Air Malta/Air China – there’s a story in Il-Mument
November 2, 2014 at 11:16am
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I suggest that the two sovereign central command governments – the Labour government in Malta and the Communist one in Beijing – merge the two national airlines, and call the new one Air MaCina.
Then Labour can re-establish the Pom Pom girls and employ them as air hostesses. As part of the in flight entertainment, they can run a selection of videos which were produced by one of the Malta Labour Party’s Propaganda Secretaries some years ago.
They might want to employ the desert princess to promote Malta’s national identity as one of the air hostesses.
Breaking News.
Ara, Daphne, sibnieh.
Toni Abela left Malta on 25 October 2014. Seems that we now have the first exclusive news of his whereabouts since then.
Now we need to sit back and analyse every word in detail to understand what Labour is up to.
1. 28 October 2014
Xu Lyuping holds talks with Malta Labor Party
This is the news from the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.
There seems to be a problem with the picture.
2. 31 October 2014
Qingdao official talks with Malta Labor Party
This is from our friends at China Daily, the state controlled media.
So guess where Toni Abela tal-Blokka Silg was taken on a visit while in China?
He was taken to visit the Haier Group, a corporation which produces fridges and freezers.
As usual, we have to read about what Labour is up to with China from Chinese media. It seems that unless you feed Peking duck to the Maltese media, they will not pay you any attention.
Let the analysis begin.
How come nobody is asking what I believe is a very pertinent question in this Muscatian asset sale jamboree? Why isn’t the government run by the Malta Labour Party (stress on ‘Malta’) is not offering us the right of first refusal? Why is Muscat not allowing other than commie Chinese to offer a price for Ene- and Air Malta?
We are being left in the cold in more ways than one
The right of first refusal entails a bidding process. China cannot afford bidding. The prices were established in the MOU of 2010 signed in China.
And what will the Air Malta Board do, resign en masse and leave the wet baby to Joseph to handle?
The chairman and the board should understand that whatever happens it is THEIR responsibility, NOT the government’s.
If they do not want to become scapegoats of the Labour government, then it is resignation time AGAIN.
There can no longer be any doubt that China has become the new Libya, propping up the Maltese government in return for political and economic favours . This time it’s even more blatant and overt.
At this point, it is necessary for the PN to start explaining to the public, spelling it out in simple sentences, why it is wrong to have a foreign state – especially a dictatorship – control so many vital parts of the infrastructure and God knows what else.
It may sound easy but is actually quite difficult as, for a large section of the electorate, there is nothing wrong in becoming China’s satellite as long as they have their precious reduction of the electricity tariffs.
Oh, finally. The Prime Minister is going to publish the secretive “electricity deal” contract of the derailed power station, the top secret MOU signed with China in 2010 and the MOU signed in China last year (not the one of the Peking duck signed earlier this Summer).
It’s written here:
“Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has this morning blasted …warning amongst others that the government will “uncover more issues, and that those responsible will have to shoulder responsibility.” ”
And he is promising that those responsible will shoulder responsibility. So I guess that he and Konrot Mizzi will be resigning shortly.
What other issues are more important right now than the deal with Electrogas? It’s the deal that Muscat told us will pay for a 25% reduction in electricity tariffs, which will not come from our other national wealth and the common good.
The “electricity deal” is a multi billion power purchase and gas supply agreement, and the public deserves to know what’s in that contract, how the public purse will be protected with fixed prices for 10 years, what penalties are contained in the contract for delays, and why the project went astray and who was responsible for the delays.
And the public should know why, of all people, Ethelbert J.L. Cooper – who owns and controls the project leader and nearly-bankrupt Gasol plc, and who is supposed to be building railways costing billions of dollars in Guinea with the help of Chinese state owned railway companies – has allowed Muscat’s ‘pet project’ to derail and go off track?
More cables from China about the adventures of the delegation of the Malta Labour Party – or is it a government delegation disguised as Malta Labour Party? – there.
“BEIJING, Oct. 29 — Chinese Vice-President Li Yuanchao met on Oct. 28th in Beijing with a delegation of the Labor Party of Malta headed by Tony Abela, deputy leader of the party.
Li said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations, the two countries have maintained mutual respect, equality, friendship and close cooperation.
As next year marks the 30th anniversary of the beginning of CPC-LP interparty contacts, he hopes the two sides will seize upon this opportunity to help enhance bilateral relations by implementing the five year party-to-party exchanges plan and strengthening mutual learning on governance experience.
Abela said that the Labor Party of Malta values the good relations with China and is willing to be part of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road initiated by China to promote comprehensive pragmatic cooperation between the two countries.”
From this and the previous updates, one can conclude that the main trust of the secretive agreements between Muscat’s Malta Labour Party and Communist China is in fact the Silk Road, with an emphasis on the Blue – Maritime and Air – Silk Roads.
Daphne, I think we are revealing Joseph Muscat’s roadmap here.
This is an eureka moment, although I think I have discussed this topic here before along these lines.
Joseph’s roadmap is called so because it refers to the role of Malta on the Chinese Silk Road/s.
I am more than morally super-convinced that the MOU signed by Joseph Muscat in China in 2010 contains clear commitments by Muscat to cooperate in the establishment of China’s Silk Roads.
I have to remind you that, if you go back to the newspaper reports, you will find that Joseph Muscat started using the term “roadmap” soon after his visit to China. I had commented on this fact on this website before.
I said before on this website that on Joseph’s roadmap, all roads lead to China. I think my assessment could not be more precise.
In essence, the Silk Road is a mega idea by China to open trade routes towards the West, where China sees the future for its products and services – hence its future markets – and also towards Africa, where China sees the source of its resources – hence the inputs for its future production, the life blood for its industry, including oil, gas and minerals. Africa will also gradually develop into another market.
In rolling out its Silk Road idea, China needs friends along the routes. It will not conquer with war – this would create resistance – but it will try to conquer with persuasion, trade and by propping dictatorships. It will also use its successful resources-for-infrastructure model, whereby it offers to help in the construction of (basic) infrastructure, seemingly being benevolent and philanthropic, in return for commitments by the governments to pay back with resources to China.
Africa has huge reserves of resources which are still untouched. In Guinea, for instance, the Simandou iron ore reserves have immense iron potential. China needs as much iron as it can get for construction and production purposes. China now has access to the Simandou reserves thanks to its involvement in the construction of rail and port infrastructure via the African Iron Ore Group led by the serial Liberian entrepreneur Ethelbert J. L. Cooper.
Cooper is the owner and controller of Gasol plc, the lead developer of the Electrogas powerstation in Malta.
A coincidence? No, this is not a coincidence. These are strategies developed on a chess board. I hinted at it before, and I spell it out clearly now. There are links between people like Shiv Nair and Ethelbert Cooper. The links probably trace back to China’s state owned banks – like the China ExIm Bank.
China’s Silk Roads are China’s means to dominate the globe, as it gradually approaches the status of the world’s largest economy. Establishing a reach to markets and sources of supply via the land, sea and air routes is vital in that objective.
Joseph Muscat’s roadmap is clear: Malta will be a hub for China in the Mediterranean, with links to China via ports – not clear which one as yet, but why a breakwater in Marsamxett? – and the airport. Malta will serve as a Chinese logistics and warehousing centre close to Europe and Africa.
I believe your assessment is spot on. In fact there are theories about how they are doing this subtly in other countries by infiltration on the terrain, through governments and businesses.
I like the bit about “strengthening mutual learning on governance experience” between democratic Malta and dictatorial China.
Can I humbly ask Mr Li and Dr To-ni who will be learning from whom – and, obviously, who will be teaching whom.
Dear Dr To-ni why don’t you just climb on top of the highest section of the China wall (ask for a ‘human beast of burden’ to carry you up if you can’t do it alone) and jump off into the abyss below. I hope you can do this bit alone, at least.
If not, ask one of your posse to give you a decisive shove.
I am interested in the “implementing the five year party-to-party exchanges plan” – is that like a 5-yearly roadmap?
If so, then considering that the first one was signed in 2010, the next one must be due next year.