The government buys its own things…and now Mrs Muscat can upsize from Girgenti

Published: October 16, 2014 at 10:12pm

selmun palace

Moving public money around the chequer-board, the government has resorted to buying its own things because its dictator friends in China are less friendly than first supposed.

Now the government has Selmun Palace to play with and play it shall. Or rather, Me Shall.

Time to upsize from that rather poky Girgenti, don’t you think? Plenty of room at Selmun to play Queens of the Castle with Cyrus, Randolph and Kenneth. Oh, and Ray Azzopardi, ambassador to Belgium.

Mrs Muscat can deck the halls in vintage orange with a little help from Mrs Kasco Chief of Staff, the decorator Josette Schembri, and her shop Loft.

The twins can have some smashing Spanish Princess-themed parties there. Con-Rod Mizzi and their daddy can be the magicians. They can make Chinese deals disappear.

24 Comments Comment

  1. rumour says:

    I’ve heard it’s a pajama party this year.

  2. ciccio says:

    With bright sparks like the ones in government, I think that the combined generation capacity of the BWSC, Electrogas and the interconnector will not be enough to switch on the government.

  3. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Buying your own stuff? Isn’t that like, er, playing with yourself?

  4. canon says:

    Who knows. We might see these buildings in the hands of the Labour Party one day.

  5. Grezz says:

    Michelle and her ragel dey buy di peliss for when di Prince of England George he come for di plejdejt wit di Soleil and di Etoile for to tink dey are di princess.

    If di Mrs Middleton cen do it, mela Michelle she cen too.

  6. Joe Fenech says:

    I don’t understand the logic, unless middle-men pocketing commissions are involved in the transaction

  7. Queen's English says:

    I find your attempts at humour at the expense of homosexuals rather off colour. You’d do better to point out that one of the persons you mentioned is an alcoholic. He’d down a whole body of Scotch at one sitting while at work. Imagine what that sort of behaviour will do to Malta’s image.

    [Daphne – You would be surprised to know that some of the rudest taunts re Cyrus and the rest of the Taghna Lkoll LGBT crowd come from other gay men (not women), but that I generally delete them so that people like you don’t assume that they are homophobic insults from narrow-minded and backward straight people like me. Only just now, I deleted one which addressed Cyrus directly, asking him whether he can handle a double fisting. Given that I know what a double fisting is, I thought best not.

    Incidentally, I agree with you on the subject of alcoholism. For 16 years, the Labour Party had as a leader a man who would down, routinely, an entire bottle of whisky at a single sitting. But when I pointed that out, he, his party and his supporters went totally ballistic and became absolutely vicious towards me (as though they need any encouragement). Of course, the fact that I had actually seen him do this on a few occasions was irrelevant to them. I’ve seen Jeffrey Pullicino (Orlando) do the same thing, as it happens, and two years ago when he was on the rampage, largely out of frustration because he didn’t want to marry Carmen Ciantar and had painted himself into a corner, his television appearances had all the signs of being preceded by heavy drinking, too.

    However, those of us who realise that alcoholism is a serious problem and that alcoholics should not be in office are up against the brick wall of public indifference to it in a culture that favours very heavy drinking and a society which fails to acknowledge that alcoholism is real, that it is a condition of problematic addiction and not just somebody who likes a drink, and that there are very many alcoholics in Malta who are not recognised as such even by themselves.]

    • observer says:

      Whether the persons mentioned by Daphne are homos or not is totally their own business – and they can darned well play at it as much as they like.

      That they act the buffoons and incompetents and get paid for it out of tax-payers’ funds is not. It is totally ours. Bil-Malti ‘taghna lkoll’ fil veru sens tal-kelma.

    • Butterfly says:

      Well said

  8. jack says:

    How is that not state aid?

    [Daphne – I know. And perhaps we should really be asking whether any pseudo ‘sensar’ has been given commission on the ‘sale’ of Selmun Palace, in the way that Mario Camilleri was given a commission on the corrupt deal he struck for his own Cafe Premier company with the Labour government (or more possibly, before the general election).]

  9. Tabatha White says:

    ” its dictator friends in China are less friendly than first supposed”

    If the Chinese involved got the passports they were after, I suppose there is that little bit of pressure Manwel could apply.

    If the deal really was on the cards.

    I suppose it depends on how many passports were issued, for what dates, and if they were declared with the number of scam passports issued.

    Note 7 on passports: Dan il-passaport huwa proprjetà tal-Gvern ta’ Malta u jista’ jirtirah meta jrid.

    But what happens in cases where the new Maltese Chinese would have relinquished the Chinese Passport?

    I guess that would be a different problem.

  10. Patrik says:

    Oh no. I got married there. Can’t they keep their grubby hands off anything.

    • Tabatha White says:

      Pretty useful that it wouldn’t be wrapped in as many clauses as Villa Francia is, either.

      They must have got through the “briksa” on that one, finally.

  11. Alexander Ball says:

    Does she have a vast shoe collection?

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