An exclusive photo of the extensive damage to the minister’s wing mirror
November 20, 2014 at 4:55pm
I’ve just noticed it on the front page of Times of Malta’s print edition. A broken wing mirror, the cause of a major shoot-out on public roads – “You touch my car eh, you touch my car hi?” Trid tkun il-veru Malti, jahasra.
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Mela x’missu ghamel dak li baqa diehel fuqu Owen Bonnici?
Johrog Bazooka?
Thumbs up.
Ghal proporzjon biss nghid li kellu jgib l-Armata l-Hamra Ciniza ha jkun trendy.
Malta sirna qisna l-wild west u Joey x-sheriff.
Sheehan and Manuel : Sheriff Rosco and Boss Hogg
Il-marelli kemm fqajtni bid-dahk. Qed nimaginhom, hasra li manniex grupp dicenti li jaghmlu xi xenegati ta’ dawn l-ahbarijiet u li jitfawhom fuq Youtube ‘only in Malta’.
General Lee taghna lkoll.
The Maltese government will soon ban cameras for national security reasons.
I live in a semi-rural town where people drive around narrow roads in big cars and SUVS . If I had to shoot all the people who’ve ever scratched my car, dented my bumper or damaged my mirror, I’d be worse than Charles Manson.
You have to be an idiot. who has a twisted perception of reality and with an over grown ego. due to the fact that he drives a minister around. It has nothing to do with being Maltese. Granted, a small percentage do qualify as idiots.
[Daphne – You must be joking. The level of neurotic obsession with scratches on cars is 100% Maltese. And worse than that, it somehow seems to be tied up with honour: touching their car is like touching their woman. It’s like they’ve just crawled out of the fetid, teeming swamp and wow, they have a car.]
Most of the residents in my town have very expensive cars…yes, with dents and scratches as accessories.
The good thing is that no one gives a hoot and everyone accepts that the local roads are small and full of potholes, driving is pretty bad, and the UK is congested.
meant “roads are narrow”
Spot on, and yes, Maltese mentality and obsession about a small dent or a small scrape on a car. Also, who are the people who have a Sunday car, and another one that they use every other day?
But those who only speak the truth told the newspapers that Mr Smith crashed into the minister’s car. Perhaps someone can tell us how much that mirror costs. We will then know what the value of human life is for this security driver.
Can we see a job description of a security driver, regarding weapon use and discharge as well as conditions including pay? Or are these conditions filed in the same general area of the police waiters and not in the national interest?
I would think that anyone shooting live ammo into cars in Gzira and his conditions of employment are of public interest, don’t you?
”He was one of two security drivers employed with Minister Mallia. Both are police officers and they share the weapon between them.”
I already put up a car sticker on my car “Touch my car and I’ll shoot you”
You needn’t bother because that’s the default position anyway. Maybe you’ve forgotten that a man was beaten with an iron bar and ended up permanently brain-damaged a few years ago because dented somebody’s bumper or similar.
My sticker would say “Touch my car and I will get the police to shoot you”
Ghadek ma tafx kemm tqum mera ta’ Mercedes jew, dak hexa l-58c ghal ghomru.
U ghal xi hadd li jgib l-ilma mill-funtana is-somma hija fenomenali.
Kon-rat Mizzi must be relieved that someone else is getting all the flack. His looming milestone must be feeling more like a millstone.
What if they both resign on the same day? A sort of double resignation or two for the price of one.
The minister is going to employ Jonah Hex as a driver next…
Joseph Muscat’s diary in a week shows he stands by Helena Dalli, by Luciano Busuttil, by Konrad nopowerstation Mizzi who is ready to take the flak and now by Minister Mallia unless he fires him.
He should have a cartoon figure of himself and place it near every Minister caught in tricky situations.
They should all carry it in their car boot or back seat just in case they need Joseph Muscat to stand by them.
Stand by your man……
Can’t wait for the second Calciatori album!
Insomma ahjar Top Trumps ghax m’ghandiex aktar dwiefer wara gimgha movimentata u eccitanti bhal din. Jekk m’ghamel xejn tajjeb s’issa, ta’ l-inqas dahaqna tnejn dal-gvern.
Gunfight at the OK Corral.
yes, and I wonder what Sheehan’s mother thought, seeing her boy screech off with his pistol in hot pursuit of another man.
The whole cabinet is being mentioned in an embarrassing situation(to say it mildly).
There is not a single minister whom I call reliable, completely honest and hard working.
The nearest to this was Godfrey Farrugia but he didn’t go down well with Muscat.
Mallia’s car must be insured by the Mafia. Their motto “If you Hit us… we Hit you.”
Government cars are not insured.
Isn’t he insured with Allcare Insurance?
The shot-at car was moved before the inquiry began.
Tlett tiri ghax laqat il-mera tal-ministru Mallia.
Mur ara kieku laqatlu l-linfa.
About a year ago my son’s car was badly damaged in a hit and run. The side mirror was the least of our problems.
It was not comprehensively insured. A policeman friend told us not to bother lodging a report.
I ended up paying for all the expenses, but I am seriously considering not paying my insurance premium and investing in an Uzi or a good Blunderbuss instead.
Forsi dan kollu nqala ghax il-ministru spicca bla mera u ma jkunx jista jirranga xaharu qabel johrog mill-car.
Dan Smith vera ffortunat. Allahares flok hu laqat il-mera tal-karozza tal-ministru kellu jsehh li l-ministru jolqot lilu.
Kien jispicca ghomru l-isptar.
Inhossni xxurtjat li ma gejtx milqut mill-balal ta’ Sheenan. Imma nhossni zvinturat li ntlaqat mis-silenzju, il-hemda u skiet tas-segretarju tal-Ministru, dak li ta xeba lill-mara.
Forsi ihossu inferjuri fil-vjolenza meta jqabbel il-vjolenza tieghu ma’ ta’ Sheenan? Rajtuh jew smajtuh x’imkien?