Ryan Schembri’s ‘criminal money’ donations to European Foundation for Freedom in 2013

Published: October 13, 2014 at 12:53am

donations for 2013

Please first read the post UPDATED 3: European Foundation for Freedom obtains Eur47,700 donations in “criminal money” through Sharon Ellul Boniciwhich gives details of donations in 2011 and 2012.

In 2013, Ryan Schembri’s donations to the foundation set up by Sharon Ellul Bonici – European Foundation for Freedom – were Eur12,000 each from Food World Ltd and Cassar & Schembri Ltd, and Eur5,000 from More Supermarkets. That’s Eur29,000.

So over the course of 2011, 2012 and 2013, Ryan Schembri and his companies gave Eur76,700 to this foundation.

Ocean & Sky Logistics Ltd, mentioned in the 2013 donor list as having given Eur10,000, is majority-owned by Alex Polidano, a business associate of Ryan Schembri. Schembri and Polidano own a company, Ipco Ltd, together. So that’s another Eur10,000 that this foundation got through the good offices of the criminal Ryan Schembri.

26 Comments Comment

  1. Beingpressed says:

    When shit like this is going on I always wonder what John Dalli is doing. Don’t leave him out “miskin”

  2. canon says:

    It will interesting to know if Ryan Schembri and his associates gave donations to political parties.

    • ciccio says:

      It would be good to know if Ryan Schembri or his associates ever gave donations to the political party which his cousin Keith Schembri strove so successfully to put into power.

    • A+ says:

      My thoughts exactly. Actually, the obvious question to ask.

  3. Michael Mifsud says:

    And in the meantime the last story on the Times of Malta portal is about a Traditional Fjakkolata.

  4. Tabatha White says:

    You’re right to ask why this was done.

    It’s not even an earth-shattering amount.

    At most it would pay a couple of low-level salaries over the years.

    And some drinks.

  5. Pablo says:

    Money brings odd sorts together. Godfrey Bloom was a top UKIP member till he fell out with Nigel Farage in 2013. He is a drunk and a misogynist.

    You wonder how a Labour star like Sharon Ellul Bonici ends up working with these far-right murkies and soliciting donations from Maltese meat-sellers. What reason could such donors have in this Foundation – it eludes me.

    • Kevin says:

      For some reason that escapes me too, criminals do tend to donate some of their ill-gotten gains to a variety of charities. I believe that it’s either a self-interested public show of “generosity” or an unconscious response that alleviates the related stress of being a criminal.

    • Jozef says:

      Yes, fancy Nigel Farage financed by the sales of Brazilian beef.

      So much for the Angus.

      • Beingpressed says:

        Nice of Nigel Farage to pay us a visit this year. It would be interesting to see who else was on the guest list.

  6. Gahan says:

    What a mess we’re in!

  7. Tabatha White says:

    “Ocean & Sky Logistics Ltd”

    That reminds me of something.

  8. Nighthawk says:

    And on another note:


    Context is so valuable. Didn’t Saviour Balzan have ambitions to be John Dalli’s ‘RCC’, had Dalli won the PN leadership election?

  9. Manuel says:

    I wonder what other journalists all day. Playing with their Facebook, maybe? Or looking for stories like ‘Cat trapped on tree saved by fireman’.

    Journalism in Malta is zilch. Thank God we’ve got this website.

    By now, any newsroom worth its salt should have rounded up Sharon-Anti-EU-Bonici with microphones up her nose and their cameras rolling.

    • P Shaw says:

      They throw water at each other like silly kids at the beach. The, when Castille asks them to nominate their own hate pets, they immediately oblige.

    • We are living in Financial Times says:

      For the sake of it, the Central Bank pretender Alfred Mifsud should now be asked for his insights.

      Isn’t he the fall-back expert on investments?

  10. Tinnat says:

    All this begs the question: what is Sharon Ellul Bonici doing with these donations?

  11. La Redoute says:

    The EAF’s total receipts in 2014 to date are Eur251, 277.

    Unless the foundation found itself another major source of finance to replace Ryan Schembri and his dubious associates, it has continued to accept Schembri’s dirty money even as he was being chased by creditors, loan sharks and money launderers.


  12. Neil says:

    Kev? Are you out there?

  13. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Kev, I’m waiting. Scared?

  14. Tabatha White says:

    Kev was on about Zero Hedge?

  15. Aunt Hetty says:

    Two years ago, I used to buy really good quality beef for ridiculously low prices from More’s Supermarket.The discount went on for several months before prices shot up and remained so ever since. Same with some other items.

    Food for thought.

    [Daphne – Literally.]

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