SHELL IS PROVIDING THE GAS NOW? What happened to Socar?

Published: October 20, 2014 at 10:19pm

shell gas

Konrad Mizzi said in parliament tonight that Shell will be providing the gas for the new power station and for the existing one once it is converted.

This is news, and the news raises quite a lot of questions. The last we were told, Azerbaijan’s state oil and gas corporation, Socar, was going to be providing the gas – because Socar is a key shareholder in the Electrogas consortium.

Was a shareholder, maybe? Never was one at all despite what we were told?

34 Comments Comment

  1. curious says:

    Here’s another link. Li ma jmurx jghidilna li ma qalx hekk.

    “The parts expect the project to have a 18-year gas sales period and a 18-year power purchase agreement. The floating storage unit will be provided by SOCAR, which will also have the exclusive right to supply LNG for the project.”–diVwZIg-5zWWXxyZqgw&sig2=U9XVbgHLj3mUuoaTt2WGNA

  2. qahbuMalti says:

    These guys will make George Farrugia look like a rank amateur.

  3. Gahan says:

    Even Saviour Balzan doubted the PL energy “plan”.

  4. ciccio says:

    “STSA (Socar Trading SA) has joined the consortium as an equity participant and also as a supplier of gas and lessor of the FSU to the project. LNG will be supplied to a mid-sized FSU, which will be docked at Delimara. From this, re-gasified product will be delivered to the existing 149MW plant operated by Enemalta and also to the new 200MW Electrogas owned and operated plant.”

    This is an extract from a document dated 14 October 2013 which was published on Gasol plc’s website soon after they became the preferred bidders with the Electrogas Consortium. After this document was published on this (Daphne’s) website, this document was soon withdrawn from Gasol’s website. The document was prepared by Equity Development.

    In December 2012, Gasol plc entered into a strategic alliance agreement with Socar Trading SA so that Socar Trading would supply LNG gas to Gasol gas-to-power projects.

    Is Gasol still part of the Electrogas Consortium?

    • La Redoute says:

      Gasol LNG Trading Ltd is, yes.

      • Tabatha White says:

        Why doesn’t that surprise me.

        If Gasol is not that into BUILDING infrastructure, it will trade, as I suspect its intention was all along.

        If the intention is to get SOCAR gas into the EU, Shell may lend more of an air of respectability to the deal than Socar ever would.

        The key to the many questions is transparency of Government.

        They’ve had more than enough time to play around and spin stories in their web of lies.

        This lot should go.


        Interesting that the word in German for spinning a web and being crazy are the same: Spinnen.

      • ciccio says:

        OK, what’s going on here?

        Back in July, in an exchange of comments with Gary on this website, it had been established that there had been a change of shareholders of Malta Power and Gas Limited from Enemalta to a number of new shareholders, including Gasol LNG Imports Limited.

        I had questioned who Gasol LNG Imports Limited were, and had pointed out that they were not the bidders in the Electrogas Consortium, but Gasol plc was.

        Gary had found out that Gasol LNG Import Limited was a newly formed company as from 5 November 2013 and that it was not yet listed on the Companies House website.

        I had also commented as follows:

        “Let it be known that we have no knowledge about this company – its financial situation, its shareholders, directors, and so forth, and that it was not the company which won the Malta bid.”

        Now Gasol’s website here is showing Gasol plc’s annual report for 31 March 2014, signed on 11 September 2014.

        There is absolutely no reference to Gasol LNG Imports Limited in this report, and it is not listed among subsidiaries.

        I had already asked and I ask again: who owns/controls Gasol LNG Imports Limited?

        And now you mention Gasol LNG Trading Limited – who are they? They are not mentioned in the Annual Report either.

        What does the Opposition know about all this?

        What does the public know about this?

        Where is the media?

      • La Redoute says:

        My mistake. The current shareholders are:

        Gasol LNG Import Ltd.

        Socar trading SA

        GEM Holdings Ltd

        Siemens Projects Ventures GMBH

  5. Gahan says:

    Dan hu parti mid-dibattitu u fl-aħħar hemm statement qawwi minn Muscat!

  6. ciccio says:

    Can they change the composition of the consortium once a tender has been adjudicated, but before the contract is signed?

    If there is any proof that the Power Purchase and Gas Supply Agreements have not been signed, this is it. The fact that the gas supplier has changed shows that the Agreements have not been finalised.

  7. ciccio says:

    Shell was one of the “big names” involved in the other bids for the Delimara project.

    Isn’t it collusive for Shell to turn up as gas supplier to the preferred bidder?

    This is really getting messy.

  8. anthony says:

    The plot thickens.

    Thank God I do not believe anything this charade of a government says.

    If I did I would go mental.

    Unless these clowns publish official signed contracts with the parties concerned, I will believe nothing.

    Socar, Shell, Electrogas, Shanghai Electric, Barnum and Bailey.

    Scoundrels, liars, pimps, liars, thieves and liars.

    And liars.

    • Gahan says:

      Thanks to the KING of Maltese radio stations, David Thake, this is a fitting song for this bunch led by a prime liar:

      David is on Radio 101 in the afternoon only this week ,every Thursday evening and every Sunday morning.

      A note to the KING, stop reading SMS’s , the listeners want to hear your humour,great arguments and your good choice of music.

      • Gahan says:

        I forgot the infamous telephone calls, better record them beforehand Dave!

      • Anthony Cachia Castelletti says:

        I agree, David Thake is probably the best person to listen to on all the radio stations put together.

  9. White coat says:

    I am saying to a few close relatives of mine who had believed what the liar in chief was telling them 2 years or so ago: I told you so.

    I am proud to say that after having checked things out, having made engineering and economic calculations, I had reached the conclusion that Muscat’s power station is not economically feasible. Even more so now that the price of crude has crashed and may fall even further to about $80 a barrel.

    Stupid is as stupid is, said Forrest Gump.

  10. ken il malti says:

    PetroChina is in bed with Shell anyways.

    A way to get China in on the deal on the sly.

  11. Connor Attard says:

    At this point I’m thoroughly convinced that the power station was a complete bluff. Nothing but glitter for the masses to make Labour’s strategy sound more impressive to the uncritical mind – regrettably a sizable chunk of the Maltese electorate.

    They won’t build a power station because they never wanted to anyway. Why would they?

    Not even Labour’s foolish enough to blow money on such a colossal waste of space.

    Joseph Muscat implicitly acknowledged this inconvenient truth when he promised that utility bills would still be reduced, power station or not.

    • Jozef says:

      Agreed. But it won’t be that easy to shirk off. Even because if that’s the case, the waste of time and resources when we could have been concentrating on other sources of energy, is absolutely shameful.

    • Jozef says:

      He definitely confirmed he was in no hurry when the HFO supply contract was extended for another three years.

  12. Angus Black says:

    The first few months were hilarious, the next few were dominated by caution and now anger is creeping in.

    When will the general public wake up and smell the coffee?

    If the stench of corruption has not already woken them up already, that is.

    • Gahan says:

      When will the general public wake up and smell the coffee?

      When Joseph Muscat and Associates drink the coffee, eat the sweets and leave a pile of cups and saucers together with a heap of rubbish behind them, to be washed up and cleaned by the said “general public”.

    • Jozef says:

      If it’s Shell we’ll get every independent consultant on their books telling us how fracking is good.

  13. R Camilleri says:

    It is now clear, from what Konrad Mizzi said, that the power station will be delayed by at least 18 months.

    It did not occur to the Times of Malta to publish this as a headline. Instead we get more of the same PL propaganda that there were irregularities in some contract.

    • Anthony Cachia Castelletti says:

      They are probably still waiting for permission from Keith.

    • Jozef says:

      Do you still believe this guy?

      So he gets his gas from Shell but still no-one to build the new plant.

      Not to mention what terms and conditions of supply he’ll have to agree to.

      This plan has no end in haphazard details and wrong design decisions. We can, and maybe will, carry on for the next three years and still no cheap Labour electricity.

  14. Petlol says:

    Price of petrol drops in Spain in response to international drop in prices. The drop is of roughly 10 cents. Unleaded 95 is around €1.34 whilst unleaded 98 is €1.44.

    A far cry from the 2 cent ‘drop’ announced by Muscat. The market dictates the price of oil, not you Muscat. Pathetic.

  15. White coat says:

    While Joseph Muscat was spreading the nth lie of his election campaign, that HFO is cancerous and that he would be changing over the BWSC plant to diesel immediately, the World Health Organisation’s sub-committee the International Agency for Research on Cancer had published, the previous June, the following:

    Lyon, France, June 12, 2012 ‐‐ After a week-long meeting of international experts, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which is part of the World Health Organization (WHO), today classified diesel engine exhaust as carcinogenic to humans (Group 1), based on sufficient evidence that exposure is associated with an increased risk for lung cancer.
    Continue reading here:

    This scientific evidence should have been pasted on a billboard by the PN.

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