Is everything quite all right with the President of the Law Commission?

Published: October 18, 2014 at 10:11pm

The signs are not good at all. He has been uploading and re-uploading that same photograph in slightly different crops for several days now.

franco debono a

franco debono b

franco debono c

franco debono d

41 Comments Comment

  1. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Is he financially stable? Then why isn’t he getting any? And if he is, why that photo? Why?

    • ciccio says:

      Who do you think took his picture?

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        If you’re thinking what I’m thinking, we are in the presence of what might be the biggest revolution in kinky sex games since the Indus Valley Civilisation.

      • ciccio says:

        A romantic evening with the Law Commissioner is probably a night spent locked up in his aviary, listening to him reading through his proposti ghar-riforma fil-qasam tal-gustizzja, while propped up on several unread editions of the Tibetan Book of the Living and the Dying.

    • Kapxinn says:

      What’s wrong with that photo, Baxxter? You have no idea what bird lovers go through. Imagine having to cage your loved one lest she flies away.

      • Hot Rod Bar ta' Hal Ghaxaq says:

        Who’s to say that he hasn’t got some Bluebeard situation going on with girls in cages in his Hal Ghaxaq dungeon? Or maybe this is just substitute activity. He can’t cage the ladies so he cages the tits instead.

      • Kapxinn says:

        He doesn’t need to cage the ladies, Hot Rod, they descend on him like flies on a fresh turd.

        Even Daphne, like any other decent woman, gives him the attention he deserves. They can’t help it.

        [Daphne – For a very different reason, though: I am negatively fascinated by the outrageous self-belief of individuals who are both physically unattractive and of unexceptional intelligence, and their huge sense of entitlement. They are monstrous.]

  2. ciccio says:

    I think that although he seems to be still interested in them, the birds have lost their interest in him.

    • Joe Micallef says:

      I think he’s still contemplating how to bail them out on some breach of the constitution.

      Bailing out birds would certainly be a first and possibly a path to world fame.

      • M says:

        Possibly, after all he has taken up with those whose ‘thing’ is looking for loopholes. One wonders what the birds in the photo would do if they knew about the ultimate betrayal of their kind. How does one derive pleasure from having a creature stay for the simple reason that it is locked up?

  3. Barabbas Borg says:

    He seems to have gained some weight. Perhaps too much pastizzi.

    • Hot Rod Bar ta' Hal Ghaxaq says:

      More expensive than that, unless the government has given him a self-entertainment allowance or the chef-patrons are giving him an open tab: he spends half his time in restaurants, drinking and eating.

  4. Joe Fenech says:

    Send these women a vibrator each.

  5. La Redoute says:

    I think there’s something wrong with his fans, especially Ruth Dyer.

  6. etil says:

    Is he all there ?

  7. anthony says:

    The title here will, one day, in the annals of Maltese history, be referred to as the rhetorical question of the millennium.

  8. White coat says:

    I counted five females rooting for him. I’m jealous. NOT. Poor sod.

  9. lino says:

    Not the ones on Facebook.

  10. Makjavel says:

    Is he eating birds for breakfast?

    [Daphne – Eating is not what we should be worried about.]

  11. thealley says:

    The Law Commissioner should propose a law to ban caging birds in such confined quarters, not pose with them.

  12. Matt P says:

    The Law Commissioner stating publicly that he is biased in favour of trapping.

  13. Christopher says:

    I think you should read this, as it was posted on Frankie’s page which means he has intentions.

    Did I read it right? Does it really say that the prime minister can appoint a bishop or something in certain situations? How come this is not hot Super1 type news?



    To make provision relating to the appointment to ecclesiastical offices or benefices by a foreign Power. 13th January, 1838
    ORDINANCE promulgated by PROCLAMATION No. I of 1838, as amended by Legal Notice 46 of 1965.

    art1.The title of this Ordinance is Ecclesiastical Offices or Benefices (Appointment by Foreign Power) Ordinance.
    Validity of presentation, collation or appointment to an ecclesiastical office or benefice by foreign Power.

    Amended by L.N. 46 of 1965.

    art2.If any person shall be presented, collated, or appointed, by any foreign Power, or by virtue of any instrument purporting to emanate from any foreign Power, to any ecclesiastical office or benefice in Malta, such presentation, collation, or appointment, shall not be valid until it is approved by the Prime Minister.
    Appointment of administrator of vacant office or benefice by Archbishop of Malta,

    Amended by L.N. 46 of 1965.

    art3.During the vacancy of any ecclesiastical office or benefice in Malta, to which it has been customary for any foreign Power to make the presentation, collation, or appointment, the nomination which in such cases it has been customary to make, of an administrator or administrators to collect and administer the fruits which would have been due to the incumbent of such office or benefice if the same had not been vacant, shall, with the consent and approbation of the Prime Minister, be made by the Archbishop of Malta, or the Vicar Capitular for the time being:

    by Prime Minister per lapsum temporis.

    Provided that where the said Archbishop, or Vicar Capitular of Malta fails, within the time of fifteen days after the vacancy has occurred, to propose to the Prime Minister a person or persons approved by the latter, then the appointment shall be made by the Prime Minister alone; and the administrator or administrators so appointed shall be responsible to the person or persons who shall thereafter be legally admitted under this Ordinance to such office or benefice, in the same manner as any administrator or administrators appointed by the said Archbishop, or Vicar Capitular of Malta during the vacancy of any office or benefice, now is or are by law responsible.

    • observer says:

      Legal hogwash verging on intrusion by the State in matters relating exclusively to the Catholic Church.

      There had even been a traditional ‘power to veto’ granted to the Austro-Hungarian emperor regarding the election of the Roman Pontiff through a secret conclave.

      It was blasted out of existence in 1903 when Cardinal Giuseppe Sarto was eventually elected Pope.

      I would seek some legal luminary enlightening us poor mortals as to whether the existing Concordat between the Vatican and the Republic of Malta has actually done away with the effects of the 1838 law.

  14. xejn sew says:

    Fancy that, the ‘prominent’ criminal lawyer’s hobby is to keep birds behind bars and in very confined spaces, too.

  15. Tabatha White says:

    Is he expecting?

  16. AG says:

    Where’s the pony?

  17. mf says:

    Hey Franco, give us a photo with your favourite cocks, preferably on your knees.

  18. M says:

    Has he gone to seed?

  19. Toni says:

    Tal-biki. Always asking the courts to let criminals out on bail and then keeps innocent birds jailed

  20. observer says:

    One word only: BONKERS – he himself and his bevy of crazed flatterers.

  21. Len says:

    What an irony. His hobby is to keep birds in cages, and his work is to keep criminals out.

  22. Gaetano Pace says:

    Whoever shot that photo did not have to say watch the birdie, no doubt about it. But did he have to say cheese to the rat ?

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