Luciano Busuttil doesn’t know who Shiv Nair is – no turnips in the inner circle, then

Published: October 21, 2014 at 10:02pm

Luciano Busuttil Nair 1

Luciano Busuttil Nair 2

Luciano Busuttil Nair 3

Dr and Mrs Luciano Busuttil

Dr and Mrs Luciano Busuttil

18 Comments Comment

  1. Ghoxrin Punt says:

    Slight oxymoron there…..doesn’t have time to waste and yet spent over 2 hours bickering with Baxxter.

  2. Josette says:

    Let’s give him the benefit of doubt. He could actually be an ignoramus, a rather conceited one, but still …

  3. pirellu says:

    popcorn please

  4. anthony says:

    I am not at all surprised that Luciano has never met Shiv Nair.

    As if Shiv Nair would ever want to meet Luciano.

    Shiv is a world class wheeler-dealer, manipulator and con-man.

    He has no interest in kohlrabis whatsoever.

    • We are living in Financial Times says:

      Anyone requiring a London number to request an interview or lobby call with Shiv Shankaran Pradeep Nair should be calling his associates in London (The husband and wife team Richard Hills – aka Dick Hills – and Patricia Hills – aka Paddy Hills), all three residing at 135 Holland Park Avenue, London.

      The telephone number is +44 207 603 2841.

    • observer says:

      “No interest in kohlrabis”?

      Not unless he can make multiple millions by wheeling-dealing in the poor things.

  5. ciccio says:

    Perhaps Baxxter can ask Luciano if he knows who Silvio Scerri is.

  6. Grezz says:

    Baxxter for PN leader. We need a direct one (with balls, too).

  7. Kapxinn: Caught red-handed, but will she find out? says:

    “Tell me honey-bun-hamrun, what are you hiding behind your back?”

    “It’s not what you think it is…”

  8. MoBi says:

    Disingenuous sycophantic charlatan.

  9. Artemis says:

    This confirms to me what I have always thought; Twitter is for twits.

  10. Galian says:

    This Twitter exchange reminded me of when the third-tier football team I played with had to take on one of the leading teams on the island. At least my team fared a tad better than unlucky Luciano.

  11. Clifford says:

    We all know that he is the village idiot

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