The passport travelling circus: this week Singapore, and Dubai in February

Published: October 28, 2014 at 9:57pm


Henley & Partners are selling passports in Singapore this week, with the kind help of the prime ministers of Malta, St Kitts & Nevis and Barbuda & Antingua.

Their next sales event is scheduled for the Burj Al Arab in Dubai, in February.

18 Comments Comment

  1. P Shaw says:

    Better wait then, the price might go down by then.

  2. ciccio says:

    I expect the Maltese prime minister to emphasise the unique selling point that Malta is “only half an hour away from Libya…”

  3. gaetano pace says:

    Apparently, and only apparently at this stage where no information whatsoever is made public, we are spending much more on travel, luxury hotels, entertainment than we are are cashing from the sales of passports.

    A mirror example of the present Labour incompetent administration which spends more than its revenue can cope with.

  4. Gahan says:

    Who’s paying for the venues?

    Why aren’t other ministers accompanying our passport salesman.

    • Incredible says:

      Gahan, we are living in an age of transparency and accountability. The Government assured us all, new ways of administration when in government. Don’t you worry, but if you have serious doubts, send an email to the OPM, it will be replied. Alternatively, approach your MP to put the question to the PM in Parliament…. (and please remember: do not be negative!).

      There are other huge bills that the country is paying out of your taxes which you shall never ever notice.

      • gaetano pace says:

        A salesman`s commission is paid directly to the salesman and is never shared with anyone. At least that is what I learned from my experience in keeping books and reading into their finances.

  5. gn says:

    Singapore? Mela jiltaqghu mal-kumpanija tal-karita ta’ Dalli

  6. pumpkin says:


    ‘Organised by Grosvenor Global Conferences Limited, this year’s event will also feature seminars on luxury property investments in the Caribbean and Cyprus, where citizenship by investment schemes have proven to be successful, and talks on investing in countries with Golden Visa programmes, like Spain and Portugal. – See more at: It’s evident that Malta is not a priority for ‘Henley and Partners’.

  7. U Le! says:

    Ara vera travelling salesman.

  8. Malti ta' Veru says:

    Can someone quantify the benefits from this scheme? Is there a business plan about how the scheme will help economic growth, employment and real investment (as opposed to just buying residential accommodation, that is)?

    • White coat says:

      Quantify? Very easy. Practically zilch, nada, xejn, niente, zero, صفر, 零, brodu.

      I am reliably informed that the scheme has flopped and the schemer too.

      • White coat says:

        Ghalekk Mallia mahruq u rrabjat hafna u hedded li jiehu passi kontra kull min jissogra jiftah halqu u jsaffar xi suffara.

        Jien ghandi vantagg, ghax jekk jipprova jaqbadni zgur ma jilhaqnix, b’dik iz-zaqq jaqq l’ ghandu.

  9. ciccio says:

    “Henley & Partners are selling passports in Singapore this week, with the kind help of the prime ministers of Malta, St Kitts & Nevis and Barbuda & Antingua.”

    Lovely. A threesome of prime ministers from the ‘Banana’ Republics in Singapura. Expect a lot of “my banana is bigger than yours” cocky behaviour.

  10. Cyrus says:

    I wonder if Joseph also discussed this with the PM of Singapore

  11. Francis Saliba M.D. says:


    Will you or won’t you? PLEASE!

  12. Francis Said says:

    Again reports from Disney World say that the main drive is to sell passports in China.

    The main benefit being, that the Chinese open a sweat shop in Malta, legally or illegally employ Asian workers. Pay them peanuts and the quality of accommodation offered to these poor souls, let us say way below human standards.

    Directors of same companies will not need to worry, as the Conditions of Employment Act will be amended to accommodate the working conditions being offered.

    So instead of IIP it will be rebranded as EM. Exploitation Malta.

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