An Air China plane lands at JFK and gets half a million views on YouTube

Published: November 3, 2014 at 1:06am

10 Comments Comment

  1. ken il malti says:

    That Air China pilot must have learned to speak English at the same place that Pirini Scleroso did.

  2. Tarzan says:

    If this recording is genuine, then it is truly horrifying beyond belief. We have a pilot or co-pilot who have just landed a plane, who cannot answer a simple question.

    It goes beyond language or communications problems. The pilot sounds like a drunk blubbering idiot.

    At landings or take-offs, the pilots should be at maximum alert. It is not like the pilot received a prank phone call while he was sleeping.

    It happened just after landing, when the plane is still travelling at speed, and sharing the airport space with other planes. A small mistake can very rapidly escalate into a disaster.

    The air controller is well aware of this, as can be heard from the rising pitch of his voice.

    In America, the ramp refers to the gates area where planes stop to embark/disembark passengers. In an attempt to get a coherent response, the controller says gate instead of ramp.

  3. anthony says:

    I cannot wait to be flown by this sort of pilot.

    His pathetic jabber reminds me of Konrat.

    Qabza fil-kwalita.

  4. ciccio says:

    And that’s an ordinary conversation between an American officer and a Chinese pilot.

    Now imagine a conversation between Toni Abela and Officers from the Central Command of the Chinese Communist Party.

  5. El nino says:

    This kind of thing happens all the time with many Chinese pilots. Unfortunately their English is poor and cannot handle anything that is beyond the basic aviation English. It’s a serious safety issue in this case but I can imagine the same thing happens in any sort of business.

  6. observer says:

    English, and the international phonetic alphabet Alpha, Bravo, Charlie etc is an absolute must for aircraft pilots the world over.

    It could be that this particular Chinese pilot has had very little practice in speaking English. He certainly should not have been allowed even near a passenger aircraft until he could have shown mastery of the language – however efficient and competent at the mechanisms of aircraft flying.

  7. rjc says:

    Air Malta is probably planning to save millions by employing Chinese crews. Heaven help us.

  8. Lizz says:

    I take it that according to the Chinese calendar (and this pilot), we are now the month of MikeAlpha.

  9. Jozef says:

    This must be why Konrad cannot provide any answer, miskin.

    We risk a bridge in Marsaxlokk and a power station in Cirkewwa.

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