Labour Party ex secretary-general Jimmy Magro was chairman of Leisure Clothing
October 31, 2014 at 12:17am
Jimmy Magro, who for years immediately prior to Jason Micallef was secretary-general of the Malta Labour Party, was chairman of the board at Leisure Clothing.
Magro is now on the payroll at Malta Enterprise, the government organisation tasked with responsibility for factories, having been put there last year when the Labour Party was elected to government. His job is to project manage Malta Enterprise’s Life Sciences Park. He is seen here touring the place with Economy Minister Chris Cardona.
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That oriental buddha, Jimmy Magro, should be removed from his present job.
The way this Prime Minister works , is that Jimmy Magro will be given a standing ovation for creativity and made honorary ambassador to China.
I guess he is getting his first life sciences lesson.
Doubt it. Can anyone mention just one life science expert that is on the project team or at least being consulted on a regular basis?
This project is being run by engineers that are still living in the 80’s and non-starters such as Jimmy Magro.
The Labour party policy to profit from slave labour continues. The Red China dock and Kalafrana breakwater are Mintoff’s monumental abuse of chinese slave labour.
Ta’ Magro hawdu sew fi zmien Mintoff.
Lapsi quarry wahda minnhom.
Since Jimmy Magro was not given any Chinese lessons by Evarist, he might not have distinguished the language by Maltese. But since he has been to the school of life where money is the subject he learned, then yes he might have slid down the greasy pole and got dabbed with the fat.
Which reminds me how I love Labour. They sling the mud but stick the fat in their pockets. No wonder their Leader is more slippery than an eel.
Anyone who thinks that high profile people are devoid of power and do not wheel and deal if the party they are affiliated to is in opposition, has not been around the block enough times.
Seems his life sciences have been bearing fruit for quite some time .
Is this the same Jimmy Magro, who under the Mintoff regime was ordered to start up an industry to grow and export kappar?
Goodness gracious me, what an honour to have such a gentleman occupying such an important position.
Jimmy Magro is tweeting about creating jobs, now.
Gvern li ghandu id-dar tieghu tal-hgieg!