Prince William, the tattooed lady and the porn convict
A small number of Malta’s grandees (as defined by the Labour government) were invited by the Maltese prime minister, Joseph Muscat, to a ‘restricted security access’ enclosure at a reception given in honour of Prince William in Valletta
The restricted invitation list did not include former heads of state, former prime ministers or leaders of organisations. It did, however, include the convicted criminal Cyrus Engerer, who a few months ago received a suspended two-year prison sentence for a revenge porn assault on his ex lover.
The tattooed arm visible in the photograph belongs to Kelly Vero, who works for a game-development company in Malta and who has been taken up by the Prime Minister’s wife, Mrs Muscat.
Other guests in the restricted ‘royal’ enclosure included Mrs Muscat’s entourage of hairdresser, dietician, make-up artist and dressmakers, as also her children’s headmaster.
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Terribli l-code of ethics ta’ dan il-gvern.
Qabza fil-kwalita
dik sikkatura zejda.
Or maybe the intention was to convince the heir to the British throne that he’s the only straight in the village.
In that case VVIP would stand for Very Vindictive Isolated Person.
I would remove ‘very’ and insert ‘vicious’ and the ginger rodent ain’t the only one.
Joseph Muscat is not short of devious tactics.
My my, the big vein in Joseph’s forehead is throbbing hard…minhabba xi hsieb profond, no doubt.
Joseph is worried Mrs Muscat’s gynaecologist might show up and quip to Prince William that he knows her much better than the Prime Minister.
The Prince is seen reacting to Cyrus’ invite to “come up and see me sometime”.
The Prime Minister’s face in this photo is ‘tad-daqqiet ta’ harta’.
Yes, odd VVIP list that one. Former presidents and prime ministers cordoned off with the riff-raff whilst that hamalla Ingliza who is/was giving Michelle Muscat elocution lessons was invited with full tattooes on display – much to the horror of her fellow Britons in Malta.
How crass. How embarrassing. And all along Prime Minister Muscat was going on about national unity.
It is clear that a convicted criminal was allowed into the VVIP area when former prime ministers Fenech Adami and Gonzi were not.
And all this straight after the award ceremony where fiends like Mintoff, Mifsud Bonnici, Sant and Muscat who have loathed anything remotely connected with Malta’s Independence, were awarded with a medal commemorating Malta’s independence.
Fenech Adami and Gonzi were foolish to accept that medal and in doing so, place themselves on the same level as the other former PMs. Busuttil was as foolish as them to stand there, like the odd one out without a medal of his own, tacitly showing approval of the whole charade.
What deliberate humiliation to be drawn to the ceremony, probably expecting to hobnob with Malta’s elite and Prince William, only to find themselves being specifically excluded from the VVIP list and directed elsewhere.
I honestly never expected any better from Gonzi, whose judgement had been flawed and questionable and questionable over the last legislature.
Fenech Adami, also exercised bad judgement when accepting the presidency, and once again, when appearing at a PN meeting during the last electoral campaign. This is the man whose spine helped Malta stand tall in very dark times, and whose foresight and judgement brought Malta into the European 21st century. It is sad to see a hero like Fenech Adami flirt with the sun, and burning his wings as a result, diminishing his otherwise grand stature.
It is even sadder to see otherwise smart and supposedly principled individuals being manipulated into such situations, only to find that they have been placed at the bottom of the food chain underneath thugs, fag hags, wife beaters, blackmailer, liars and others with criminal connections who hang on so desperately to this government, hoping to get their fair share of ‘treatment’ in return.
It is easy to point out how someone exercised wrong judgement, because it is the right of everyone to express his views.
But how nicer would it be if the criticism is followed by, “I would have…. instead”.
If Fenech Adami and Gonzi refused the medal, how would that have affected Joey’s attitude? Like ‘ahjar iffrankajna zewg midalji’?
There are unwritten rules, and written protocol as well, when it comes to former politicians receiving acknowledgement for their past contributions to the nation.
Had both Fenech Adami and Gonzi refused the medal it would have appeared that they regarded their past achievements as, ‘they were all in a days work’.
They were anything but, so there was no reason for them not to accept the recognition even if it came from very unwelcome quarters.
And besides, would not a different type of discussion have ensued if both had refused the medal?
Forsi ghax Joey offrijielhom? Forsi ghax suppervi?
The possibilities would have been endless.
Oh I can just imagine Kenneth there, pompous fool.
Joseph Muscat looks like Mother Hen in this picture.
Joseph Muscat looks like a village maid at a village wedding, introducing the son tas-sinjura to the rest of the village.
I wonder to which grandee that tattoo belongs.
This will teach Fenech Adami and Gonzi a lesson.
Get a tattoo.
Il-Great Ginger Leader kien qal li there were security reasons and restrictions imposed on the guests who were allowed in to join Prince William.
Tajjeb, mela ex president u ex prim ministru li jappartjenu ghal partit li ggieled ghall-Independenza kienu security risk jew mhux importanti bizzejjed, whilst a convicted criminal and blackmailer was let in.
Now isn’t that a security breach?
Cyrus’s pen drive is a dangerous weapon. I hope he doesn’t keep it in a brown envelope, too.
Tghid qalulu lill-princep li ser jiltaqa mar-regina Zammit Tabona?
British royalty meets Maltese royalty.
I just wonder how the British Royal Family feels about the way the young Duke of Cambridge was conned into being photographed with a convicted criminal while on a short visit to Malta.
Amazing how the British press hasn’t homed on to this one as yet. Perhaps they ought to be informed.
I have it on record that besides his conviction and prison sentence, Cyrus Engerer had a direct and very active hand in the frame-up of two Sliema local councillors who were recently cleared of all charges against them.
One wonders whether taking part in a frame-up (‘Komplott’ according to the lawyers) which ends up with two councillors being arrested and dragged through hell for almost four years is considered a crime in Malta.
Just look at the woman behind the porn convict showing off her tattoo.
Dan juri l-livell baxx li ghandu Joseph Muscat. Bniedem bhal dan qed jaghmel hsara kbira lill Malta u lill poplu kollu.
X’differenza mill-Prim Ministri Nazzjonalisti. L-integrita, l-edukazzjoni, il-protokol u l-eleganza taghhom tisboh fuq kollox.
Il-Prim Ministri Laburisti minn Mintoff il-quddiem dejjem kienu ta’ livell baxx u injoranti. Hlief hsara lil Malta u lill poplu ma ghamlux.
Tghid indunaw dawk li ridu jippruvawh lil Muscat kemm dan il-bniedem huwa giddieb?
At the same time, in the UK, a law addressing revenge porn has been passed :
Other considerations from France:
In France, privacy is of paramount importance to people and there are already laws that would cover ‘revenge porn’ crimes.
The PM’s face says it all: delight at Engerer, and not his far more famous guest.
I read it differently. Engerer must have said something that embarrassed Muscat and Michelle. Look at the prince. He seems to be making some strong point.
Difficli din. Mela dak jaf jisthi.
More pertinently, a jail sentence which he is still currently serving in suspended form.
How on earth is he going to work at Dar Malta.
For a simple job interview you have to produce a clean certificate of good conduct issued by the police.
Isn’t one necessary for such a top job? The government should lead by example.
Isn’t that Gabi Calleja between Cyrus Engerer and Joseph Muscat?
So that is what that Blue Meanie looking profile hanging from Cyrus’s chin is.
Was Franco Debono in the VVIP circle to meet Prince William?
Or has Muscat now jilted him?
Was JPO there with Lara Boffa? Or did Muscat invite JPO’s estranged wife instead (not the one with Godfrey Farrugia)?
The expression on the PM’s face seems to give his true feelings away.
I have never till now seen a photograph showing the Prime Minister looking at someone with such tenderness, not even at Mrs Muscat, or his daughters for that matter.
Strange. Very strange.
Wallowing in extreme bad taste, but can we expect any better from this man?
And what was Tom Scholes-Fogg doing there?
The expression on Joey’s face seems to confirm my worst fears.
I have suspected it all along but this picture clinches the diagnosis.
The Belgian authorities have not yet given their go-ahead. Good job The Malta Independent is subscription-free.
Mrs Muscat’s dress designers Charles & Ron were also there in the security area, and so was the woman who does her face, Shasha tal-Make-Up. These are Malta’s grandees.
Obviously she hasn’t yet discovered the really hip and classy three-seasons-ahead Maltese star stylist.
Way out of her league.
Some circles have no intersection at all.
Gott sei Dank.
And so? What’s the big deal. Malta Taghna lkoll. Eddie, Cyrus, Lawrence, Charles and Ron – mhux xorta.
I do not blame Mrs. Muscat for turning a “VVVip” lounge into her personal fan club, as she doesn’t know any better.
She feels comfortable mixing with such people and has a serious lack of confidence and ability to converse when she is confronted with people of a different background (and I say this as a fact).
She is in her comfort zone with her posse.
The whole of the PL do not have a clue of what protocol and ethics are, but most of the electorate are not aware either, so it is useless pointing out the issue on social media or any other media for the matter because we are turning her into a martyr.
Ara miskina Michelle x’jaqbdu maghha kemm huma hodor. Daqs kemm hi helwa jahasra.
Daphne, just because you have your own blog it doesn’t mean you can write anything you want about people you don’t even know. Kelly and her husband are great friends of ours and I can say that they are amazing people. Over and out from this crappy blog.
Nice title for another cheap book. ‘The Prince and the Porner’
And another cheap book. ‘Kelly without Grace’
From The Times of Malta
Dr. Muscat – He said the guest list was compiled in consultation with the British High Commission and Kensington Palace and security was a main motivator in the decisions taken.
Prince William must really be proud of the contacts he made in Malta and the British High Commission must be asleep.
He met the Ginger Rodent and his Cookie Wife.
He met Cyrus Engerer the blackmailer and convicted criminal a.k.a. Ratputin the porn skunk.
And he met the ‘Cherie of Nottingham’ Kelly Vero the ‘Electric Giesha’
If you want to meet Kelly’s other friends click on the link below – oh and don’t expect to see Prince William among them.
Quite a bunch. I wonder who of those characters was Kelly’s ghost writer.
Why exactly did Michelle employ a games-developer?
Does she intend to emulate Marie Antoinette’s fancy dress parties held of the Petit Trianon, perhaps at Girgenti, Francia and now Selmun?