The lies get worse: living and working with this man must be a slippery nightmare

Published: October 20, 2014 at 11:23am

Muscat never said he would resign

I wonder what Martin ‘Time For A Change To Labour’ Scicluna has to say about prime ministers who commit themselves, on the record and on television, to resigning if they don’t meet a deadline which in itself was already a lie – and then seek to deny making that pledge with a falsehood so blatant that it beggars belief.

The trouble is that both Mr Scicluna and the prime minister are of a piece in this respect: neither of them is capable of manning up and admitting error, certainly not publicly and, I suspect, not even to themselves.

75 Comments Comment

  1. Anthony Cachia Castelletti says:

    Are you surprised that he lied yet again?

    • Spock says:

      I’d be surprised – incredulous actually – if he said the truth .

    • ciccio says:

      I’m hoping that at one point he will lie again, and will deny that he said that he did not say that he will resign…

      You know, when you lie, you need a big memory.

  2. CiVi says:

    And this liar and cheat is our Prime Minister. I cannot start to understand how he thinks we are all so gullible and dumb. This is a very worrying trait in him. The man is flipped-out.

    • tinnat says:

      CiVi, but we ARE so gullible and dumb. We voted him into power.

    • Liberal says:

      The majority are guillible and dumb. That’s enough to get one re-elected.

    • Pippa says:

      CiVi, the answer is simple – not all of us are so gullible and dumb but those who vote Labour are, apparently.

      After our recent – past history how can you vote labour if you you have some common sense? But common sense isn’t very common is it?

      And unfortunately even those who should know better- some of them having attended university and others in high positions couldn’t see the Super One reporter for what he really was and still is – a smiling face that belies his craving for power and all that it brings.

      Mintoff was absolutely wrong on one count – his belief that a university education would produce an anti-labour cohort. And so were most of us – unfortunately.

      • CiVi says:

        So we are doomed. Nobody seems able to corner and unmask the Prime Minister enough to make the gullible and dumb see sense.

      • Rosie says:

        Huge misnomer there, common sense – it’s not very common, but quite the opposite.

  3. Bumblebee says:

    The first budget prepared by Profs Edward Scicluna will be under the scrutiny of the EU in Brussels. How will he explain away the spending spree of the past 20 months in providing plum jobs and other goodies for the billboard boys and girls or creative accounting like Enemalta’s sale of its Petroleum Division to two government-owned companies and the sale by Air Malta of Selmun Palace back to government?

    The EU’s checks and balances on government spending are one of the best features in the EU Treaty as it will take us back from the abyss of a free-wheeling deficit and debt. I would vote YES for the EU all over again just for this treaty provision alone.

  4. Jozef says:

    Someone said Labour hardcore’s about to revolt.

    Those are used to Mintoff’s iconography and his defiant ‘don’t care what I said’ whenever cornered.

    Muscat’s the opposite of what their proletarian pride demands. He acts and speaks vile, their exact prejudice of borghese.

  5. Ginu says:

    There is that clip from Marco Cremona as well where he had asked him and Joseph Muscat nodded during a pre-election meeting.

    • Gahan says:

      Can anyone ask Where’s Everybody to publish the video of the debates between Gonzi and Muscat 2012?

      Are they keeping it away to hold Joseph by his balls?

  6. Ruby says:

    This is that same liar who called the BWSC power station a cancer factory and a year and a half after he became prime minister the cancer factory is still there.

    You need to be some kind of man to know you have a cancer factory and allow your family, your people to be exposed to it. Now there’s a wanker for you.

    • Jozef says:

      The same liar whose energy minister issued an official document declaring the BWSC plant a source of clean energy. Not kidding.

    • Neil says:

      He even had the nerve to use the term ‘cancer factory’ again as recently as last week while talking to a Labour audience in Gozo. Having had the suggestion emphatically and factually disproved all those months ago, to reel it out again now was confirmation that his back is right up against the wall, when it comes to the energy road map.

      The big debate is in parliament this evening. I wonder if Muscat will again resort to his infantile ranting and screaming, as already seen when he hits panic mode.

  7. M says:

    Can a professional perform Hare’s PCL-R check list please or are we expected to write everything off as saving face?

  8. Betty says:

    Joseph Muscat has just confirmed to his foolish voters that he is a blatant LIAR and maybe now they will convince themselves that he cannot be credible any longer. The same goes for his Whiz Kid Konrad superminister.

    What I would like to hear from Joseph is that the decision of Enemalta of allowing installation of smart meters in boathouses, does NOT imply and legal right on possession (stealing) of arbitrarily encroached government land which is the property of all Maltese citizens to be enjoyed by right. The dilly dallying about this issue has to stop now.

    The PN and Simon Busuttil should make this crystal clear to the electorate that such land is to be taken back by government for the enjoyment of future generations.

  9. Joe Fenech says:

    Personality disorders…no more, no less.

  10. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Denying the obvious proven truth (tichad is-sewwa u l-maghruf) is not an admissible mistake that one should admit. It is a perversity rendering those who commit it unfit for any responsible post in the public service,

  11. jack says:

    Ahhh we got it all wrong then – our bad. Personally, I must have misunderstood the subtle messages and nuances that only groomed statesmen can deliver.

    My thoughts were possibly obfuscated by all those flowery messages propagated by our leader, especially the one when following the closure of the ‘cancer factory’ we would hold a candelight vigil (never mind the irony) with one child from the Marsaxlokk area to mark the advent of clean and fresh air.

    Well, never mind – I am sure that with all the electricity savings, we can afford top notch cancer treatment.

    • mo says:

      ‘Our leader’? Why do some people refer to him as our leader? He is not our leader.

      He may be the leader of the Labour Party but he’s the head of government. He may even be the political leader of the government but he is not our leader, although I’m sure he would definitely like to think so.

      Only in undemocratic countries do people refer to the head of state as ‘our leader’, and in that case we would be his subjects.

      He is elected by the electorate to run the country according to plan he laid out prior to the election, not to lead us anywhere, whatever that might mean.

  12. pablo says:

    But he will reduce the cost to the consumer and industry because he can pillage and plunder the public purse (and sell off national infrastructure to Communist China) as Prime Minister to save his job as Prime Minister.

    If he acted like he is acting now at the elections in 2013 and 2014 he would have lost. He made up this big useless project and bugger the expense and the consequences for the generations to come.

    Now you can see why the little rounded chubby liar did not want local council elections in 2015. Election fatigue, my ass.

  13. M.Spiteri says:

    Muscat should move into whitewashing – he definitely seems to have a knack for it. Not that I want him to resign – things are getting too interesting.

  14. Patrik says:

    To be honest I think Busuttil’s comment to “man up and resign” is completely wrong as well. I don’t think Muscat should resign over this. Don’t get me wrong, I think there are plenty of reasons why he should resign, but not this.

    Resigning from a post which you have been elected by the people is irresponsible and the problem isn’t that he isn’t following through with his promise, the problem is that he made the promise in the first place – a careless and stupid move.

    The only right thing to do is to “man up” and apologise. Not that I’m surprised he is denying the statement (and not speaking Maltese I can’t confirm to myself whether he did or not), it’s the kind of lies we should all be quite used to by now.

    [Daphne – I agree with you on that.]

    • Joe Fenech says:

      How could he resign if he’s the pinnacle of a cult?

    • Antoine Vella says:

      Simon Busuttil is taunting the Prime Minister and challenging him to resign, partly because he knows this won’t happen.

      When, before the elections, Muscat boasted he would resign, the PN accused him of behaving like the captain of the Costa Concordia.

      It was a stupid act of bravado but Muscat did promise to resign after all and we cannot expect the PN not to press him on this. He won’t resign but the Opposition will make it clear that he’s breaking his word. So that’s another minus point for him.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        Simon Busuttil’s challenges are limp and unconvincing. It’s not his natural way of expression and he should avoid it.

        Besides, he should think about what he really wants to achieve if the PM steps down. What then? Will Busuttil be the new PM? No he won’t. He doesn’t even have the will to win the election.

      • Last Post says:

        Nahseb li l-enfasi tal-Oppozizzjoni m’ghandux ikun daqstant fuq ir-rizenja tal-PM daqskemm fuq il-fatt li Jowzef Muscat u l-ministru tieghu tal-energija K Mizzi huma giddiebin, qarrqu bil-poplu b’hafna weghdi u dokumentazzjoni fantastika u fittizja, waqghu ghall-mizura proposta mill-PN qabel l-elezzjoni ghan-‘night tariff’, ecc.

        In-nies trid tigi tibqa’ mfakkra li Muscat u l-gvern tieghu hu bbazat fuq il-qerq, tidwir tal-kliem u gideb sfaccat (u mhux fuq l-energija biss). Issa spicca z-zmien tal-‘pozittivita’. Mhux ghax qatt kien hemm lok ghalih ma’ dawn in-nies qarrieqa li weghdu haga qabel l-elezzjoni u tul it-tmexxija taghhom hlief jiffangaw fil-hnizrijiet m’ghamlux .

        Lill-giddieb ma tistax tafdax, u tkun iblah jekk taghmel hekk.

  15. Jozef says:

    Spain wants this man, Mallia doing what he knows best.

    Can’t decide whether he was here for a passport or the ransom money, or both.

    Anyone in the PN complicit with the passport scheme to give it up, now. Before people give up on politics.

  16. H.P. Baxxter says:

    The Slippery Nightmare:

    2 measures Baijiu (preferably Moutai)
    2 measures After Dark
    1 measure Anguilla rum (preferably Pyrat, if you can find it)
    A few drops of Xan
    Hard cheese to garnish.

  17. Ginu says:

    F’ dan kollu fejn kienet il-media tal-PN? Fejn kienu l-gurnalisti jistaqsu? Jew il-bazi ta’ din l-istorja kellhom ikunu ghaliha Marco Cremona u Reno Bugeja? Komplu sejrin hekk.

    • Angus Black says:

      Mela ma taqrax il-gazzetti tal-PN u ma tismax il-programmi fuq in-NET u l-101?

      Xbajt nara u nisma il-clip ta’ Dissett fuq il-mezzi tax-xandir tal-PN.

      X’tahseb li ghandu jaghmel izjed il-PN, Ginu?

      Iz-zmien li tohrog in-nies fit-toroq spicca ghax il-media elettronika hadet post il-protesti fit-toroq ghajr ghal xi sitwazzjoni ferm aktar serja, u li jista jkun li xi darba naslu ghaliha!

  18. Arnold Layne says:

    If this was a normal EU member state, the following would have resigned long ago: PM & Konrad Mizzi over the power station debacle; Manuel Mallia over…well take your pick; Joe Mizzi over public transport (Austin Gatt should have resigned as well, so that’s no defence). They won’t resign, but let’s not let them think that they got away with it.

  19. Ivan Attard says:

    I think it is high time for JPO to apply some botox on the prime minister’s forehead. That vertical furrow is so clearly evident whenever he lies.

    I also suspect that the depth of that furrow is also directly proportional to how big and fat the lie is. During Dissett, when he utters the words, “Iva, konvintissimu” , there is a slight vertical wrinkle. Maybe in March 2014, he was already starting to doubt his own words and that the March 2015 target date was doable.

  20. matt says:

    Muscat is not a man of his word. Untrustworthy and immature. Malta deserves better.

  21. manum says:

    The prime minister sees falsehood as expediency and not amorality or immorality in deceiving those who placed their trust in him.

    He just took advantage of people’s need and greed, bribing all those who wanted gifts and favours and promising them whatever they asked for.

  22. bernie says:

    Il-Prim Ministru ghamel zball meta ftiehem u biegh partijiet mill-Enemalta lill-Gvern Ciniz. Seta’ facilment ftiehem ma’ imprenditur ewlieni Malti li kien jaghmel kif jaghmel is-soltu, jibnilu anke l-power station qabel johorgu l-permessi, Imbaghad dawk kienu jigu wara.

  23. Antoine Vella says:

    I’m not surprised that Joseph Muscat lies. I’m surprised that he does it so brazenly, so openly, knowing that there are video clips that show exactly what he used to say up to a few months ago.

    He can’t seriously expect to be believed so, what’s his point? When people lie it’s because they have at least some reasonable hope of being believed.

    At this point Muscat reminds me of someone caught breaking the law in a very public manner but pleading not guilty.

    • Edward says:

      I can’t imagine what it s like to be in the Labour Party at the moment.

      I m guessing anyone who remembers him promising to resign is being silenced, and the Kool-Aid is being passed around more so than usual.

      I believe that this will cause a certain type of friction with the Labour ranks, and one or two people might come forward to say something.

  24. Pippa says:

    Ghogbitni bernie. Prosit

  25. Arthur Dent says:

    The clip is no longer accessible on The Malta Independent article.

    • watchful eye says:

      It is still accessible. God forbid The Malta Independent decides or is ordered to delete it.

      Mr Muscat’s denial has been heard throughhout the four corners of the world by now, just as much as his promise to resign.

  26. Edward says:

    How can supporters of the PL actually buy this? I thought we were going to have a whole culture of resignation in this country.

    Well, I guess we heard him say he’ll resign because we are all blinkered and only hear what we want. I m sure labour supporters listen to the video and hear him say something different.

    It s either our blue blinkers causing us to hear different things, or the labour supporters don’t actually care about what he says and does so long as he is in government. But that can’t be, can it?

    • Kevin says:

      Let’s not deceive ourselves: Labour supporters do not care about what their leaders state and do as long as they remain in government. “L-aqwa li fil-gvern u issa jmiss lilna.”

    • Kevin says:

      We all remember that Muscat is highly selective with the truth (

      “Bondi+ tonight posed the same set of questions to Lawrence Gonzi and Joseph Muscat.

      One of them was their reaction to the statement ‘in politics you may not always be able to tell the truth’.

      Muscat: “Sometimes you have to tell the truth.” (“Le, xi drabi jew ohra jkun hemm bzonnha”.)

      Gonzi: “Definitely not. You must always tell the truth, above all, in politics. This is a cardinal principle.”

      On the subject, Tabatha White, with her usual piercing logic, comments:
      “Muscat doesn’t. Lies get so twisted that this becomes his, their and our (?) reality.

      Anyone supporting this system needs to also acquire a defective memory and silence. Not everyone is made for this tangle so the system automatically sifts out those with lying stamina from the rest and only attracts similar to the core.

      Of those with the necessary elements there will always be a fresh stock willing to try and knock the positioned people out. Necessary elements would include a degree in new-truthing, greed, envy, lanzit, zero values, zero conscience, laghaqi brilliance, much wasted time pandering to the vanity of the Fearless Leader, the ability to socialise and backstab as directed and required.

      Divide and rule is the fertiliser of the system.”

  27. anthony says:

    Muscat first lied when he said we would have the new power station fully functional in March 2015.

    He then lied when he said he would resign if it wasn’t.

    Now he is lying because he denies having said that he would resign.

    He is on the third tier of lies.

    Never in the history of human politics has any one person lied so much to so many.

    With apologies to Churchill.

    • Angus Black says:

      Never, in the history of human politics has a prime minister owed a larger apology for incessant lies, to so many in such a short time.

      • Francis Saliba MD says:

        Do not expect anything of that sort when there is no difference between his face and his bottom. I wonder why the English version is less rude than the Maltese version.

  28. observer says:

    Muscat, meta trid tahgi – mur il-mekka.

    Ghadek ma xbajtx titnejjek bil-fidili li vvutawlek?

  29. nutmeg says:

    A mythomaniac for Prime Minister.

  30. Brian says:

    Hello… PN, is there anybody in there? When you bother to wake up from your slumber: plaster the whole of Malta with billboards stating that, ConRat and MusCrap are nothing else but a couple of common lying bastards.

    • Jozef says:

      I am starting to get a little sick and tired of the appeals for the PN to spend money it doesn’t have and manpower which mysteriously went missing.

      Perhaps you should lend a hand, Brian. Doesn’t mean you get a podium, but every little bit helps.

      And maybe that’s what those who vote PN need to get used to, plain thankless schlepp.

    • Natalie says:

      And here I was thinking that the PN were making quite some good points and comments recently. Honestly, what do you expect them to do? I’m getting tired of all this whining about how Simon Busuttil is laid back and how the PN are completely lost etc etc.

  31. RF says:

    Qahba hu u min jibqa jemmnu. Daqshekk huma rgiel George Vella u Louis Grech? Gabhom qieshom cwiec u bla bajd. L-istess ghal Marlene Farrugia. Paroli biss.

  32. La Redoute says:

    Muscat had said he didn’t know Shiv Nair:

    He’d then said he didn’t know Shiv Nair was blacklisted by the World Bank when he engaged him as a consultant:

    He later said that ‘internet claims’ about Shiv Nair’s blacklisting ‘are being looked into: ‘

    Maybe he thinks the World Bank lies too:

  33. Pete Ross says:

    Malta had never seen a politician who had lied so much to so many in such a short time, as Jpseph Muscat has and is still doing.

  34. Wheels within Wheels says:

    Martin Scicluna never fails an opportunity to give himself a pat on the back and takes umbrage at whoever may not have the same opinion as he.

    He recently seems to have seen the light on the PL, probably because they have not given him that ambassadorship he so yearns for.

    However, again not possessing an ounce of humility, he never once admits that he erred when he said it was Time for a Change to Labour.

    Instead he dedicates most of the space in another column to quoting himself in that infamous piece of his, leaving only enough space to insult others who had the temerity to take him to task for writing what he did.

    For someone who holds himself in such high esteem he would have done better not to stoop so low.

    It is about time Martin Scicluna learnt that self praise is no recommendation. And that for certain things such as basic decency and a little of humility it never is too late to learn.

  35. nistaqsi says:

    The most insulting lie is Joseph Muscat’s claim that the BWSC power station causes cancer.

    It is insulting because one has to be acutely mentally deficient or totally brainwashed to believe it.

    According to independent studies, the air emissions of the BWSC are complaint with EU standards and therefore there is no way that it could cause cancer.

    If it really causes cancer, as Joseph Muscat claims, why is the PL government still operating it?

  36. Joseph Muscat and his team must have known that they were promising the impossible on the power station in the run-up to the election.

    It is up to voters to decide whether they were incompetent or deceivers. But since then they have repeated more than once that everything was on track, and that was a deliberate running lie.

    For that Joseph Muscat should resign, but I do not expect him to, because his promise to resign was another lie. And so is his claim that he never said that he would resign.

    What an Honourable Prime Minister!

  37. Ta'Sapienza says:

    He lies like a pig lies in shit.

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