Corruption and cronyism update: his ‘n’ his Brussels jobs created for revenge porn Labour politician and his Super One lover

Published: October 16, 2014 at 12:16am
"Hey guys, are you up for a spit roast?"

“Hey guys, are you up for a spit roast?”

Cyrus Engerer, who was asked by the prime minister to pull out of the Labour Party’s European Parliament election race when he was convicted of revenge porn against an ex lover, had a job in Brussels created for him in June, immediately after the election was over.

So now we know that Engerer didn’t pull out because he felt for the first time that he should do the decent thing, but because the prime minister had bribed him with a job that would take him to Brussels all the same.

And now the corrupt cronyism of this government and its self-interested, morally dubious lackey Cyrus Engerer has been taken further still. They have also created a job at Dar Malta in Brussels for his Super One lover Randolph Debattista.

A whole new gay scene beckons, and if they don’t keep each other on a short leash, the end of their passionate relationship in corruption is nigh.

That’s not being negative, but a realist.

So now, in addition to paying Sai Mizzi to escape sex with her husband, we’re paying Randolph Debattista to have sex with his. And we’re also paying the husbands.

Vote Labour – ghax il-verta wertit.

26 Comments Comment

  1. Bugs Bunny and the Cheshire Cat says:

    How sweet, a matching pair of ‘pufti bic-coff’. What a shame Kenneth can’t leave mummy, or they’d find a job for him at Dar Malta too, painting lots of lovely cherubim that look suspiciously like the crush of the moment all over Marlene Bonnici’s office walls.

    Viva l-Labour!

  2. Myfanwy says:

    My my, it seems Our Dear Joseph has gone overboard on the Eva Garden.

  3. J. Agius says:

    And they can also occasionally enjoy a threesome whenever our Ambassador to Brussels is available. How very cosy indeed.

  4. Sufa says:

    That is just so wrong. In a normal working environment, it is practically unheard of for two spouses/partners to be EMPLOYED by the same company, for various reasons, including not taking their relationship differences to work.

    There have even been cases where – when a couple met “on the job” – one of them left the company, for the very same reasons.

    Why is it alright for a couple to be employed by the same entity and in te same place (presumably) solely on the basis that they are gay?

    • etil says:

      Uff kemm thobb tfettaq. Hallihom jiddevertu minn fuq dar in-nies, la n-nies ma jimpurthomx basta ma tmissilhomx il-but.

  5. PWG says:

    Il Padrone

  6. manum says:

    Ahjar dak Randolph joqoghod ghassa ta l-ismart phone ta’ cyrus ghax qed jidhollu fil-Grindr incognito.

  7. neville pace says:

    They will be joining their “his n his” friends at the Malta embassy in Belgium. So cute.

  8. Jozef says:

    Imagine if Richard Cachia Caruana had done the same.

    • Last Post says:

      Veru hekk hu! Il-vilta’, il-qerq u l-arroganza ta’ dawn in-nies m’ghandiex limitu.

      Tassew hasra u tal-misthija li l-maggoranza ta’ dal-poplu mhedija bic-cucati u non-issues imtella’ fuq Xarabank, il-melodrama tat-teleserials ta’ TVM u kemm hu tajjeb il-Lejber li hareg favur id-divorzju u l-unjoni civili bejn l-omosesswali, “ghax dawn sitwazzjonijiet li jezistu”.

      Tal-biki u d-disperazzjoni kieku mhux ghax hawn dal-blog li huwa kummentarju kritiku kostanti tal-gideb, il-qerq, l-inkompetenza u l-frejjeg ta’ dal-gvern.

  9. sunshine says:

    So how does one land a top government job while still serving a suspended jail sentence?

    [Daphne – Because there’s a crook in charge, sunshine.]

  10. helen says:

    All this puts 50 Shades of Grey in the shade

  11. Arnold Layne says:

    The officials of EU member states need to get security clearance to represent their country in the Council. A person with a criminal record cannot get clearance.

    Are we therefore to conclude that Cyrus will be drawing a salary without working? If not and if Cyrus will be representing Malta in a Council working group, it would mean that somebody would have fraudulently expunged his record.

  12. Kevin Zammit says:

    Probably the government is trying to promote Maltese potatoes in Belgium.

  13. ciccio says:

    Dar Malta: the new Centru Laburista ta’ Brussel.

    They will be hiring policy officers soon to prepare for the EU Presidency.

  14. If this cannot be seen for the corruption that it is, a product of a corrupt mentality in the present administration, more precisely in the individuals in this administration, who reward a criminal and favour him by posting his homosexual partner to the same post abroad, a favour that is not available to a married heterosexual couple, then we have lost all traces of decency.

  15. Francis Said says:

    I really do not know what to say. I am completely flabbergasted. Is it possible that this government can stoop lower?

    These appointments, cast a dark shadow on ALL appointees by this government and on the underhand dealings going on.

    The whole Enemalta deals, the appointment of Henley & Partners, leasing buses from UBS at €30,000 per day – with or without steering wheel properly attached.

    So when submitting one’s CV, does one have to submit a copy of the Labour Party membership card?

    Malta Taghna Lkoll, my eye.

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