrad Mizzi has only a heap of rubble.

  3. observer says:

    Not directly connected, but:- in another entry, Daphne, you stated that Konrad is to-day twice the size he was two years ago.

    Can I disagree? I think Konrad is simply bloated – as if he is on heavy sedatives.

  4. Dott Abjad says:

    According to this clown-tie ‘donning’ (sorry the word is so ‘in’ now), Muscat’s Labour is wrong because it isn’t pandering enough to the Labour core.

    Clutching at straws is one thing these Labour Party guys are really good at when they find themselves left out of the gravy train. It seems this guy hasn’t even learnt to stand on the moral high-ground before throwing accusations.

    Joseph Cuschieri is accusing Muscat of accommodating cronies who are not true Labour, suggesting that clientelism and cronyism should be benefited only by Labour supporters.

    This is wrong on so many levels.

    • Gaetano Pace says:

      Pastaz, hamallu, ridikolu. Skuzani imma dan kliem Malti li jifhmu kullhadd. Mhux kullhadd jifhem izda li meta ministru jinzel minn fuq il katidra tieghu ta Ministru biex jaqa f dak il livell hekk baxx li jattakka lill xi hadd u jinnominah bhal xi name and shame, ma jkun qed jghamel xejn ghajr jiddikjara pubblikament kemm ghadu bla sugu, bla sens, puerili u populist bla ebda sens ta politika, statesmanship u fuq kollox ta gentlom. Nifhem aktar ma jghadd iz-zmien ghaliex il labour kien jghajjar u jghir ghal Georg Borg Olivier li kien tant gentlom. Lanqas biss jisthi dan Konrad jipprogetta lilu innifsu b`dak il mod fuq il poplu Malti. Imma meta nafu min spirah, allura ir-ruh ha tifhem.

  5. Gahan says:

    Dawn iż-żewġ pulċinelli suppost ħadu tixriba tajba ta’ barmil ilma bis-silġ għax inqata’ d-dawl għal xi għoxrin siegħa madwar Malta u Għawdex.

    Nistaqsi jien, allura issa x’suppost jagħmlu lil xulxin la l-wiegħeda tal-power station fi żmien sentejn m’hix se titwettaq fi żmien li wiegħduna?

    Jintefgħu f’xi friża u ma joħorġux minn hemm qabel ma titlesta l-power station?

  6. Kim says:

    He stopped short of checking on the famous “sapuniera”. I bet Queen Marie will be disappointed.

  7. Luke says:

    What is this fashion that ministers and the prime minister do not wear ties to meetings? X’hamallagni.

  8. La Redoute says:

    Wang Yundan,chairman of Shanghai Electric Power, is communist party secretary.

    Are Mizzi and Muscat still insisting that selling out to Communist China is privatisation?

    • Tabatha White says:

      A point that could well become the crux of this issue.

    • Gahan says:

      When the Chinese were mentioned on Andrew Azzopardi’s “discussion ” programme “Għandi xi ngħid” last Saturday, he asked whether the Maltese object to the Chinese buying part of Enemalta, because of racism! Either he’s plain stupid or he’s trying to please someone.

      Andrew, your nose is brown.

    • ciccio says:

      What exactly was he doing in Malta, then?

      Was he having meetings with the Labour party?

  9. Maria ta'Xkieli says:

    Maria ta’Xkieli titbaqbaq tara l-ahbarjiet

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