I really have to commend this government for its careful attention to detail
October 15, 2014 at 11:33pm
These screenshots were taken from the government’s website today. Imagine the scope for catastrophe in a power station, where the devil really is in the detail. Apparently, Lawrence Gonzi is the Home Affairs Minister, Beppe Fenech Adami is his parliamentary assistant, and John Rizzo is Commissioner of Police.
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That’s why nobody knows who the chief of staff is at the Home Affairs Ministry.
If only we were back to those times!
If only, Grezz. Kemm konna ahjar meta l-Laburisti u l-koccuti kienu jghidu li konna aghar.
Mahruga mic-cwiec – izda, suppost, mhux ghac-cwiec,
Oops…. another blunder, but when you go for mediocrity (not meritocracy ) then why not do that properly? I’ll give Joe that, he is consistent even here!
It’s done purposely, so that complaints aren’t received directly to their mailbox.
What a real-life horror show.
He said he was going to deliver poetry and possibility…provocation.
Possibility only joins reality with a logical back-track, otherwise it joins the realm of crazy.
Yep, the fast, hands-on, no-red-tape way of doing things at its worst.
Isn’t that what people were told when it was pointed out that the energy issue was not the breeze that Konrad Mizzi was making it out to be?
The only sure thing so far is that those who thought Konrad was actually dishing out a lot of Comrade bull have been proven right.
The Malta government website: FENOMENALI!
U l-bierah Jose’ Herrera u Justyne Caruana dehru jippontifikaw fuq l-importanza u l-uzu tal-mezzi digitali (x’gherf gdid dak!) ghax taw xi nofs tuzzana tablets f’idejn l-istess numru ta’ anzjani.
What are the IT gurus at MITA doing ? Is it not about time that all government ministries websites were updated ? Do they think it is not worth it since they will not last 5 years.
The DOI page reproduced above has been removed.
Wasn’t yesterday the anniversary of the attack on the Times building. I saw no mention of it on yesterday’s Times of Malta newspaper .